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How Do Parish Councils
Hold Committees Accountable?
  Parish councils track the work of committees in a number of ways.

    Beginning of the Year
  1. The council asks for a copy of each committee ’s annual specific, measurable goals. Some councils share each committee ’s goals with the other committees. Asking the committees to share their annual goals with each other at the beginning of the year, establishes an expectation by all that the committee intends to meet or exceed them.

    Throughout the Year

  2. The role of the parish council liaison is to be a communication agent from the council to a particular committee and from that committee to the council. Effective liaisons keep the committee ’s goals in mind as they attend the committee meetings, remind the committee of these goals from time to time and keep the council informed of the committee ’s progress or need for assistance.

  3. Committees give regular written reports to the council. When they reach certain goals, they highlight this in their report.

  4. The council may ask committees for a mid-year update. At that time, committees may need to make adjustments.

    End of the Year

  5. In the spring, many parishes have an appreciation dinner for parishioners who offer their time and talent during the year. Prior to this gathering, committees could evaluate the success of their annual goals in order to share an update at the dinner. They might even hint at hopes for the following year. The gathering becomes a time to acknowledge, thank and celebrate the accomplishments of all who minister in the parish. For more information, contact Noreen Welte in the Office for Parish Councils and Planning, 414-769-3378, 800-769-9373 ext. 378, or e-mail
  - PLN_April_2003
 Article created: 4/9/2003