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     Archdiocese Settlement Payment to Paul Marcoux Sequence of Events
  Settlement agreement reached October 8, 1998, the date that Paul Marcoux signed the agreement.

Money transferred into the general budget of the archdiocese from the Real Estate and Properties account on September 15, 1998.

A check was issued and signed by Archbishop Weakland and Wayne Schneider on September 17, 1998.

The money was wired to the recipient, attorney Brent Tyler, in trust for Paul Marcoux, on October 8, 1998.


The money in the Real Estate and Properties account is used to purchase land for potential new parish sites needed as a result of expanding population and demographic shifts. For example, in 1998, land was purchased and is now being used for the construction of St. Anne's parish church and buildings in Pleasant Prairie, Wis., which was a newly established parish in July 1997. It is also used for real estate improvements to archdiocesan properties.

Payments for settlements of lawsuits, including those dealing with the sexual abuse of minors by priests, have been made from this account in the past. This information was publicly disclosed May 18, 1995, and reported through the media and through information provided to priests and parishes of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.

This Real Estate and Properties account is not used to accrue proceeds of any sale of property resulting from a parish merger or closure. The Archdiocese of Milwaukee has not seen any financial gain resulting from the sale of any church buildings or parish property as a result of parish closures or parish mergers. Any financial gain realized by such sales remains with the parishes involved or is directed toward a separate restricted fund held for parish use.

May 31, 2002

 Article created: 6/3/2002