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Spark Plugs and Ford Racing Wires


Time to do

1 to 2 hrs

Tools required

Spark Plug socket
3" extension
flat screwdriver
plug gapping tool

Parts required

spark plugs
plug wires
wire looms (if using Ford Racing Wires)
distributor cap and rotor (might as well)
dielectric compound


about $60 - $100


Before you tear into your truck, please read my legal disclaimer!

Ok, when I got my truck it had 75,000 miles on it and I figured it was time for a tune up.  I pulled all the plugs before I bought it to check the engine condition.  They looked normal, just a little old and worn.  I had installed NGK plugs, but after I installed them, the engine missed.  I came to the realization that NGK plugs suck, and there's no two ways about it.  I then decided to get some Ford motorcraft plugs since I had my discount at the dealership.

I had looked through some various TSB's and SSM's at work for engine performance, most of them pointed to the wires so I decided to replace them too.  For the wires, I got some Ford Racing 9mm plug wires from summit racing.  They were already put together, so I didn't have to go buy a crimper (they were a little long however).  The were also numbered, how convinient.  The wires from the factory are numbered, but the replacement wires from Ford aren't, go figure.  I also had to get some Ford racing wire looms since the big wires wouldn't fit in the OE looms.  All in all, it was about the same price as factoy wires.

I went to the second closest friendly local parts store ,after I determined that the people at Napa are morons, to get a new cap and rotor.  These are only about $5, so you might as well replace them when you replace the wires.

This will probably help somewhere along the way, don't worry I drew it myself.


The easiets way to do this is to do one plug at a time so you don't mess up the wires.

Step #1
Pull off the spark plug wire boot.

Step #2
Remove the old plug using the extension, and spark plug socket.

Step #3
Check the gap and install the new plug, torque to spec.

Step #4
Apply dielectric compound and re-install spark plug wire boot.  Make sure it is secure.

If you get Ford Racing wires, you might need to get some new wire looms, installation varies.

Method I:
Pull off one wire at a time, check numbering or length to determine the correct new wire.  Insall new wire in place of old wire.

Method II:
Remove all the plug wires and start with #1 and install new wires (the drawing will help you if you do it this way).  The #1 cylinder is usually marked on the cap.

Cap & Rotor:

You need to know the type of rotor (push on or bolt on) or take the truck w/ you when you get the parts.

Step #1
Remove the clips or bolts that hold the cap on and remove the cap

Step #2
Remove the rotor and replace it with the new rotor

Step #3
Take one wire at a time and remove it from the old cap, apply dielectric compound to the contact, and install on new cap.  Verify firing order after installation.

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2000 Kevin Long klong@wesware.comlegal disclaimer