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Session Details
Guest Name Abu Mujtaba, a Mahdi Army Fighter
Subject Inside the Mahdi Militia
Date Thursday,Sep 2 ,2004
Time Makkah
... 17:00...To... 19:00
... 14:00...To...16:00
Host    - 
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Answer -
Layla    - 
Dear brother, may Allah grant you victory in your jihad. My question to you is how do you and the rest of the mujahideen feel about the car bombs in Iraq that kill scores of innocent Iraqis? Do you believe that Mossad is behind them? Second of all, how do you feel about the beheadings and killing of foreign hostages?

It is a political mission perpetrated by America and its allies, just to give a bad impression of the Mujahdeen.

Aurengzeb    - Canada
Profession Student
I would like to know what the Mahdi fighters think of Usama bin Laden and Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi. Since these two groups have attacked Shi'ites on Ashura and various other religous days. I would also like to know what the Mahdi Army plans on doing if they achieve liberation. Sunnis and Shi'ites are united right now; however will old anomsity between the two sects flare up, once the US leaves? Does the Mahdi Army want a Shi'ite-dominated Iraqi government or a Sunni-dominated government? If the Mahdi Army wants a Shari`ah-based government which Shari`ah will be used -- that of Sunnis or of Shi'ites?

Thank you, and I am praying for the victory and liberation of Iraq. I also want to say that I am Sunni but I will be naming my first born son Moqtada.

Sharia law depends on the Quran. It’s not a matter of Shi’ism or Sunnism; we just need an Islamic government that is based on the Quran, a government that advocates justine and equality between people.

Zarqawi is an American fabrication, the goal of which is to give a bad impression of the concept of Jihad—to convince people that Islam advocates terrorism.

It is against Islam to behead any person. Our Prophet asked us to help prisoners in Muslim custody and to treat them well.

Fahd Hussain    - Canada
Profession Investment Banker
Asalam Walikum,

I would first like to commend the great resistance fighters of Iraq and the people of Fallujah and the Mahdi Army.

I would first like to know why only the Shi'ites of Sadr City have put up resistance against the Great Satan. Why hasn't the Dawa party and the followers of Al-Sistani taken up arms with their fellow Shi'ites. I would also like to know what role the Sunnis are playing; is there any co-operation between the Al-Mahdi Army and the Sunnis?

Sadr city has a lot of religious families and these families guide their children in order to defend our religion, dignity and properties. We are defending our country.

Al-Dawa party is basically an agent, because it is obeying the occupation's orders—except for the honest members of the Dawa party; they are working secretly with us.

The role of Sunnis is positive. We worked together. They helped us in terms of money, weapons and social relationships. We have been cooperating together to get rid of the occupation, which is obvious in light of the visit of Sunni scholars from the Islamic Scholars Association (a Sunni institution) to Sayed Moqtada in Najaf.

Ziyaad    - South Africa
Assalamu Alaykum Brother,

I pray for the liberation of your country and peace and freedom for your people. Our prayers are with you.

Just two questions:

1. In your opinion what is the general attitude of the Iraqi people towards the Allawi government ?

2. What are the feelings of Iraqis about the killing of foreign workers, etc. by militant groups e.g. the killing of the 12 Nepalese workers ?

Most people don't like Allawi's government because it is made by Americans, just like Saddam. This is what we know. This is we what we learned from people, Sunnis and Shiites alike, both fighting against Allawi's government.

These 12 Nepalese people were killed because they were working with Americans; yet, we don't know who killed them.

B    - 
With the absence of a court system how can you make sure that people you punish are guilty and deserve to be killed? Have you killed someone then discovered that the allegations against them were exxagerated? Doesn't this promote anarchy!? Maybe someone else will decide what you are doing is wrong and try to kill you; then there will be more killing and no ne will be safe, or at least everyone will be in a worst condition then they already are in now?!

We have legal courts that are based on an Islamic constitution. We don't believe in the American courts or Allawi's courts.

We didn't kill anyone who didn't deserve to be killed. We say that we have to forgive if we can. So we think that we are right.

ali    - 
I know it must be a difficult time in Iraq. I hope my question is not too personal. Have you had any family or friends killed? If so, is that one of the reasons you joined the resistance? I would also like to know if you ever captured an American soldier, how would you treat him/her? Would you treat them the same way the Americans behaved in Abu Gharib?

I joined the Mahdi Army after that I had some of my relatives killed. Three of my family (cousins) were killed and three were injured, including myself.

We treat prisoners kindly, according to Islam, not according to the Pentagon Law implemented in Abu Ghraib.

Thanks to God.

Gary    - 
I read that Moqtada Al-Sadr gave a fatwa that if a Mahdi fighter captured an American female soldier he it is permited to turn her into a slave and rape her, because she is part of the spoils of war, is this true?

This is not true. It is against Islam and morality. I am asking anyone to at least give a proof for that.

