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Session Details
Guest Name Um Jihad , Palestinian Minister 
Subject Palestinian Women: Survival , Resistance and Development
Date Saturday,Jun 19 ,2004
Time Makkah
... 04:00...To... 15:00
... 01:00...To...12:00
Host..    - 
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linawati    - 
I have been following the situation in Palestine since I was still a kid.

Sometimes it is so stressful to watch the torture of humanity in Palestine. Children and women were the victim of the most. I feel so hurt. My heart burns. But I do not have any capacity to help.

What I can do is only praying to GOD and crying, hopefully HE gives help. What I do not understand why is Israeli doing this torture while as far as I know Palestinians andthe people of Israel have the same ancestry?? What is the government doing to protect women and children in the country.? How is it possible to decrease the number of young people, who kill themselves with a bomb?

Thank you for these feelings.

The ongoing Israeli offensive on the Palestinian people despite that the Palestinians have extended a hand for peace to the Israeli people, but the Israeli side is not interested in any peace or rights of the Palestinians. during the Intifada, 625 children have been killed, and the total number of Palestinians killed in the Intifada reached more than 3,000.

The Palestinian Authority seeks to alleviate the plight of the Palestinians, by offering assistance to the families of martyrs and wounded, and that the Israeli offensive won't stop until the Israeli occupation ceases and all agreements signed with the Palestinian Authority implemented, with the creation of an independent Palestinian state on the lands occupied in 1967 with Jerusalem as its capital.

jafar    - Kuwait
Profession designer
Salam, May Allah ease all palestinian sufferings and grand them freedom.

My question is : What exactly according to you is the perfect way ( practical way) of achieving PEACE between Israel and Palestine.

jazakallah khair..

Thank you for your question and your feelings towards the Palestinian people and its just cause. The Perfect way is for the Palestinians to get their rights acknowledged by international resolutions, which are the right to self determination and the establishment of a Palestinian state on all of its occupied lands with Jerusalem as its capital.

Najat    - Morocco
Madame Um Jihad,

First of all I want to thank you for this dialogue and salute your efforts as a Palestinian woman and a minister.

My question is: How can the Palestinian woman coordinate between her duty as a member of the resistant Palestinian people and her natural duty as a wife and mother of children?

Thank you..

Thank you for your question. The Palestinian woman can participate in the patriotic work and raising her family through organizing her timetable.

Mokhter    - Bangladesh
Profession Faculty
What are the ways Palestinian women adopt in the holy war against the Zionists in Israel, while it is obviously evident from Quranic texts and Prophetic statements that they are under the obligation of Shari'a to participate in the wars of their existence?

The Palestinian woman since the beginning of the Palestine Problem was struggling side by side with the man, as they form half the society and statistically 52% of the people. They struggle side by side in the social, economic, political aspects. We have more than 80 female prisoners inside Israeli jails, a another numbers of wounded and killed women.

Sameer    - Jordan
Profession engineer
Your Excellency,

Do you believe that the Palestinian women,who have been struggling for 56 years now, are able to easily get rid of their resistance concepts and turn towards the development of their future country?

Yes of course. They can indeed cope with the new situation, especially if the Palestinian people attained its rights, but if they didn't get their rights, their concepts would not change.

If the Palestinian women saw the benefits of peace, their concepts would change.

Faten    - Egypt
Profession teacher
Dear Um Jihad,

How can you describe the struggle of the Palestinian women over history, and their contribution to the resistance of the Palestinian people?

Thank you for your question. The Palestinian woman since the beginning have been struggling side by side by participating in demonstrations, forming committees to care for the families of prisoners and wounded.

After the Al Nakba, she helped keep the fabric of the Palestinian society tight, and worked to raise her children and develop them in the educational level. in 1965 when the Palestinian revolution was launched, the Palestinian woman was involved in all fields, political, media and active military.

Now the Palestinian woman participates with 5 elected women in the Palestinian Legislative Council and fights for the equality between man and woman, and helped approve the laws protecting and ensuring this equality, but still their role in the government is still limited by one or two ministers.

In the civil work, they're involved in struggling for democracy, human rights and freedom through a number of socieities, and they prepare themselves now to take part in the municipal elections and seek to amend the elections'law in order to acknowledge a quota for women of about 20% in the elections.

David    - United Kingdom
Profession student
I would like to ask Um Jihad about her evaluation of the work of the humanitarian organizations abroad in helping Palestinians, and does the Palestinian ministry of social affairs coordinate or cooperate with some of these organizations?

There is some cooperation with the Ministry and some humanitarian organizations, and we constantly welcome any new cooperation. Also, the relationship between the Ministry and local or international organizations is very good, and we would like to thank all these organizations for their support and would appeal for more support to the Palestinian people, especially those in the city of Rafah.

