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Interview: Casey McKinnon and Rudy Jahchan against CanCon Net regulations

Clearly fearing for their wallets a growing number of artistic and industrial groups in Canada would like the Internet to be regulated as radio and TV, and Canadian content to be "prioritized" (c.f. Michael Geist). With a quarter of a million pages viewed per month, however, Casey McKinnon and Rudy Jahchan from the Galacticast weekly parody video show do not really agree. In fact, they devoted a very serious presentation at the latest BarCampMontreal to disqualify the idea of enforcing "CanCon" (Canadian Content) regulations on the Internet. In the interview they also explained their feelings as new media artists regarding the traditional media industry.

Who said there's a cultural divide out there?

* More on this issue in The Gazette
* Read also Casey's post about this article

Christian Aubry

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