
Kwanzaa Crafts
Mancala Game

This is a very old game with African origins.  There can be as many as 350 different versions and names for this game, depending on what country you are from.  Mancala is the name for this "family" of games.  It is easy to make and easy to play, but will it be easy to win?
You will need:
  • 1 egg carton

  • 48 small beads, stones, or seeds.

  • Scissors

  • Glue

Use the scissors to cut the top off the egg carton.
Then, cut the top of the egg carton in half.
Glue the two halves under the four "cups" on each end of the carton to make little trays.
Put four beads, stones, or seeds in each of the twelve cups.
You're Ready to play!

Rules of the Game

Place the Mancala lengthwise between two players.  Each player will "own" the tray on the right and the six small cups closest to them.  The players go in turns.  First you scoop up all of the stones from one of your cups.  Then drop one stone into the next cup on the right, one stone into the second cup on the right, and so on, continuing counterclockwise around the board until you have no more stones in your hand. When you reach your own tray, you drop a stone in it and continue around the board.  If you reach your opponent's tray, you skip over it and keep dropping stones, one at a time, until you run out.  Then, your opponent takes their turn.  At the end of the game, players count the stones in their trays and the player with the most stones wins.

Remember you can paint and decorate your mancala in Kwanzaa colors (red, black, and green), or however you like!  The word Kwanzaa means "first fruits".  Playing Mancala and dropping the stones is a lot like sowing seeds in the ground, which is where "first fruits" get their start!

Happy  Kwanzaa!

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Last update November 29, 2002
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