Abdullah Al-Mahmud    - Bangladesh
Profession Engineer
Yesterday I watched on screen that Saudi religious scholars have dennouced the recent activities of some militant groups in Saudi Arabia. They have mentioned that oppression on non-muslims is against Islam. I fully agree with them. But may I ask the scholars about the ceaseless brutal oppressions in Iraq and Palestine have they put veil ober their eyes and are they deaf and is it permitted in Islam, rather to fight where there is oppression.

Muslim scholars have always condemned the attacks on the Palestinian people, and we also condemn the killing of the innocent civilians.

Mona    - Australia
What is your Ministry doing in order to eliminate the negative image of palestinian mothers, as brutal human beings, dead hearted pushing their beloved husbands and kids to death, when educating them the concept of resistance.And what can be done to eliminate this image?

The Ministry spreads awareness and education, and I assert that the Palestinian mothers, like any other mothers, are very sensitive towards their children, and the so-called brutality shows due to the pressure caused by the occupation that takes away her child, husband, house or farm. Many Palestinian mothers are now the breadearners of their families due to the husband being in prison or killed.

On the contrary, Palestinian mothers grieve for the loss of their children, but for the sake of freedom they're willing to pay the dear price. the Palestinian woman looks forward for a just peace and hopes to live in peace with her children and family.

shukria    - Pakistan
What are the factors that motivate resistance within the Palestinian community? How can we outside Palestine , who do not face the same dilemma and hardship teach our kids the value of resistance and belief in one's own strength.

The drive for freedom and the presence of occupation and its terrorist practices against the Palestinian people motivates us to struggle for freedom and independence. For you outside Palestine, we pray you would be saved the threat of occupation. You can teach your children about the Palestinian people and its struggle and their right to a free country.

Sameha Sameh    - France
Could you please describe the daily routine of an ordinary mother and wife in the occupied territories, what is the worst they have to suffer from, how do they get emotional support, what is the support mechanism there in the occupied land- the social support mechanism?

Thank you for the question.

Any Palestinian mother wakes up to help her children eat their breakfast and go to school, then do her chores if she's not a worker or employee. She goes to the market to provide food and clothes. The working mother goes to her work and returns in the afternoon to care for her children's education and monitor their progress. All her days are not the same, because the Israeli invasions and occupation of many areas, as well as bulldozing lands and house demolition might cost her the family house, and force her to live in tents.

In these days, the mother worries about her children even when they're going to school, because many of them were killed while in school or returning back from schools. The mothers of prisoners carry out a sit-in every Monday to demand the release of their children. In many occassions, non working mothers go to women empowerment centers to learn new professions that would ensure a job opportunity for them. There are also housewives that do embroideries in their house to help their husbands raise the families' income, in light of the infestation of unemployment among the Palestinian society.

The Ministry provides financial support for 48,000 families in the West Bank and Gaza Strip; families that either lost its breadearners, or families of divorced, singles, handicapped, widows, families of martyrs and wounded. The Ministry encourages housewives to join awareness or rehabilitation courses, and due to the ongoing Israeli bombings and invasions, the Ministry provides psychological support for women and children in conflict hot spots.

Mohsin    - United Kingdom
Profession entreprenur
Do you think a seperate State is the solution for Palestine ? why should palestine give up their "Right to return".

Nobody in the Palestinian people gave away its Right to Return, because it was guaranteed by international legitimacy and human rights treaties. We demand to resolve the issue of Palestinian refugees in accordance with the UN resolutions, namely resolution 194.

A separate, independent, sovereign state for the Palestinians next to Israel is a solution, with Jerusalem as a capital for Palestine.

Let me remind you that the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) proposed in 1968 the establishment of a democratic state in Palestine in which Muslims, Christians and Jews can live side by side, but Israel refused this proposal.

----------    - 
What is done to help and support the Palestinian increased no of widows?

The Ministry of Social Affairs provides financial support, psychological support through visits to the widows, in addition to providing free health insurance and free education for the children. The Ministry also helps them acquire professions to provide job opportunities for them if they are not with a profession.

Um Salmah    - Canada
What is done to solve the problem of having more females within the society (as you said previously 52%) than males. Adding to them the number of widows, how do you solve the issue of these females wanting and of course in need of marriage but statistically this is not possible. Does Polygamy here solve the problem.

We are Muslims, and the Islamic Shari'a allowed Polygamy, but I'm not in its favor. We encourage the wife of the martyr to marry again, but these always remain personal issues for every individual.

mohanad    - 
Profession palestinian
Dear madam om jehad..

