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by Todd Meynink
[Author's Bio]
October 4, 2000

This article originally appeared in the
September, 2000 issue of Game Developer magazine.

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A Brief JPEG Primer

Motion Picture Compression

The Epiphany

The Epiphany

At this point, my implementation was getting closer to my goal, but problems remained. First, the image quality was still not as good as I had hoped. Second, the data files required to support this inadequate quality were already substantially over their size budget. And finally, the decoding still took too long and I couldn't see an easy way to improve it - especially since I was trying to also reduce the bit rate.

Then the idea struck me: what if I skipped every other frame and interpolated at run time? I knew if I could get this approach to work, it would simultaneously halve the bit rate and double the decoding time. I was banking on the hope that it would be difficult to differentiate data decoded at 30Hz from data decoded at 15Hz with interpolation.

At first I considered using triple buffering to decode two frames, and then interpolating between the two to generate the intermediate frame. But memory restrictions quickly ruled out this approach and any of its variants.

I eventually found the solution. In it, the RSP average routine effectively swaps in a new frame without a page flip by beating the retrace gun down to the bottom of the screen thanks to some fast microcode. From a conceptual standpoint, this tricky timing allowed me to achieve triple buffering with only two buffers. (See Figure 5, a processing time line, and Figure 6, a UML state machine that runs the CPU thread in parallel with the RSP.)

Figure 5: A processing time line.
[Expand Image]

Figure 6: A UML state machine that runs the CPU thread in parallel with the RSP.
[Expand Image]

With this approach, each frame had almost 1/15th of a second to decode. Skipping every other frame halved the memory footprint. This made the inclusion of all the clips possible, and also allowed us to improve the quality with the space left over. And we still had extra decoding time to burn, which we put to good use by increasing the movie resolution to further improve image quality.

It wouldn't have been possible to implement this solution without a scheduler. The scheduler used was part of a sophisticated operating system written by fellow team members Chris Fodor and Jamie Briant. In addition to supporting multi-processing and multi-threading, it provided detailed information about and management of the N64's hardware. This was pivotal to taking full advantage of the machine. Once I fleshed out the algorithm, implementation with the OS's scheduler was straightforward.

Continuous Improvement

Shortly after we implemented this system, we created a demo for E3 1999. It was very gratifying to walk past Capcom's booth and hear people arguing over whether they were playing the game on an N64 or a Playstation. Unfortunately, the video quality on the N64 was still noticeably below that of the original Playstation game.

One of the reasons for this was that smooth color gradients were not reproducing well. I experimented with a cheap form of dithering as a postprocessing step. (Credit goes to Alex Ehrath, my fellow RE2-N64 programmer, for this idea.) As YCbCr data was converted to 16-bit RGB, I kept track of the lower-order bits that were being masked off, added these lower-order bits to the following pixel before it was masked off, and so on. The red, green, and blue channels were processed independently. While this technique provided a noticeable improvement when the frames were considered in isolation, differences from frame to frame made it look as if there were some sort of static interference when they were played as a movie. The modulation of the interpolated frames only amplified this problem.

The bad reproduction of gradients was especially noticeable in dark areas. To compensate for this, I experimented with gamma correction as a preprocessing step prior to encoding. My goal was to even out the perceived difference in intensity between dark colors and lighter colors. Unfortunately, this approach just gave the movies a washed-out look.

Next, I tackled the age-old challenge of trying to make the image on the NTSC display resemble those shown on an RGB monitor. We drew ten vertical bars across the screen, moving from black to gray to white as an intensity reference image. On an NTSC screen, the middle bar looked more red than gray, even on expensive reference monitors. After several iterations, we moved to Photoshop and applied a combination of color boosting, contrast/brightness adjustments and level altering images prior to encoding until we felt we had a combination that improved the final image quality substantially.

Finally, in another attempt to improve color gradient reproduction, I retried a previously rejected technique. In earlier tests, the full 24-bit color output had looked marginally better, but extra computation and memory requirements had ruled it out. Now that the color space conversion had been moved to microcode, and a multi-processing approach had bought us much longer decoding times, I could get 24-bit color with little extra cost. A single day's coding brought startling results, and when combined with the improved color from the Photoshop preprocessing, the true-color output improved the display quality dramatically. Colors were reproduced even more vibrantly and patchy blotches became smoothly transitioning gradients. At last, I had achieved what I was after. Click here to see the final CSC microcode.

Scripting and Synchronization with Audio

Fortunately, both Leon and Claire's (the two main player-characters in RE2) games shared many sections of video, which I factored out into shared "video clips." This substantial task resulted in hundreds of clips ranging in length from a minute to a second. Movie playback was then achieved by replaying a sequence of clips. The ability to "hold" on a particular frame while the frame counter ticked by provided some additional compression. These sequences of movie clips and holds were played back through scripts that bestowed a substantial amount of flexibility.

Audio compression and playback was handled separately from the video. Audio clips were triggered on particular frames.

Dividing movies into clips gave us the ability to vary the bit rate according to content. Fast action meant larger changes from frame to frame, which led to more compression artifacts requiring higher bit rates to compensate. Conversely, relatively calm scenes could be encoded at a much lower bit rate.

Changes in scenes at low bit rates were problematic when they occurred between I-frames. Until the next I-frame swung by, the sudden change caused the remainder of the GOP to display with highly noticeable compression artifacts. Quality could be preserved across changes in scene at low bit rates by making new clips with cuts on the scene change boundaries.

An Industry First

If we were to do another similar N64 project, we would definitely implement the same technology and tricks I've described here to any video sequences used. However, many of these techniques can be applied on any platform where file size is a major concern. For instance, factoring out all common "film" sequences and replaying individual clips back to back via a script to re-create the original can afford a large space savings. Ensuring the clips are built on scene-change boundaries allows you to lower the bit rate and still maintain quality. Also, compensating for loss of color saturation and levels due to compression prior to encoding can yield a result closer to the original.

Bringing full-motion video to the N64 is challenging both in terms of achieving the necessary compression to support video on a cartridge system and the software required to play the compressed data back in real time. Relentlessly trying and retrying everything brought us a great result and an industry first: high-quality video on a cartridge-based console.

For More Information:


Raghavan, S. V. and S. K. Tripathi. Networked Multimedia Systems. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1998.

Foley, J. D., and others. Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, 2nd ed. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1996.

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