Submitted by Ms. Carol

May Basket Supplies:
  • 9 1/2 by 11 construction paper
  • scissors
  • stapler
  • glue
  • crayons
  • scraps of lace, ribbon
  • stickers (optional)
  • doilies (optional
  • basket pattern
1. Print out copy of the pattern.
2. Trace pattern onto construction paper.
3. Mark the solid cutting lines and the dotted fold lines on your basket.
4. Cut out the basket along the solid lines. (Do not cut the dotted lines.)
5. Use the crayons to decorate the basket now while it is flat.
6. Fold up the sides of the basket. Fold in the side flaps of the basket. Staple the flaps together.
7. Now decorate with the ribbon , lace scraps and doilies.
8. Glue or staple handles together and decorate with a bow.
9. Fill with candy or paper flowers.
Crepe Paper Flowers

Basic Flower

1. Cut strip of yellow crepe paper ½" wide and 2" long.
2. Glue the strip to a pipe cleaner stem and wrap the strip around the stem.
3. Cut a strip of another color of crepe paper 2" inches wide and 5 to 6" long.
4. Cut petal shapes out the second strip of crepe paper.
5. Glue these around the stem with the yellow center . Gently stretch the petals into shape, stretching near the base of the petal.
6. Cut leaf shapes from green crepe paper and glue to the stem.

Pom Pom Mums


Crepe paper (assorted colors, including green)
pipe cleaners
glue/glue stick

1. Cut strips of crepe paper 2" to 2 ½" wide.
2. Fold the strip into 2" rectangle and make cuts for fringe. When making the cut leave about 1/4" uncut.
3. Roll the fringe around a pipe cleaner and glue.
4. Fluff out the fringe so it looks like a pom-pom.
5. Cut leaf shapes from green crepe paper and glue to stems.


1. Cut 2 feet of 2" wide crepe paper. (For full flower, use 2 ½ feet of paper.)
2. Wrap the paper around a pipe cleaner stem 3 or 4 times. Glue.
3. Fold crepe paper down toward the stem forming a triangle and begin to wrap around the pipe cleaner gluing as you go.
4. When you reach the end of the triangle fold down again and continue to wrap around the stem.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you are out of paper. Glue in place.
6. Cut leaf shapes from green crepe paper. Wrap around the stem and glue.

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