It has been days since a solid report of reception has come in, it is certain SuitSat's batteries have died. Thanks to all who participated in this experiment!

This page shows manually entered reports from people who heard SuitSat.

Report List Click here to see times in absolute UTC

Received by Age (dd:hh:mm:ss)signalmission timetemperaturevoltagecomments
F6BYJ 782:10:16:32   20 Fev 22:30tu - 49° elév. hrd and no SSB carrier - Gd bye SuitSat 
kd6fwd 782:15:17:331   somthing breaking squelch every 45 seconds very weak 145.990 
ei7bfb 782:19:56:16   Nothing heard on 145.990mhz from suitsat this pass. 
K7IP 784:12:51:56   89 degree pass at 0519z, nothing heard on 11 elements 
kb0zuu 784:14:37:151   some breaks in static extremely faint voice 1 or 2 times 
N0YOX 784:14:46:37   With Squelch open I had one full quieting kerchunck don_t know what it was but I have a recording. It happened while Suitsat was at 77 degrees. 73_s 
SQ9SY 784:19:07:27   Nothing heard at 61 deg. elev. , no SSB carrier, SuitSat1 is probably dead :( 
DJ3AK 785:00:59:44   no signals at 17.Feb 23:00z pass; later passes also no signal 
VE6BLD 785:10:25:10   Well the last pass at 01.13 am and 67 degrees elevation nothing heard !!I think unafficially that suit sat is dead! It has been a real pleasure capturing all the audio.73 Bob VE6BLD 
KC7GZC 785:11:51:491   packet bursts with cw id, good carrier but faint woman_s voice 
N1ASA 785:13:16:101   Composite SSTV image appears to be Canadarm2 against earth background 
Mouse 785:16:05:46   Received on handheld scanner with home made yagi. Heard data bursts with a voice in Russian. 
n4wd 785:16:35:591   carrrier strong enough to track, low voice, iss cross band destorted 8 min. later 
Mouse 785:17:33:123   received on handscanner and an yagi on 437.800. Heard a few data bursts and then a male voice saying:_coming out the other way_. The rest of the voice was untintelligible as suit sat passed over. 
dc9bg 785:17:57:552   first female than male voice - strong qsb - indoor 10el Yagi 
N4WD 785:18:56:431   carrier loud enough to track, short burst voice, cross band iss destorted 
KD4UYP 786:07:26:341   Strong Carrier this time... heard voice but buried in static... 
KC0ISW 786:07:27:003   heard This is suitsat-1 r followed by static. using a 5/8 wave 
KA3JAW/4 786:07:37:321   AO-54 Detected, Five second carrier, RF signal 1.05 db at 11:03:47 UTC on 145.990, FM, Ant. AZ: 045, EL: 037 deg.  
KB1GVR 786:13:42:231   !st time heard Suitsat, Russian Voice for 3 or 4 seconds. 31degs. nw 
N0YOX 786:13:51:411   clearly heard female voice id with arrow antenna and HT 77 degree pass 
KA3JAW/4 786:15:21:492   AO-54 Detected, Heard 20 seconds of female ID from 03:00:24 thru 03:00:44, RF Signal 1.0 - 2.0, 145.990, FM, Ant. AZ: 315, EL 072 
DJ3AK 786:16:43:453   CW-ID ..=RS then SSTV Picture with some sharp details (see aj3u) on 145.990FM 
PD0RKC 786:16:44:511   Good Signal, heard USA msg with special word FREEDOM! also weak SSTV picture, I will send audio to AJ3U site! 
DJ3AK 786:18:18:472   THIS IS SUITSAT-1 AMATEUR RADIO STATION RS0RS and then spanish/german with special word ZUKUNFT on 145.990FM 
PD0RKC 786:18:19:181   Heard SUITSAT id with Russian voice msg (weak) 73_s SUITSAT info: 
hg2ecz 786:19:48:003   carrier (LSB mode): 
dc9bg 786:19:56:333   3 times 1 seconds strong carrier S7 on indoor ant 
KI6BGI 787:04:46:031   At 75°, almost full quieting 2X _2 seconds apart, at 89°, man_s voice 2X, then girl_s voice *This is SuitSat 1*, Arrow antenna & Kenwood TH-F6A HT. 
KC5TRB 787:06:14:481   Heard weak intermittent SSTV (not decodable). 
