Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category

Posted (binsar) in Article, Opinion on February-28-2008

A: “Uh, bau apa nih? Lo ga pake parfum ya?” (sambil mencium lengan bajunya dan juga baju si B)

B: “Ah, pake ah! Enak aja lo!”

A: “Makanya, lo harus ganti parfumnya! Baunya ga enak!” (sambil ketawa kenceng)

Kalian pasti pikir B sudah mati langkah! Tapi cerita berjalan terus!

B: (ga mau kalah) “Ah, mungkin itu bau karena mulut lo terlalu dekat dengan hidung lo!”

Kalau Michael Kelso akan bilang, “Buuuuuurn!”

‘         Yaps, becanda dan ceng-cengan adalah hal yang normal di kalangan anak muda. Bagi anak-anak tongkrongan, tiada hari dilalui tanpa ngecenging teman. Kadang-kadang di dalam satu kelompok selalu ada anak yang menjadi bahan celaan. Saling mencela dapat membuat hari-hari lebih ceria, dan bisa membuat kita tertawa juga. Bahkan, sebuah kelompok tidak akan dianggap lengkap tanpa kegiatan saling mencela.

‘         Entah kenapa kegiatan saling mencela ini adalah sebuah kegiatan populer yang sudah dianggap jamak di mana-mana. Menghina teman dengan hinaan yang paling tepat buat mereka, dan membuat orang lain memihak dan menganggap celaan kita tersebut cocok dengan situasi orang tersebut, dianggap sesuatu yang lucu. Ada beberapa acara televisi yang dibuat khusus untuk memfasilitasi orang saling menghina seperti Yo Mama yang didekasikan khusus untuk menghina kaum ibu. Ini adalah kabar baik buat kamu yang punya karakter sinis dan suka menghina orang lain hahaha!

‘        Dalam sebuah kelompok tongkrongan, selalu ada yang menjadi tokoh utama tukang cela dan ada yang menjadi obyek celaan. Sialnya, yang biasanya dicela ini adalah tokoh tetap. Sekali ada orang yang malu karena dicela, itu adalah tanda bahwa dia akan terus menerus dicela. Biasanya semua anggota grup akan punya cadangan celaan terhadapnya, kapan saja, di mana saja, dalam kegiatan apapun. Orang ini pun akan sulit untuk menghantam balik karena dia harus menghadapi semua orang dalam kelompoknya. Kalau sudah begini, dia cuma bisa pasrah atau menyiapkan celaan yang sangat baik yang bisa mengalihkan perhatian kelompok dari dirinya, dengan menjadikan orang lain sebagai korban berikutnya.

‘         Bicara tentang celaan, saya jadi ingat kembali masa-masa SMA dulu di mana kepandaian anda mencela orang lain adalah cara memperoleh kepopuleran atau cara menjatuhkan orang. Kelas saya di SMA 21 Jakarta Timur dulu adalah kelas yang paling ‘ganas dalam mencela.’ Sebagai kelas terakhir di jurusan IPS, kami adalah satu-satunya kelas yang terletak di sebelah ruang guru karena kenakalan kami. Saya ingat teman saya di kelas, yang terkenal paling percaya diri, akhirnya meneteskan air mata (literally) karena kejamnya celaan yang dialamatkan ke dia. Saya sendiri tidak pernah menyangka kalau dia (teman saya itu) bisa menangis, tetapi kejamnya celaan mungkin akhirnya menghancurkan harga dirinya (saya tidak akan menceritakan kejadian traumatis itu di sini hahaha). Kalau begitu, sampai di mana sebenarnya batasan kita dalam ceng-cengan terhadap teman? Read the rest of this entry »

Posted (binsar) in Opinion on February-28-2008

This song is one of the classics that just got into me because of That ‘70 Show teve series. Seriously, the song is a really cool 70 rock song. You have to hear this one. On Wikipedia, it explains that this is an iconic song by the Steve Miller Band from their 1973 album The Joker. It topped the Billboard Hot 100 in early 1974. More than 16 years later, in September 1990, it reached number one in the UK Singles Chart after being used in a Levi’s television advertisement, thus holding the record for the longest gap between transatlantic chart-toppers.

What’s great about it, is that two of my favorite TV shows sing this song, That ’70s show and Homer Simpson! So, this is surely a ‘must listen’ song! Read the rest of this entry »

Posted (binsar) in Article, Love, Opinion on February-17-2008

What is it?

Kuch Kuch Hota Hai “Pyaar dosti he, Love is friendship.” This is Rahul Khanna’s philosophy on love. He thinks that if one can’t be his best friend then he can’t be in love with her. He says, “Without friendship there’s no love.”