Suad    - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Salamu alaikum,

Did you ever witness the Mujahideen (Mahdi "militia") torture or kill any Iraqi who did not support the Mahdi Army? Were those who were against Al-Ssadr left alone?



Again, this is against Islam and against the principles of the Mahdi Army. God punishes everyone for their bad deeds in the afterlife.

abu Salah eddine    - Belgium
Profession helpdesk
I wanted to soppurt you, brother. Don't despair; Allah is with you and history is full of examples when will crashed power. "There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is his Prophet." Keep fighting. The Iraqis should be free, free to build an Islamic country if they wish to do so.

In the name off God -- God said that you have to fight even if you don't like it. We will continue to fight in wars, and we will continue our inner Jihad.

meerasahib    - 
Have any Americans entered the Imam Ali Mosque?

Never. They won't dare to enter it as long as the Mahdi Army exists.

Soldier    - Sweden
Profession Army
Aslama Aliekum

What do you think of young Muslim men doing military service and joining the armed forces of none-Muslim countries, keeping in mind returning to their Muslim countries with the knowledge gained?

If you are joining such an army for the benefit of countries, it is okay, but if you are ordered to kill a Muslim or a peaceful person, you are not allowed to obey such orders, if you are a Muslim.

Abdur Raquib    - Germany
Profession Student
Assalamualaykum wa rahmatullah,

Could you please let me know, what the actual aim of your army is? Are they interested in only having invaders go out of your country or controlling Iraq as well?

Our main objective is to liberate Iraq from America and we don't have any personal goals except for justice and equality.

Jamal Shabazz    - 
Profession Student
I would like to know your opinion on the kidnappings and executions that are happening in Iraq. I support the noble resistance 100%; however, I feel that that kidnappings and behadings are not part of Jihad. Most of the victims are poor and are coming from third world countries. They are just trying to make money and feed their families back home. Most do not hate Iraqis and do not want to oppress Muslims; some even are Muslims. I do not understand how a Muslim will kill another Muslim and say that it is Jihad. I would also like to know if Sunnis also visit the Imam Ali Mosque or is it just for Shi'ites. Thank you, and keep fighting; Allah and his Prophet are on the side of the Mahdi Army.

These people that you are talking about came to Iraq to kill Iraqis, and contractors came to build bases and companies for themselves – they didn't, of course, come to help Iraqis. Anyways, those kidnappings and beheadings are not done by the Mahdi Army.

Jack    - 
I would like to know what Iraqis think of all the reasons the US gave for invading Iraq. There were no WMD, Iraq did not harbor terrorists, Iraq was not an immenient threat. Do you think it was for the oil, or to protect Israel or both?

What was the reaction of the Iraqis to the attacks on the US on 9/11?

Most Iraqis felt terrible for what happened in America on 9/11, because the victims were civilians, ordinary people ,and they were, after all, human beings. I think you understand me.

Abdul haqq    - 
Salaam alaikum, dear brother. What is your opinion of September 11?

Most Iraqis felt so sad about it. It wasn't fair. Those people who did it are criminals.

Kristina    - United States
All Praise be to Allah! I have read some of the comments in this dialogue. I have been impressed with the positive answers that ISLAM DOES NOT ENCOURAGE KILLING. Praise be unto Allah for this REMINDER of what is actually going on. I do not like to read about ANYONE KILLING anything!!! I have no idea why the Americans are killing innocent people. We all need to look towards Allah/ all faiths. And not put the blame on Islam. You are so right to remind those who are in the "dark" that the illumination of light is for those who seek it. Allah will show what is Truth to all who seek. Thank Allah for my life... one who has been seeking and understood ...(Catholic converting to Islam).

I am glad to hear that. It helps a lot. Christians should do what the Christ told them to do in order to participate in solving our problems, which are caused by their countries' intervention in our affairs.

Rick    - 
Do Sunnis and Shi'ites in Iraq inter-marry? Have you ever prayed in a Sunni mosque? And do Sunnis pray in your mosque?

Yes, we inter-marry and we never have problems with that. We have united our prayers; we now pray at the same time and there has been no difference between Shi'ites and Sunnis.

We are grateful to America because it united the two sects after we were apart; and we are now brothers.

Usama    - 
Question Salam, by your point of view, do you allow the car bombings, and for example, the 2 buses blowed up the last day in Palestine? And what is your feeling about Ben Laden? Thanks.
Answer Yes, we re-marry from each other and we never have problems with that. We have united our prayers in one time and it has been no difference between Shiaa and Sunna. We are grateful to America in the sence that it united the two after we were apart from each other and now we are just brothers.
Muhammad    - Pakistan
Question The US claims that the Mahdi army fires from the Imam Ali mosque and uses civilians in shields? Is there any truth to this?
Answer It is not true and as an evidence to this you can ask Iraqis who went by themselves to the shrine in order not to let Americans go inside this holy mosque.

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