VE6BLD 787:07:57:125   Hello, at 03.30 I have a good foreign language clip, at 03.31 an excellent USA English with special word FREEDOM at 68 degrees,then at 03.32 cw id and SSTV. See AJ3U for audio reports 73 Bob  
VE6BLD 787:09:33:065  24.0Good morning,..At 01.54 copied end of sstv at 25 degrees, 01.55 good telemetry at 50 degrees, 01.56 excellent foreign langauge S9 + at 78 degrees,last 2 weak audio at 30 and 18 degrees.See AJ3u for files.73 Bob 
F6BYJ 787:13:37:262   0429tu - Elv 79° - Good signals with strong QSB - Beginning of Msg well with the top of the noise...  
N9PSE 787:14:09:261   Vy wk, unintelligible voice and doppler-shifted CW: 4 el yagi. TKS! 
N2JPE 787:14:09:462   Signal up and down then heard This Is Suitsat using a homebrew 3 element yagi and PR10 preamp on a 60 degree pass 
W2DPT 787:14:10:091   recorded all but the elusive Telemetry data -I_ll keep poking at it 73 
VIKING-DX CLUB 787:14:11:131   * Weak voice signal with heavy QSB/fading * 
DJ3AK 787:15:32:052   ...RS0RS, then english female voice with special word on 145.990 FM at 47 degrees max elev. 
PD0RKC 787:15:32:531   Heard SUITSAT id, and a part of Japanese msg 
DJ3AK 787:17:06:523   male russian voice message received on 145.990 FM at 76 degrees elev... good audio 
PD0RKC 787:17:08:061   GREAT!!! Heard SUITSAT ID with telemetry and msg, I will send to AJ3U site! 
MI3EPN 787:17:09:241   Very weak, buried in the static barely audible voice in background {Kenwood TS-2000 & 13dB Log periodic} 
dc9bg 787:18:43:171   vy weak but still alive hrd on indoor yagi 145990 
ZL2FNF` 787:19:32:191   Still audible as FM modulated carrier on 145.99 - not strong enough to copy FM 
KD4UYP 788:06:37:281   Got a couple of seconds of sstv audio as well as some audio buried in the static.. trying to clean up 
VE6BLD 788:06:46:082   This pass at 04.41 I copied english at 39 degrees and foreign audio at 37 degrees, then last very weak audio at 19 degrees .See AJ3U for files and previous SSTV picture. 73 Bob Lacombe Ab. Canada 
VE6BLD 788:08:05:405 13 132.5Hello from Lacombe, I copied good SSTV at 03.07am with 3 text lines!!yahoo..telemetry at 03.08 15 degrees C. See AJ3U for sstv pic and files.73 .Bob 
K1LEF 788:08:09:101   Heard SSTV very faint. 
WB6KDH 788:11:33:311   weak, with heavy QSB - _RS0RS_ ID, followed by male voice and quieting total of 39sec. 06:54:44utc, heard past zenith of 70º (57º), 4-element Yagi, VX-5R, no preamp. Still exciting to copy Suitsat, even though weak. 
KB8KPV 788:12:47:521   Herd faint mans voice then Childs voice (05:27:00 UTC) 
KA3JAW/4 788:14:36:431   AO-54 Detected, Three carriers _ 03:47:55, 03:48:10, 03:49:00, RF Signal between 0.75 - 1.25 db, 145.990, FM 
DJ3AK 788:15:54:292   first telemetry received here: mission time 0????, temperature ..teen degrees, battery voltage 25 Volts (this was very clear to understand, no decimal point in value just twentyfive volts), then pause and afterwards: THIS IS SUITSAT-1... over 1min of audi 
PD0RKC 788:15:57:311   Suitsat VOICE! CW and yes!!!-> long time SSTV (strong moments!). 
PD0RKC 788:17:24:581   Heard SUITSAT voice (weak) but I have to analaze what language I_ve heard. 
DJ3AK 788:17:29:322   male russian voice, then SUITSAT-1 AMATEUR RADIO STATION... 1min of audio on 145.990 FM at 65 degrees elevation 
K1PAR 788:17:29:431   Very weak signal just over static, male voice, unable to copy info 
YO8KGA 788:19:02:022   14.02.2006 23:26UTC Partial ID and telemetry: mission time (01)5776 min, bat 26.5V. Rig FT847 - ant half F9FT (8el) at 60deg el. Audio files at _www.yo8kga.org_. 