Those were some lines taken from the movie Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (KKHH). I was enchanted by this movie since the first time I saw it. Since then, I’ve seen the movie for like 20 times, and I just saw it again tonight. The movie was a best hit in 1998 in India and grabbed 8 awards in Filmfare Festival, some of which are best movie, best actor, and best actress. It made Rs. 500,000,000 (US$ 12,600,000) in India alone.

What is so interesting about this movie? I think the movie has a deep philosophical exploration on what love is all about. I was deeply moved by the movie. At first I thought I was just being crazy about those silly Bollywood movies who have typical characteristics. First, they always say their important words in english, like: “I love you”, “go away”, “i dont think so”, “will you marry me”, “you’re beautiful”, etc. Second, in a single movie, you will get views of other cities in Europe, such as London, Geneva, Brussel, etc. Third, no matter how remote they went, they always have other singers and dancers in matching clothes with them singing out of nowhere. Oh, and one more thing, there will always trees in a Bollywood movie, followed by either crying or singing.

However, KKHH is different. Its a movie of love, wide range of emotions, music, dancing, family, and life. It even has a good example of how God is the same for Hindus and Moslem. Little Anjali was praying in Hindu and Moslem way. And God answers her prayer. Isn’t it interesting?

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted (binsar) in Opinion, Theology on February-13-2008

Dalam perbincangan dengan rekan mahasiswa ketika masih kuliah dulu, mereka mengeluh karena menjadi semakin jarang beribadah semenjak masuk STT Jakarta. Hati mereka menjadi guncang ketika sepertinya harus menentukan apakah mereka akan menjadi teolog atau pendeta. Entah pilihan ini sedang jadi trend atau bukan, kebimbangan ini dirasakan justru sesudah masuk STT. “Toh, STT Jakarta kan berfungsi melahirkan teolog, bukan pendeta” katanya. Sepertinya STT Jakarta berfungsi mencetak pemikir-pemikir tangguh dalam bidang teologi (baca: teolog), dan gerejalah yang mencetak pendeta. Pameo yang berkembang kemudian adalah, kita bisa belajar teologi tanpa mengimaninya. Teologi adalah ilmu, jadi kita tidak perlu menjadi seorang yang percaya untuk dapat mempelajarinya. Pertanyaan utamanya adalah apakah teologi dan iman bisa dipisahkan? Apakah seorang bisa menjadi teolog tanpa mengimaninya? Ini adalah sebuah perdebatan sepanjang masa yang masih hangat sampai saat ini.

Apakah teologi itu? Banyak definisi tentang teologi. A. van de Beek, professor sistematika asal Belanda mengatakan bahwa teologi adalah menceritakan kembali bagaimana Allah bisa menyentuh hati manusia. Teologi tidak bercerita tentang apa yang engkau lakukan, melainkan bercerita tentang apa yang telah terjadi dan apa yang menyebabkan hal itu terjadi. Kita adalah subyek dari kalimat pasif Allah. Apakah yang disebut orang percaya? Menjadi percaya berarti telah disentuh oleh Allah, mengubah sikap dan gaya hidup menjadi hidup yang takut akan Allah, dan terbuka atas segala hal yang terjadi di sekeliling kita. Menceritakan bagaimana Allah menyentuh manusia mengandaikan bahwa kita juga percaya dan sudah disentuh oleh kisah itu. Kita tidak dapat menceritakan kisah Allah yang telah menyentuh kecuali kita juga telah disentuh.

Seorang teolog juga harus terbuka terhadap hal-hal yang datang kepada dirinya. Dia harus memiliki sensitifitas yang tinggi terhadap segala sesuatu. Karena keterbukaannya, seorang teolog juga akan menjadi rentan. Sikap terbuka dan rentan ini diperlukan untuk menjaga kekritisan kita terhadap hal-hal di sekitar.

Seseorang yang tidak percaya juga bisa mempelajari cerita-cerita mengenai kasih Allah ini. Namun ketika dia tidak percaya, yang dia lakukan hanya mempelajari tentang ceritanya, belajar latar belakang cerita tersebut, mengenali sejarahnya, tanpa membiarkan cerita itu menyentuhnya. Dia tidak belajar mengenai bagaimana Allah bisa menyentuh orang-orang yang menceritakan kisahnya di dalam Alkitab, karena dia sendiri tidak pernah mengalaminya.

