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     Archbishop Weakland to Close Jubilee Year in Archdiocese of Milwaukee
  Milwaukee Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland, O.S. B., will officially close a year-long celebration of the Year 2000 in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee with an afternoon prayer service on Sunday, November 26, at 4 p.m., at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist. The prayer service will also recognize those men and women who serve the community as members of religious orders.

During the year - a holy year of Jubilee - Catholics were called to "Reflect, Renew and Rejoice," on the presence of Jesus Christ in the world. ·

Reflect on what it means to be a Catholic Christian;
· Renew your commitment to live your faith at home and work;
· Rejoice during the 2000th anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ.

During the year, various events, highlights and celebrations included: ·

Nearly 10,000 teenagers gathering at the Milwaukee Arena in preparation for Confirmation last May;
· A Eucharistic Congress at the Midwest Express Center in October, which brought more than 15,000 Catholics to celebrate with a Family Event and Mass at the Arena.
· Archbishop Weakland delivering an emotional and moving apology to the Jewish community at a talk at Congregation Shalom on November 7, 1999.
· Jubilee Gatherings with various groups of Catholic faithful throughout the archdiocese.

The Jubilee Year began on November 28, 1999, with the Archbishop solemnly issuing a Jubilee proclamation. The Church's liturgical year begins with Advent on Sunday, December 2, which is why the dates of the Jubilee celebration do not correlate with the calendar year.

 Article created: 11/20/2000