Candi the Corn Pin
Submitted by Ms. Brenda

    White craft foam
    Orange craft foam
    Yellow craft foam
    tag board
    wiggle eyes
    small black pompom
    line-thin permanent marker
    tacky glue
    pin back
Candi the Corn Pin
  1. Make a printout of the pattern pieces and cut them out. You should have a plain pattern piece and one that has three sections shown. The one with three sections needs to be cut apart on the black lines.

  2. With a pencil trace around the plain pattern piece on the tag board and cut out. Lay aside. This piece will act as the back of the candy corn.

  3. Now take the white craft foam and trace the smaller top piece on it with pencil and cut out. On the orange craft foam trace the middle section and cut out. Then the larger bottom piece of the pattern is to be traced and cut out of the yellow craft foam.

  4. Glue these pieces on to the tag board that you have already cut out as shown in the sample. Let dry.

  5. With the black thin-lined permanent marker draw a broken line around the inside edge as shown on the pattern sample.

  6. Glue on the black pompom nose and the two small wiggle eyes.

  7. Draw on eyebrows and a funny mouth with the marker.

  8. When the eyes and nose have dried, turn the front over and glue on the pin back. Let dry and wear this sweet pin for all to see!

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