Alkitab adalah sumber utama untuk menjadi seorang teolog. Membaca Alkitab adalah hal yang paling utama yang harus dilakukan seorang teolog. Luther dan Calvin adalah tokoh reformator yang berusaha menekankan hal ini dengan lebih banyak mengacu kepada sumber Alkitab dalam tulisan-tulisan mereka. Firman Allah harus menyentuh pembacanya, karena Alkitab adalah kitab yang dapat membaca kita. Kesadaran akan konteks penulisan dan pengembangan Alkitab itu juga penting untuk mendapatkan makna yang sesungguhnya dari cerita tersebut. Alkitab bukanlah rumusan moral atau etika, melainkan cerita dan kesaksian orang-orang percaya mengenai perjumpaannya dengan Allah. Kesaksian di dalam Alkitab harus didialogkan dengan konteks kita, pengalaman kita sendiri, dan dengan seluruh tradisi orang-orang percaya. Sebuah jaringan hermeneutis dalam menafsir dibutuhkan untuk mengerti apa yang hendak dikatakan oleh teks tersebut. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted (binsar) in Love, Opinion on February-13-2008

This page shall be dedicated to host my opinions on life and love.

Let me start with a little story of how my opinion on how love comes grew:

  1. First I thought love will come when you are cool, can drive a car, ride a big motorbike, play one of the sports, play musical instruments, sing, and smart as well.
  2. Then I considered love as a gift. If you have one, its a gift and you should cherish it. I thought I was the object and love is the subject.
  3. Again I shifted, I was thinking about love as an agreement. If you had the agreement, you can develop your love to your partner. If the agreement fails, then love will fade away.
  4. After that I consider love as work. You should work on your love and not to take it as it is. You should work on your love to make things going. You will feel tired, bored, upset, but that’s just a small part of the package of happiness, laugh, self-improvement, and a mutual partner for yourself.
  5. Now I am still learning. I am starting to think that pure love is an unconditional love. If you can love someone or something without hoping to receive something back then you have found what true love is all about.

As you can see, my opinion on love grows. This does not mean that the later opinion is more correct than the previous ones. I started by thinking that love is something that will be given to you, now I am thinking that you should not expect something back. Its a life learn process, and I can still change in the future.

7 July 2007

I think I need to add something on that list. A friend told me that instead of building my life around the person whom I love, why don’t I build something together to the future. I could argue her opinion but I think she has a point as well. So here goes number 6.

6. Love should be built towards a new goal in life, together, without forsaking yours or hers (maybe, I’m not 100% sure).

7. I think love works in a funny way sometimes, even in a weird situation where you least expected. The most difficult things is to be able to hold back your feelings when you know that love is not possible to go on but you can’t deny your heart and still you want to have it. IT SUCKS BIG TIME!

updated 18th September 2007

Posted (binsar) in Opinion on February-13-2008

I love AC Milan! I love them since 1988 during the Dutch trio era: Ruud Gullit, Marco van Basten and Frank Rijkard. The club was established since 1899, and has ruled Europe soccer for the last two decades. They are the Europe Champions by defeating Liverpool 2-1 in Athens last May 2007.

AC Milan Team

The video showed below is one of their best moments during the 2006-2007 Champions League Campaign against Manchester United at San Siro, Milan. I will never forget that evening when they outrun the ‘media-claimed best team in Europe’ by 3-0. Milan lost in the away campaign at Old Trafford by 2-3 and paid their dues at home. MU was simply outclassed and tactically defeated. Wonderful play was displayed by the Rossonerri and the fans. It was such a great moment to see.

Posted (binsar) in Article, Christianity, Opinion on February-9-2008

Tempo Magazine Cover

This cover of Tempo Magazine edition 4-10 February 2008 depicts the late former president Soeharto having dinner with his six children in the same composition as Da Vinci’s painting. Apparently there’s a Angkatan Muda Pemuda Kristen (The Alliance of Christian Students and Youths) group that did not agree with the intention of the magazine. They thought that the cover is a blasphemous act against Christian symbols that was originally potrayed by Leonardo da Vinci in this Last Supper picture. The group demanded that Tempo shall publicly apologize and asked the Press Council to punish the magazine. Marselius Simarmata, a spokeperson for the group said, “We want the law enforcers to withdraw copies of the magazine from shelves nation-wide for hurting the Christian and Catholic communities.”

        Toriq Hadad, the executive editor of Tempo magazine publicly apologize to Christian community and hopes that the matter would be considered over. He said that the magazine has no intention to insult any religion with the picture. Tempo executive editor Wahyu Muryadi said he hoped to settle the case through dialog or, if the protesters were not satisfied, through mediation with the Press Council.”We had no intention of insulting the Christian community, but we can not stop any group that wants to take legal measures against us. Tempo has consistently upheld freedom of religion,” Wahyu said.

