Posted (binsar) in About Me, Event on November-8-2007

I have to promote this Indonesian teen movie because my sister is acting in it hahaha… She didn’t play the leading role, only a small part, but I guess it’s quite ok since I haven’t seen the movie myself hahaha… She’s getting there… aren’t you sis?? She acted already in some movies, and her role is getting bigger all the time… hahaha… Ok, her name is Ruth Damaihati Pakpahan, preferred to be called Iyuth. I think, my family is getting into this art thingy…. hahaha… First it was my sister, then my dad also launched his own Batak songs album… Here’s a piece of the story…

The Pakpahan

Muchtar Pakpahan Launch Album Batak

Jumat. Adalah seorang Muchtar Pakpahan, aktivis kaum buruh dan rakyat kecil yang sempat dijebloskan ke penjara karena perjuangannya membela kaum buruh dan rakyat kecil. Setelah sebulan berada di LP Semarang, tahun 1994 ia dipindahkan ke LP Tanjung Gusta, Medan. Terpaan hidup selama di hotel prodeo serta mirisnya kehidupan semasa orde baru, membangkitkan tekad Muchtar untuk menuangkan seluruh pengalamannya masa itu dalam bait-bait lagu.

Bait-bait lagu tersebut terangkum dalam album Penjara Tanjung Gusta dan Paborhat Boru yang dirilis tahun 1996. Namun album yang masih dalam format kaset dan berbahasa Indonesia itu dicekal sebelum sampai ke pasaran. Jaksa Agung mengumumkan bahwa album tersebut dilarang beredar dengan tuduhan subversive. Alasan lainnya, syair-syair di album tersebut terlalu menyinggung pemerintahan orde baru kala itu.

Tak kurang semangat, Muchtar kembali merilis album yang sama hanya saja dalam Bahasa Batak. Album yang launch pada 23 Oktober 2007 di Auditorium RRI, Jakarta ini memperoleh sambutan yang luar biasa. Bahkan album tersebut memiliki izin edar resmi, meski kalau ditelaah syair di album teranyar ini tak jauh beda dengan pendahulunya.

Album yang berisi 9 lagu berbahasa Batak dan sebuah lagu dengan Bahasa Indonesia ini juga didukung beberapa musisi seperti Trio Ambisi, Trio Walfare dan Tagor Tampubolon. Kesepuluh lagu di album ini adalah Penjara Tanjung Gusta, Untukmu Buruh, Ucok Res, Dalihan Na Tolu, Penganggur, Paborhat Boru, Anak Hasian, Poda, Tu Ngolum Buruh dan Boru Panggoaran. Sebagian besar syair di album ini merupakan ciptaan Muchtar sendiri selama di LP Tanjung Gusta.

Hadir dalam launching album Penjara Tanjung Gusta dan Paborhat Boru ini di antaranya Menteri Pariwisata, Jero Wacik, Akbar Tanjung, Dubes Belanda Nikolous Van Dam, Letjen Cornel Simbolon, Bupati dari wilayah kabupaten di sekitar Danau Toba dan perwakilan beberapa partai politik. Muchtar sendiri berharap agar pesan yang ada di setiap syair di albumnya tersebut bisa sampai ke masyarakat.

Bersamaan dengan peluncuran albumnya, Yayasan Muchtar Pakpahan Center (YMPC) yang didirikan pada 25 Juni 2007 juga mendeklarasikan kegiatan besarnya untuk menyelenggarakan Pesta Seni Rakyat Batak Kawasan Danau Toba pada 5 Januari 2008 mendatang.

Menurut Mahadi Manik selaku Ketua Umum YMPC, lewat program-program YMPC diharapkan dapat memberikan sumbangsih positif dalam meningkatkan kepariwisataan di kawasan sekitar Danau Toba, Sumatera Utara.

How about that hahaha… My mom, she’s also the singer in the family (she makes a good duet with dad), and my brother.. he used to play bass guitar in a church and he is the ‘best looking guy’ in the family hahaha… anyways… Here’s a trailer of the movie where my sister acted….

and the review on
Get Married - Film IndonesiaDRAMA |COMEDY |TEEN Movie
Get Married3 young man and a young girl who were born at the same day in their village has develop a strong bond that lasted to their adult life Mae (Nirina Zubir) the young girl, now living only a burden to her parent, Mr. Mardi (Jaja Mihardja) dan Mrs. Mardi (Meriam Bellina). To make light their responsibilities both her parent seeking a husband for Mae. Unfortunately every candidates who came ended up chased out by Guntoro (Desta ‘Clubeighties’), Eman (Aming), dan Beni (Ringgo Agus Rahman) her 3 friends which obviously ordered by Mae.
Rendy (Richard Kevin) a rich good looking young man who is bored with the typical city girl which to his point of view they are looked all the same and nothing there to challenge for, came to know about Mae, and interested to participate. So he went to Mae’s house and found love at the first sight. In fact Mae also have the same feelong toward Rendy. But a miscommunication caused her three friends to think that Mae disliked Rendy and beat him up.
Over all the charade, Mae’s mother become ill. Mae got frustrated, and cannot think of anything better to do but for her mother good health. So she choose one of her best friend to become her husband. Upon hearing the news, Mae’s mother is suddendly well from her illness.
Meanwhile, Rendy is angry over the treatment he received from Mae’s friends. He gathered his friends and went to Mae’s village for revenge just as Mae about to be married. A clash ensued in the frenzied situation. Wedding was held off, bride and the groom jumped into the crowd, Mae accidently punched Rendy’s jaw, and when she realized it was Rendy she screamed out the crowd instructed to stop the fighting.
Now, who will be the groom?Directed by : HANUNG BRAMANTYO

Iyuth on May 8th, 2008 at 6:38 pm #

RESEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! ko lomasukin si filmnya? lo ga mesti ngomong juga gitu gw maen..kalo bkikn gw mkin laku si gapapa..hehehe..orang lo blomnonton juga..diajakin nonton malah tidur ma ho!!!! tu best movie in 2007 tau!! nyesel lo ga nonton..u’ll regret it when u are old man!! cause it gonna be in film history!!! y berarti ade lo g cantik ni juga bakal masuk sejarah Indonesia..hehehehe

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