I heard from Mr Arafat that you were leading the Palestinian revoluotion for more than 6 monthes , so please tell us about this period and the other time with Mr abu jehad when he was alive and leading the intifada. thank you..

I led the Palestinian revolution for two months only in 1966 when the leadership of Fateh movement was facing problems in Syria. Mr. Arafat and Abu Jihad as well as all the Fateh leaders were arrested, and I managed to visit them inside the jail, and they tasked me with leading the revolution outside. Mr. Abu Ali Eyad and Ahmad Al Atrash assisted me in the leadership, and we managed to hold the Fateh movement and contact the military and political arms of the movement. Fateh continued functioning politically and military, which contributed in their release, and if it was not for the leadership of Fateh during this period, Fateh would not have been the backbone of the Palestinian revolution.

As for my time with Abu Jihad, he was working round the clock to build the institutions and frameworks of Fateh inside Palestine, on all scales; youth, women, unions, teachers, associations and universities, etc. Prior to the launch of the first Intifada which he believed was the Intifada of the entire Palestinian people to reach the independence, and thus all the groups of the society were involved in this goal. He dedictaed all his time for this goal, and I was proud I was next to him all that time.

soha samir ahmed    - 
How is the seperation wall effecting women's daily life, and increasing their sufferings and how do they try to overcome this new horrible and unhuman new technique of torture.

The Apartheid Wall separates affects more than 59,000 families, because it prevents their free movement, hindres access of patients and pregnant women to clinics and hospitals. At sometimes, these pregnant women deliver at the Israeli checkpoints, and sometimes the child is born dead or the mother dies in delivery. Also children are not allowed to reach their schools due to the closure of gates in the Wall.

The Wall also separated the Palestinian families from each other, in an Israeli attempt to dispossess the people in the "Transfer" policy and increase their suffering, but the Palestinian people will stay steadfast until its freedom.

Shabana    - Pakistan
Assalamualikum Madam,

Its an honour to be able to communicate with a lady such as of your position.Could you give a general view of a Palestinian woman or a girl,the literacy rate ,women in workplace etc...
What are the thoughts of an average palestinian woman towards martydom, suicide bomber and the occupation overall ?

Thank you for your time and may God bless you.

Thank you very much for the compliment. Palestinian women have reached the highest educational levels, as 52% of the university students are females. Palestinian women also acquired many benefits under the Palestinian revolution and later the Palestinian Authority. Under the PA, women assumed positions as ministers, deputy ministers, elected legislators. In the workplace, there's no discrimination between males and females in jobs, but women's place in decision-making positions is only limited to one or two ministers.

As long as there's an occupation, there would be a resistance from all tghe groups of the people, until the independence and establishment of a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

Abdinasir    - Somalia
Asalamu Aleikum. I salute you sister, and many other Palestinian's mother and sisters.

With the rising toll of death and distructions are many palestinian mothers opting to seek refuge in other parts of the world.

All my heart is with you..

Palestinian women and the people as a whole are staying in their lands despite the increasing Israeli attacks and aggression.

Momeina    - 
Could you please give us a briefing on the life of a prisoned woman within Israeli jails. How are the interrogations going on, do they torture women like men , how, how long is the average of a woman to stay in jail, are visits allowed , and what about kids how are they treated within detention stations?

There are more than 80 Palestinian women inside Israeli jails, suffering from very harsh conditions. They're deprived of family visits, and those who give birth inside jails are deprived of their babies and cannot see them. They suffer torture indeed under interrogation, and they go through the same methods of torture as men.

- - - -    - 
What is done on the governmental level and that of ngo's to support mothers especially widows in their role to educate and raize healthy children, emotionally, psychologically, socially as well as physically. They must be in need of tremendous help, support, guidance and advice.

Indeed. the Ministry of Social Affiars, through the Association to care for families of martyrs and wounded, to provide financial assistance to these families, as well as providing programs of awareness, education and psychological guidance. NGOs do a similar job in that regard, but they are few especially in the psychological field.

maha lasheen    - 
Delinquency , drugs and a lot of other social pitfalls flourish in communities full of plight, dispair and frustration . Is this also true in the case of Palestinian youth? If yes, do you have statistics about the % of addicts for example and what is done to help them?

We praise God for as a people we are very wary of these problems. The ratio of drug addicts is very low, as there's a fight against it by the police and there's a higher council for preventing the use of drugs. Among the Palestinian people, and despite the plight, addicts' ratio is very low among the Palestinians. In Jerusalem, however, the Israeli occuaption tries to promote the use of drugs through collaborators, but the presence of NGOs in Jerusalem helps caring for the addicts and raises awareness on this issue.


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