‘        In response to the lawsuit, Benny Susetyo of the Indonesian Conference of Bishops said the country’s Catholic leaders were calling on the public not to blow the cover out of proportion. “The Catholic hierarchy considers the case settled following Tempo’s apology,” he said.He added the legal measures did not necessarily represent the desires of the Christian community in the country.

‘        Now let us analyze the lawsuit. In my opinion the move to put lawsuit on Tempo magazine is totally ridiculous. Why would you suit someone who change Leonardo da Vinci’s picture on the Last Supper with the reason that they have insult Christianity? If anyone should be offended, it should be the da Vinci’s right representative for being violated on his intellectual rights. There’s no connection whatsoever that the picture insults Christianity. It is art. It pictures what da Vinci thought about the Lord Supper, which is in fact not correct. The Jewish community at Jesus time did not have table for dinner. They would sit on the floor and have a waist low table made out of stone or wood. So the picture was an interpretation of what happened during the Lord Supper. Someone then decided to change the picture with Soeharto and his 6 children. Has the picture became a very important symbol of Christ that it can’t be touched for any cause other than Christian’s?

‘        I would say that the decision on charging a lawsuit over this case is more of a trend rather than the feeling of being insulted. Lawsuit based on religious blasphemy is quite a trend lately in Indonesia. People think that they should defend their religion and God. Tempo magazine said, “Over the last few years, religious blasphemy charges in the country have commonly been leveled at Islamic sects or individuals regarded as “heretical” by mainstream religious groups.”

‘        So why do you defend your religion? What is your basic argument to defend it. If your basic argument is God, then I have some news for you. God did not create religion. God gives God’s grace, love, and commandments, and human reacted to it. As a form of their response towards God’s love, human thanked God and try to create the best way that they thought would be the best way to honor God. Religion is an organized institution of people who respond to God’s calling in their life. A blasphemous act towards religion is actually an attack against human response towards God’s love and not necessarily against God. God does not need our defense. If God is not powerful enough to defend him/herself, then I don’t see any use for us to worship God.

‘        Thus, let us become wiser and think about our actions, especially if we give religious reasons for our actions. The picture on Tempo Magazine cover did not hurt Christianity. If anyone claimed that it did, then they should put it as an insult towards their group that considered the Last Supper picture as a symbol of what their group thinks as a religious symbol. There, I’ve said it.

Read some other comments on Jakarta Post here

Posted (binsar) in Opinion on February-6-2008

I got this email about this sign.. Bad English hahahaha Street Sign In Cianjur

stupid-signs-at-the-airport.jpgand this one was taken in 2004 at Cengkareng airport. It was there for a while then they might come to their senses and took it out. It basically said, “Bagi para penjemput penumpang pesawat udaradiminta agar tidak menggunakan karton /papan bertuliskan nama-nama dan sebagainya. Untuk keperluan penyampaian pesan agar menghubungi petugas penerangan PT Angkasa Pura II.” Jadi kalo kita mau jemput orang yang belum pernah kita temui, kita harus minta petugas untuk mencari mereka. This was so ridiculous!

Posted (binsar) in Opinion on February-5-2008

Only one word: Magnificat!


Nessun dorma achieved pop status after Luciano Pavarotti’s recording of it was used as the theme song of the BBC television coverage of the 1990 FIFA World Cup in Italy. It subsequently reached #2 on the UK Singles Chart, the highest placing ever by a classical recording.

It went on to become both Pavarotti’s signature aria and a sporting anthem in its own right, especially for soccer. Pavarotti sang Nessun dorma at his final performance, the finale of the Opening Ceremony of the 2006 Torino Winter Olympics. His Decca recording of the aria was played at his funeral during the flypast by the Italian Air Force.Nessun Dorma (None Shall Sleep) is an aria from the final act of Giacomo Puccini’s opera Turandot, and is one of the best known tenor arias in all opera. It is sung by Calaf, Il principe ignoto (The unknown prince), who falls in love at first sight with the beautiful but cold Princess Turandot. However, any man who wishes to wed Turandot must first answer her three riddles. If he fails, he will be beheaded.

In the previous act, Calaf has correctly answered the three riddles put to all of Princess Turandot’s prospective suitors. Nevertheless, she recoils at the thought of marriage to him. Calaf offers her another chance by challenging her to guess his name by dawn. If she does so, she can execute him, but if she does not, she must marry him. The cruel and emotionally cold princess then decrees that none of her subjects is to sleep that night until his name is discovered. If they fail, all will be killed.

