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Buying admin rights will cover the cost of server hosting and the website hosting, based on a month to month basis.

By buying, you will be helping to keep Xtreme Racers server running. You must, however, agree to the following terms and conditions:

- No refunds under any circumstance, even in the event of a ban from the server.

- The server will be operating on a month to month basis. If donations for a given month do not cover the price of server hosting, the server will be shut down.

- Financial statements / Information about current server costs ect.. will not be made public.

- If you get reported for admin abuse you will be investigated, and if you result positive you will loose all your powers and will NOT be refunded.

Personal information about anyone who donates will be kept confidential. You will be made admin level 4 for $1 bought.

With your help, we are sure we will prevail as one of the best servers in the SA-MP Community!

If you have read and agreed to our terms and conditions and would like to donate, please click the Paypal Icon Below*. (Credit Cards Accepted)





Special Offer!!!

Buy 10 months and get 12, yes 2 months of admin subscription for free!!!!

Click the button bellow to apply*


*terms and conditions apply