TA1D 788:20:06:161    on 145.990 MHZ. I heard carrier with Doppler shift on SSB mode and freq. is 145.986 MHz.on top, abt 70 d.elev. and signal getting strong  
JH3BUM 789:04:17:012   77Deg EL Pass SSTV sig heard IC910 2x7Ele yagi 
WK0Q 789:05:06:341   WOO HOO !! Heard several seconds of carrier this last pass on ssb in the mobile with no preamp, got a bonus of hearing a little of the sstv signal!! GO Mr. Smith!!! (time now is 7:20AM CST) 
KC5TRB 789:05:28:071   Heard SSTV then female then male...weak & unintelligible. 
KI4JUD 789:05:28:262   Heavy QRM (4) and QSB; heard parts of ID and greetings; low angle pass was better for my RX equipment, though still a 2x3 
NC6T 789:05:30:151   Three short bursts of SSTV signal heard with 5-el yagi and VX-7 HT 
mr.kelly 789:05:33:551   heard womans voice vary weak 
VE6BLD 789:05:34:421   This 05.50 pass I have captured 2 very weak audio clips with only 24 degree maximum elevation.Posted to AJ3U,73 From Bob Lacombe Alberta Canada 
VE6BLD 789:08:46:102   Feb 14 , I first heard very weak voice at 02.42.34, then a girls voice at 02.43.06 at abt 58 degrees, then a male voice at 02.44.01 at 55 degrees.Nothing xmitted at max 68 degrees!! Signals are weakening!!! I will listen next pass..AJ3U for files.73 Bob 
VK4IT 789:09:14:432   SSTV heard on 145.990 for approx 15 seconds with minimal fading using VX7 and ARDF 2m Tape Measure Yagi. Elevation was 65 degrees tonight. 
KI4JUD 789:11:48:013   Tumble fading; recieved voice ID; Secret Word; SSTV signal heard; packet QRM noted on nearby freq; 3x5 
TMS 789:13:18:091   very weak heard voices but not readable 
W2DPT 789:13:25:061   Most I_ve heard so far voices,code and SSTV- still not a clear picture here but Im trying 73 all 
KC8RAN 789:13:25:262   Mr Smith is still alive, almost heard entire sstv sequence, but no picture. 
KA3JAW/4 789:13:29:031   AO-54 Detected, Multiple flutter carriers between 04:54:25 thru 04:59:12 UTC, RF signal 1.0-1.25 db, 145.990 MHZ, FM 
WX9C 789:14:55:592   Very weak c.w. signal on 145.990 
KA3JAW/4 789:15:02:261   AO-54 Detected, Three very weak flutter carriers _ 03:25:30, 03:26:10, 03:26:50 UTC, RF strength 0.85 db, 145.990 MHZ, FM.  
DJ3AK 789:16:17:373   copied only 3 seconds of voice ID with 77 degr. elev. pass on 145.990 
ZL1TYF 789:17:05:101   HT and 4-element yagi. No definite words or SSTV tones this time, but drop in FM noise floor a few times. Near fully quiet twice. Late in the pass. It was el=20, and about 850 km downrange (per Nova) at the time 
KE5DFA 790:04:15:211   Very weak, doppler carrier, only with slight traces of modulation 145.990 USB mode. 
JH3BUM 790:04:43:071   Very weak SSTV tone 
W8ZTO 790:05:56:101   Faint CW and SSTV signal 
KD4UYP 790:06:00:141   Got some audio above the static... but not much and much weaker 
W2GDJ 790:07:19:502   Overhead pass here.Heard voice identifier words RS0RS then SSTV sig 
KB9UPS 790:07:27:321   weak then not heard as it passed to the east 
VE6BLD 790:07:37:07   WOW!!! This pass at 03.51 with elevation of 78 degrees was great!!!at 3.54sstv then weak telemetry with doppler 18 _ ,3.55 very strong full quieting foreign with special word!!! at 69_, 3.56 foreign man then woman 44_, 3.57 last heard deep fades 17 _ Grea 
VE6BLD 790:09:10:193   I captured five 30 sec clips 1 min. apart. 2.18 with doppler,2.19 special word canada,2.20 english,2.21 foreign,max elev.44 degrees fairly good audio .See AJ3U. 
WB6KDH 790:10:45:581   weak quieting, heavy QSB, faint male voice. 07:42:20UTC, 68º elevation. 4-element Yagi, no preamp 
VIKING-DX CLUB 790:10:46:061   Late report; Suit-Sat1 getting weaker. 