As the final act opens, it is now night. Calaf is alone in the moonlit palace gardens. In the distance he hears Turandot’s heralds proclaiming her command. His aria begins with an echo of their cry and a reflection on Princess Turandot:

“Nessun dorma! Nessun dorma! Tu pure, o Principessa, nella tua fredda stanza, guardi le stelle che tremano d’amore, e di speranza!”
(English translation: “None shall sleep! None shall sleep! Even you, o Princess, in your cold room, watch the stars that tremble with love and with hope”)
“Ma il mio mistero è chiuso in me; il nome mio nessun saprà! No, No! Sulla tua bocca lo dirò quando la luce splenderà!”
(English translation: “But my secret is hidden within me; none will know my name! No, no! On your mouth I will say it when the light shines!”)
“Ed il mio bacio scioglierà il silenzio che ti fa mia!”
(English translation: “And my kiss will dissolve the silence that makes you mine!”)

Just before the climactic end of the aria, a chorus of women is heard singing in the distance:

“Il nome suo nessun saprà… E noi dovrem, ahimè, morir, morir!”
(English translation: “No one will know his name… and we will have to, alas, die, die!”)

Calaf, now certain of victory, sings:

“Dilegua, o notte! Tramontate, stelle! Tramontate, stelle! All’alba vincerò! Vincerò! Vincerò!”
(English translation: “Vanish, o night! Set, stars! Set, stars! At daybreak I shall win! I shall win! I shall win!”)

Posted (binsar) in Article, Opinion on January-29-2008

This was an old article I wrote 6 years ago for a student’s magazine.


Kekerasan Pada Pemikiran


Selama ini kita tahu bahwa di dunia ini mungkin hanya berpikir saja yang diperbolehkan untuk dilakukan sebebas-bebasnya. Berpikir itu bebas. Namun, ada yang kita tidak sadari, bahwa mungkin kita telah melakukan kekerasan melalui pemikiran kita tersebut. Melalui dekade tanpa kekerasan yang telah dicanangkan oleh World Council of Churches (WCC), saya mau mencoba mengingatkan, bukan mengusulkan atau memberikan sebuah aturan baru, bahwa melakukan kekerasan pada tahap berpikir itu memang ada.

Hubungan Subyek – Obyek

Hubungan subyek – obyek adalah sebuah topik klasik dari filsafat eksistensial. Bagaimana kita mendefinisikan sesuatu yang lain dari kita. Ketika subyek berusaha memahami obyek, maka yang menjadi ukuran penilaian subyek atas obyek tersebut adalah nilai-nilai, atau ukuran-ukuran yang ada pada subyek tersebut. Nilai-nilai yang ada pada subyek tersebut dikenakannya untuk menilai sang obyek, yang belum tentu memiliki nilai-nilai dan ukuran-ukuran yang sama. Ini diidentifikasi sebagai kekerasan pada pemikiran.

Zygmunt Bauman, dalam “Modernity and the Holocaust” mengatakan bahwa ketika kita berusaha mengidentifikasi obyek, maka yang tergambar bukanlah sang obyek yang sesungguhnya, melainkan interpretasi kita atas obyek tersebut. Yang terjadi kemudian adalah kita mengenal obyek karena identifikasi kita tersebut, dan bukan karena keberadaan dari sang obyek itu sendiri. Bauman mengatakan, “man is before he acts.” Akibat definisi kita yang terbentuk atas interpretasi kita atas obyek tadi, terkadang kita melupakan sang obyek. Yang melekat pada identifikasi kita adalah interpretasi tersebut dan bukan sang obyek itu. Kita mendefinisikan seseorang berdasarkan apa yang tampak dari luar, atau bahkan kita sudah mempunyai definisi tertentu sebelum obyek tersebut melakukan sesuatu. Definisi kita ada untuk memahami tindakan sang obyek, dan bukan tindakan sang obyek membuat kita mengidentifikasinya melalui definisi kita. Bauman mengatakan tindakan semacam ini adalah kekerasan pada pemikiran, dan ini adalah dasar dari rasisme.

Proses identifikasi tidak akan pernah menjadi sempurna, ungkap Hegel. Batas (kesempurnaan) itu tidak akan pernah dicapai karena pengetahuan itu adalah sintesa dari subyek dan obyek. Karena itu proses identifkasi selamanya tidak akan pernah sempurna.

