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     Proclaim the Jubilee Year!
  The Jubilee Year officially began on Sunday, November 28, the first Sunday of Advent and the start of the Church year. Thus, it is also an appropriate beginning to our archdiocesan celebration of the Great Jubilee Year 2000.

Jubilee Proclamation
November 28, 1999

Dear brothers and sisters,
as we begin this Advent season
let us bless our God,
who sanctifies all time by coming to us
in His Son Jesus Christ,
and by remaining with us in His Holy Spirit.

Blow the trumpet! Sound the alarm! Shout for joy!
The day of the Lord is coming.
Of this time the Scripture says:
AThis fiftieth year you shall make sacred;
it shall be a jubilee for you.
The prophet proclaims:
AThe spirit of the Lord God is upon me . . .
God has sent me to bring glad tidings to the lowly . . .
To announce a year of favor from the Lord.

Let us be a people of reconciliation:
In this year of mercy,
let the Church kneel before God
and ask forgiveness for past and present sins.

Where history records events of injustice and persecution,
let the joy of forgiveness be greater
than any resentment.

In this year of favor,
let each of us humbly acknowledge before God and one another,
the faults which we have committed,
seeking nothing in return.

God is beckoning us to loving forgiveness,
which heralds the new heaven and the new earth.

Let us be a people of justice:
In this year of grace,
let the Church touch those who lead the world's peoples, so that:
nations oppressed by enormous debt
may be freed from their burdens;
and slavery and persecution give way to freedom.

In this year of new life,
let us work to dispel poverty that creates
violence, bitterness and scandal.
Let us cherish God's gift of the world,
becoming ever more faithful stewards of creation.

God is calling us
to change our hearts by changing our lives.

Let us be a people of the Eucharist:
In this year of renewal,
let us work with renewed vigor
to make disciples of all nations.

In our faithful and constant celebrations of the Mass,
let us remember it is Jesus Christ we encounter there.

In this year of harmony
we yearn for the day when all Christians will be one
at the table of the Lord.

Let us proclaim the Good News,
bringing Christ into our families and workplaces,
and out to the corners and margins of our society.

God is inviting us to the table
where we will be nourished to serve the world.

Therefore, Holy God,
bless us as we rededicate ourselves to you
in this holy Jubilee Year.

May we look to the future
refreshed in faith, renewed in hope, restored in love.

May this year of Jubilee
be one unceasing hymn of praise
to the Trinity, the Most High God,
now and for ever!

 Article created: 11/23/1999