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     Monstrance Blessed by Pope John Paul II to be Used at May 14 Year of the Eucharist Celebration
  In response to Pope John Paul II’s call to foster adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and his call to pray before the Blessed Sacrament for Vocations, the Rosary Evangelization Apostolate with the blessing of Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan has been working with Adoration for Vocations to obtain a monstrance blessed by Pope John Paul II.

The Apostolate of Adoration for Vocations was begun by Dave & Bridie Craig in Norwich, Conn. Before long, the Craigs, the National Coordinators were contacted by Rome by Father Bonnici, head of the Office of the Pontifical Work for Vocations for the priesthood. The Vatican under the efforts of Fr. Bonnici and the Congregation for Catholic Education have become partners with Adoration for Vocations. As a result, on November 24, 2004, Pope John Paul II blessed six monstrances to travel the major six continents as a kickoff for this worldwide effort.

The Rosary Evangelization Apostolate proposed the idea to Milwaukee Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan of obtaining a monstrance blessed by the Holy Father. This monstrance will provide a two-fold purpose. This endeavor would become a Traveling Monstrance Program which would be available, on loan, for all parishes, convents, etc. throughout the Archdiocese to foster and promote Eucharistic adoration and prayer before the Blessed Sacrament for vocations. The Monstrance would also be available for special Celebrations.

The Rosary Evangelization Apostolate will serve as the custodian and coordinator for the Program under the guidance of Archbishop Dolan, while working closely with the Office for Vocations for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. The inauguration of the Traveling Monstrance Program is pending at this time.

 Article created: 4/21/2005