Theodor W. Adorno, dalam karyanya “The Dialectics of Enlightment” mengatakan bahwa hubungan subyek dan obyek tidak sama dengan mendefinisikan sesuatu. Definisi adalah membuat sebuah obyek obyektif, supaya obyek itu benilai untuk saya saja. Lebih jauh lagi Adorno mengungkapkan bahwa keinginan untuk membuat diri diakui oleh realitas lain telah membuat kita melakukan kekerasan pada realitas lain tersebut, atau dengan kata lain subyektivitas totaliter adalah kekerasan.

Emmanuel Levinas mengatakan bahwa ketika aku berusaha menguasai realitas lain tersebut itu untuk membuat eksistensi diri kita diketahui dan diakui, maka sebenarnya aku berusaha membuatnya sama dengan aku. Ketika dia sudah menjadi sama dengan aku, aku tidak perlu lagi menguasai dia karena dia sudah menjadi sama dengan aku. Dengan demikian maka sebenarnya identitasku di mata dia justru menjadi hilang karena dia adalah aku.

            Proses identifikasi ini juga berimbas kepada diri kita. Istilah “hell is the other” yang diungkapkan oleh Jean-Paul Sartre ingin menunjukkan dampaknya kepada kita. Karena begitu khawatirnya kita akan identitas kita di mata orang lain ketika mereka sedang melakukan proses identifikasi atas diri kita, kita menjadi bukan diri kita sendiri. Tingkah laku kita menjadi tergantung kepada apa pendapat orang mengenai diri kita. Kita bertindak justru agar orang memiliki gambaran yang baik akan diri kita, bukan lagi karena siapa kita yang sesungguhnya (mungkin istilah kerennya adalah jaim atau jaga image). Ini, menurut Sartre, adalah perampokan kebebasan. Ini adalah sebuah ketakutan akibat adanya kekerasan pada pemikiran.

  Read the rest of this entry »

Posted (binsar) in Opinion on January-29-2008

This song is sang by Ungu, a new comer in indonesia fast growing music industry. They had some good hits on their previous album and this is their latest one with the tittle “Untukmu Selamanya”. Well, this song has the same arrangement type with the Kerispatih - Mengenangmu song that I posted earlier. Maybe I’m into the similar tunes, or maybe the lyric. Who knows. I recommend you to hear this one. Enjoy!

Mungkin ini memang jalan takdirku
Mengagumi tanpa di cintai
Tak mengapa bagiku asal kau pun bahagia
Dengan hidupmu, dengan hidupmu

Telah lama kupendam perasaan itu
Menunggu hatimu menyambut diriku
Tak mengapa bagiku cintaimu pun adalah
Bahagia untukku
Bahagia untukku

Ku ingin kau tahu
Diriku di sini menanti dirimu
Meski ku tunggu
Hingga ujung waktuku

Dan berharap rasa ini kan abadi untuk selamanya
Dan izinkan aku memeluk dirimu kali ini saja
Tuk ucapkan selamat tinggal untuk selamanya
Dan biarkan rasa ini
Bahagia untuk sekejap saja

Posted (binsar) in Opinion on January-22-2008

I think I will sing this song in one of our (bebas) gigs. Love it!

Say that you stay a little
Don’t say bye bye tonight
Say you’ll be mine
Just a little of bit of love Is worth a moment of your timeKnocking on your door just a little
So cold outside tonight
Let’s get the fire burning
I know, I keep it burining right, If you stay, won’t you stay - stay

Save room for my love
Save room for a moment to be with me
Save room for my love save a little
Save a little for me
Won’t you save a little
Save a little for me - ohh

This just might hurt a little
Love hurts sometimes when you do it right
Don’t be affraid of a little bit of pain
Pleasure is just on the other side

Let down your guard just a little
I keep you safe in these arms of mine
Hold on to me - pretty baby
You will see I can be all you need, If you stay, won’t you stay - stay


[pa-ya-pa-pa - [pa-ya-pa-pa - [pa-ya-pa-pa - [da-da-da

Ohhh come on

Make time to live a little
Don’t let this moment slip by tonight
You never know what you are missing untill you try
I keep you satisfied
If you stay, won’t you stay - stay

Reff. 2x

Posted (binsar) in Event, Opinion, Youth Movement on January-10-2008

Debat-calon-ketua-ppia.jpgDebat-calon-ketua-ppia2.jpg      (Klik di judul foto ini untuk download)  Debat-calon-ketua-ppia.jpg Debat-calon-ketua-ppia2.jpg

‘             Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia Amsterdam (PPIA) adalah organisasi pelajar Indonesia yang beranggotakan para pelajar Indonesia yang menempuh pendidikan di daerah Amsterdam dan Diemen, Belanda. Sebentar lagi akan ada pemilihan Ketua PPIA periode 2008-2009 dengan 3 orang calon: Muhammad Maulana Gibran (Gibran), Kevin Widarta Tjandrawinata (Kevin), dan Dara Rosmailina Pabbitei (Nana). Saya sendiri pernah dicalonkan jadi calon ketua, tetapi karena merasa tidak sanggup dan bertentangan dengan komitmen saya untuk fokus studi tahun ini, akhirnya saya mengundurkan diri.

