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Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan's Vespers Remarks - August 27, 2002

Tuesday, August 27, 2002
Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan's Remarks
Solemn Vespers of Welcome
Feast of Saint Monica

All I want to do is thank you for opening that door and letting me in when I knocked! Now, tomorrow, just let me sit in that chair!

You all have been opening your hearts to me these past weeks, leading up to these sacred events, and I am ever so grateful.

Archbishop Weakland, my older brother; Bishop Sklba, still in charge for another eighteen hours, already a dear friend, so eloquent this evening; Bishop James Harvey, one of our own, good friend, thoughtfully home from Rome; Archbishop Justin Rigali who will always be "my archbishop"; beloved brother bishops whose company in prayer means so very much; my brother priests, deacons and wives; women and men religious; cherished pastoral collaborators; distinguished civic leaders and interfaith representatives; my beloved family and friends from afar; People of God of this great Archdiocese of Milwaukee –– thanks for letting me in!

"I believe, Lord, that you caused all this to happen in Your own mysterious way," St. Augustine writes in the passage about his mother, St. Monica, on whose feast we gather, and that trust in and gratitude for the Lord's providential, mysterious ways sure dominate my feelings this solemn evening. For, as St. Paul reminds us this evening, "We know that God makes all things work together for the good of those who have been called."

This evening you opened the door and let me in. Perhaps my more sacred duty beginning tomorrow will be to encourage you to open up and let Someone else in, Someone who describes Himself as standing outside the door knocking, waiting for us to open: Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Come, Lord Jesus!

To Him be glory and honor, forever and ever! Amen!

Group: Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan