Submitted by Ms. Brenda

Materials needed:
  • Empty wrapping paper tube
  • 1 Box round toothpicks
  • 1 Pushpin thumbtack
  • Uncooked rice, approximately 1/2 cup
  • Roll of masking tape, 1" wide
  • 5" square of tag or cardboard
  • Scissors, ruler, pencil, pen
  • Permanent markers
  1. Trace two circles on the 5" piece of cardboard. Make the circles the same size as the ends of the tube and cut out. Lay these two circles aside.
  2. Poke holes in the spiral seam of the tube every 1" all around starting at the top. Remember to stay on the seam only.
  3. Insert toothpicks into the holes you have made. Slide them in as far as you can, but don’t push them out the other side. Be careful not to break them off inside.
  4. After you have inserted all of the toothpicks, take scissors and trim them down so that just 1/4" is sticking out of all the holes.
  5. Take the masking tape and cover all the toothpicks any way you want. The more tape the better. The tape will help protect the toothpicks so they are not broken off, and it will act as a cushion so that you will not get stuck.
  6. Tape one of the circles on the end of the tube. Stand the tube up with the open end on top. Pour about 1/2 cup of rice into the tube.
  7. Tape the other circle on the top to close it. At first you may want to experiment on how much rice you use so don’t tape the circle up too permanently yet. After the rain stick makes the sound you like, then tape it closed.
  8. You may decorate your rain stick any way that you like. This sample has shapes and leaves drawn on with an ink pen and then colored with permanent markers.
  9. Turn the rain stick slowly to let the rice fall down inside. Keep repeating by turning it over and over again. You will hear the gentle sound of rain.

Last update March 27, 2000
©2000 Kansas City, Kansas Public Library
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