‘             Saya yakin PPI Amsterdam sebenarnya punya potensi yang lebih besar dari sekedar ngumpul-ngumpul bareng melepas rasa rindu akan kampung halaman. Paling tidak saya tahu bahwa mereka yang berkesempatan untuk belajar di Amsterdam ini minimum memiliki kelebihan-kelebihan ini: lebih pintar (makanya dapat beasiswa), lebih mampu secara finansial (makanya bisa belajar ke sini), lebih memiliki keinginan untuk sukses (makanya rela merantau), lebih gigih (makanya mau berjuang), lebih beruntung (makanya terpilih dari yang lain untuk dapat datang ke sini), lebih mandiri (makanya sekarang sudah bisa masak sendiri hahaha). Nah, mereka yang sekarang ada di sini minimum memiliki satu dari kelebihan-kelebihan di atas. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted (binsar) in Opinion on December-18-2007

This one is a song by Mark Ronson featuring Amy Winehouse: Valerie.
This time its not a soppy song hahaha. Really cool stuff! It is a pity that she is an example of a good and talented singer who is going down after using drugs and alcohol. She was in the headlines of entertainment news for going back and forth the rehabilitation center, as well as canceling some of her shows. Leave all those things girl! You have talent, you don’t need drugs and alcohol! Read the rest of this entry »

Posted (binsar) in Article, Experience, Opinion on December-8-2007

Chicken Soup At Restaurant SelectaI’ve told you the story of my experience of working in Restaurant Selecta, now I’m going to give you a bit of analysis on the difference of woking culture in that restaurant. I’m going to use Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner theory on their book, Riding The Waves of Culture: Understanding Cultural Diversity in Global Business. This analysis was done in cooperation with Sally Siregar. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted (binsar) in Article, Opinion on December-7-2007

My Facebook

At first I was not in to this social network thingy since I have my own real life outside, let alone I’ve already got too much on my hands with my Friendster and Blog. Since I have lots of invitations from friends who are already trapped within the network, I can’t see the harm in joining. But that started the curse on me. I was ensnared and bewildered in the confusing world of Facebook. This was exactly the thing that I’m looking for, more activities that can distract me from my important writing work.

After exploring it for some time, I was pretty much addicted. I understand now why it’s the second biggest social networking site behind, and why it has raised interest from Microsoft to invest $240 million for just its 1,6 percent stake. Now I can see why Facebook is even more popular than porn. You don’t believe me? I can’t believe it either until I saw this article by Bill Tancer. He is working at Hitwise where they check where people age 18-24 in the US go on the internet. It turns out that porn is not no. 1 hit. For people above 25, porn is still number one, but not for the current college generation. Social network is the first hit for people in this category, followed by search engine, web based email, and shockingly … porn stands in number four.

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted (binsar) in Christianity, Opinion on December-2-2007

Pertama ijinkanlah saya mengucapkan selamat buat sahabat, saudara, dan kolega saya Hendra Setia Prasadja yang ditahbis ke dalam jabatan pendeta di GKI pada hari ini. Hendra adalah seorang yang selalu berbagi suka dan duka dengan saya di masa perkuliahan dulu. Bersama Henry (vikaris GPIB) dan Ray (Penatua khusus GKI), kami bahkan memberi nama yang cenderung eksklusif bagi diri kami karena kedekatan yang tidak disengaja. Karena itu saya merasa sangat senang ketika Hendra mengabarkan berita penahbisannya dan meminta saya untuk menyumbangkan sebuah tulisan untuk buku acara hari bersejarahnya ini.

