Butterfly in a Bag

  • Ziplock bag
  • 1 pipe cleaner, any color
  • Tissue paper in different colors (1 sheet each)
Butterfly in a bag


  1. Take tissue paper and rip it into strips or little squares.
  2. Take the ripped tissue paper and place it into the bag.
  3. Zip the bag shut.
  4. Take the ziplock bag full of tissue paper and find the center of the bag.
  5. Pinch the center of the bag between two fingers.
  6. Wrap the pipe cleaner around the center of the bag twice so that each end of the pipe cleaner is pointing to the sky.
  7. Next, take the two ends of the pipe cleaner pointing toward the ceiling and curl each end for the antennas.


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Last update August 13, 2004
©2002 Kansas City, Kansas Public Library
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