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     Starting Over Again
  Planning experts tell us that whenever a significant change is made in a system, the whole system goes back to zero. It starts over. When a parish council welcomes newly selected members to the group, the council portion of the parish system changes significantly. Council newcomers have not shared the previous council’s history, formation and education, and have not been involved in the nitty-gritty work of reaching their important decisions. Wise council officers and members know it’s time to start over again. After the welcome and introductions have been made, bring new members up-to-speed, and re-ignite the fire of returnees with a conversation on the “keys” to parish council success.

  • Clarify the mission of the parish.
    The parish exists to continue the Mission of Christ in a particular locale. Each councilor should have a copy of the parish mission statement — that succinct expression of the deepest beliefs, values and mission priorities of the parish community. Review the mission statement. It will become a guide for council decision-making: “How does the advice we are giving, the decisions we are making, the direction we plan to take, help us live the mission we profess?”

  • Be clear about the kind of authority that the council exercises.
    Our archdiocesan norms call for a parish council, whose members’ primary task is to serve as stewards of the parish mission. Councilors exercise an advisory role as a consultative body. They offer the pastor their practical insights, collective wisdom and apply Gospel values to address current issues of pastoral importance.

  • Develop and agree to ground rules.
    Ensure successful meetings, by determining how you will conduct business. Copy and distribute these guidelines and hold yourselves accountable for them. Your ground rules might look like this:
    Our meetings are successful because each of us:
    1. Takes responsibility to see that our meetings start and end on time.
    2. Comes prepared to meet. We have reviewed the agenda, minutes and other pertinent materials; considered the discussion/decision items; turned off beepers/pagers/cell phones.
    3. Stays on the subject.
    4. Listens to understand one another’s points of view.
    5. Participates in discussions in a respectful, inclusive manner.
    6. Asks for clarification when we don’t understand what someone is saying.
    7. Makes important, far-reaching council decisions through a process of prayerful reflection, gathering of information, council dialogue and sharing of conclusions. The pastor declares the consensus of the council.
    8. Gives input to the next agenda.
    9. Keeps appropriate information confidential between meetings, follows up on commitments and supports decisions made by the group.
    10. Prays for God’s guidance for our council and the work we are about.

    By Noreen Welte, Director - Office for Parish Councils & Planning. Call 414-769-3378, 800-769-9373, x378 or email

     Article created: 9/5/2001