Belakangan ini banyak pertanyaan yang diajukan untuk menggugat teologi STT Jakarta yang katanya ‘liberal’. Dalam perbincangan dengan rekan mahasiswa, beberapa mengeluhkan bahwa mereka menjadi semakin jarang beribadah semenjak masuk STT Jakarta. Hati mereka menjadi guncang ketika sepertinya harus menentukan apakah mereka akan menjadi teolog atau pendeta. Entah pilihan ini sedang jadi trend atau bukan, kebimbangan ini dirasakan justru sesudah masuk STT. “Toh, STT Jakarta kan berfungsi melahirkan teolog, bukan pendeta” kata teman saya ini. Sepertinya STT Jakarta berfungsi mencetak pemikir-pemikir tangguh dalam bidang teologi (baca: teolog), dan gerejalah yang mencetak pendeta.

Pameo yang berkembang kemudian sepertinya teologi dan pembelajaran menjadi pendeta adalah berbeda. Bahkan lebih jauh lagi, sekarang banyak pemikiran bahwa seseorang bisa belajar teologi agama tertentu tanpa mengimaninya. Teologi adalah ilmu, jadi kita tidak perlu menjadi seorang yang percaya untuk dapat mempelajarinya. Saya berpikir bahwa ini bisa menjadi topik yang baik untuk ditulis untuk memberikan kesadaran akan pilihan-pilihan yang ada di dalam berteologi.  Pertanyaan utamanya adalah apakah teologi dan iman bisa dipisahkan? Ini adalah sebuah perdebatan sepanjang masa yang masih hangat sampai saat ini. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted (binsar) in Love, Opinion on November-25-2007

Broken HeartMusim cinta berhembus ke arah yang salah. Seiring pemanasan global yang membuat suhu bumi semakin naik, jumlah orang yang mengalami putus cinta di lingkunganku juga beranjak ke angka yang lebih besar. Kebetulan atau tidak, suhu Belanda yang semakin dingin dan sepertinya akan jadi yang terdingin dalam beberapa tahun terakhir juga membekukan hati beberapa orang. Dalam dua bulan terakhir ini banyak orang di sekitarku yang putus cinta! Entah itu melalui pengakuan orangnya ataupun informasi status dari facebook dan friendster, angka putus cinta cenderung meningkat. Karena itu saya tertarik untuk berbagi cara mengatasi patah hati yang mungkin bisa membantu. Tulisan berikut ini akan saya dedikasikan kepada mereka yang baru saja kehilangan cintanya. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted (binsar) in Love, Opinion on November-21-2007

CouplesI had this small discussion with a friend a week ago about she wanting to have a serious relationship. She realized that her ‘relationship orientation’ has changed from having fun towards serious one. Now, serious here means that it would be something that has future orientation (not always marriage I suppose). She said, she is now looking forward to seeing ’serious man’ for the future. What struck me is that she’s somehow younger than me. She’s only 23 and I’m 27. I mean, I am definitely thinking about marriage but not in the near future. I still want to concentrate on studying, work, and all that kind of craps hahaha.

At first I thought this must be a male and female thing. She was thinking like this because probably female biological clock ticks faster than male’s (I really hate this idea because my feminist side kicks in hahaha). However this idea fell into pieces if I have to consider her age, which is very young (for my standard). Then I was thinking that she might feel lonely and wants to have someone who cares for her. This idea seemed fit until I remembered that she was just recently being single, less than 3 months. Now what is the problem then? Why am I taking her words seriously. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted (binsar) in Global Awareness, Opinion on November-8-2007

Ok, seriously, I am a big fan of Al Gore and the Live Earth community. I have registered to this community long before the concert. I am happy that Al Gore won a Noble Prize because in some way it is also a recognition on our efforts trying to raise the awareness of the global warning. I know there have been cynical voices comparing the waste that was produced during the concert and the electricity that was used was in a way contradictory with the save the energy issue. However, I know that there are costs to pay.
I also read that Al Gore has his private jet which consumes more fuel since he is flying all over the world with it (instead of using commercial flight like most of us did). Again, I think this was still ok since he has to travel fast to raise the awareness and he can’t adjust himself to the American commercial flight’s unpredictable schedule.
But now, I think the Live Earth Community has gone one step too far by promoting this free guitar that was donated after the concert in Sydney. It uses sms promotion with standard tariff applies. C’mon guys! The idea is to eliminate the consumerism idea that occupies the world, and now you are trying to gain money (that I’m sure for the sake of the organization’s effort to raise awareness) by paid-sms??? What is the difference between us and the ones who polluted the world by selling their craps and try to promote their stuff via sms??? What’s happening here? Don’t we have better ways to do it??? Why are we promoting consumerism in another form? I’m personally disappointed now and hope that we can come up with better solution for fund-raising. Don’t let the one who tries to inform the world about the global warming becomes the one who fuels it… Read the rest of this entry »