KC5TRB 790:12:19:471   Heard weak female voice. 
kg4rru 790:13:42:402   heard cw id / on 145.990 
AB2IZ 790:13:45:401   Male voice -- choppy -- lots of fluttering 
W5DID 790:13:46:171   Gears Suitsat ID, American special word and SSTV 
Dreamglider 790:16:03:181   weak on SSB sstv and voice, ant: homemade QFH for 137.5MHz station: FT-817 no preamp. pass at max 10deg 
HS4POV 790:16:05:021 1  weak signal BEEP and becon on 145.990 
VK5ZAI 790:16:09:11   High pass, good signal for brief period. Boys voice heard. No time to get recording. Signals seem to be still holding up OK 
ZL1TYF 790:17:29:341   Icom Handheld + 4-el yagi. FM. Heard female voice + SSTV tones 
NT7DX 791:03:09:331   Very weak, carrier only with slight traces of modulation 
YV5KXE 791:04:25:571   Only a female voice and cut, not legible 
WA4KKV 791:04:30:411   Heard broken voice in noise from 13:54:39 to 13:57:10. Some pkt bursts 
N6EIV 791:04:34:531   Very weak signal 
KC5TRB 791:04:39:502   Heard unintelligible female, a couple tones then male. 
VE6BLD 791:04:46:011   Feb 12..06:43:34.Only one 4 second capture....This is SuitSat 1. only 25 degree maximum elevation..Very surprised I heard anything at all!!! 73 until early tomorrow morning 02:16 and then 03:51 and 05:26..73 from Lacombe Alberta Canada.Bob VE6BLD DO32. Ha 
N3UC 791:06:07:161   Weak, few seconds of Voice on 145.990 
VE3KRP 791:06:07:541   Very weak child_s voice, bits of telemetry 
VE6BLD 791:06:20:554  1424.0Good morning. At 05.05.06 first weak audio 18 degrees,great cw id and SSTV at 32 degrees,WOW, at 05.08.12 52 degrees GOOD TELEMETRY. last heard at 32 degrees..My previous report of weak signals has changed. One more 25 degree pass here in Lacombe.73 all B 
UNIPO - SK 791:06:45:281  0 SUITSAT experiment: very weak voice (Japanese) and data transmissions, Slovakia (Prešov) 
W2GDJ 791:07:46:16-1   Better sig this pass.Copied SSTV sig .Still can_t get clear voice message.Receive equip here is FT-736R ,preamp and 20 ele RHCP antenna 
VE6BLD 791:07:58:133   Good morning from Canada! 03.28 am pass, very weak audio at 3.30 20 degrees, 3.31am 22 sec clip foreign language at 33 degrees, 3.32 english Canada? clip,3.33am fairly good audio at 60 degrees, two more very weak clips at 3.33 and 3.35 at 40 and last he 
sydneyweather@o 791:08:18:47   Did not rec any signal from suit sat however did observe it flashing and tumbling in the night sky.Was not visible at any other time but during the tumble (once every 10 sec or so) and I am guessing this is as the sunlight was reflected off suitsats visor 
VK4IT 791:08:21:371   Bit of SSTV, female voice ident, then more voice, possibly _minutes_ and _volts_. Very faint, with deep fading using Arrow Yagi and VX7. Elevation was 80 degrees tonight. 
W2GDJ 791:09:25:531   Weak carrier sig with some modulation for about 15 sec. 15 deg max el here 
K9IVB 791:11:10:491   Weak voice, male  
KB1FRM 791:11:36:291   Very weak male voice almost lost in background noise...heard short tansmissions about 15 seconds each...three of them over a period of 15 minutes 
BD-PA 791:12:29:181   Weak signal over Erie, PA- SSTV and voice, got about 90 seconds recorded, no telemetry. 
KG4ESJ 791:12:33:591   extremely weak voice heard on 145.990 (unintelligible), followed by possible CCTV signal. 
KB9KX 791:12:34:451   3 packet bursts followed by 4 unmod. carriers over 2 1/2 mins. on 437.800 
KG4ESJ 791:12:37:031   extremely weak voice heard on 145.990 (unintelligible), followed by possible CCTV signal. 
hg2ecz 791:13:40:363   heard 2 word and the doppler. RIG: FT-817 SSB mode, Ant: 6 el Yagi 
DJ3AK 791:15:28:163   now with 2.3 wl yagi at 65degr. elev.: good receiption of voice THIS IS SUITSAT-1 AMATEUR RADIO STATION RS0RS, then weak female voice message on 145.990.  
2E0TGS 791:15:31:371   Detected carrier on but speech and very breif snatches of speech but not intelligable 
GW6TYO 791:15:32:033   2 x 8 el Quads. 250 deg Az 7 deg Elevation Young Female voice _This is Suitsat_ followed by Russian sounding male lasting about 30 seconds in all with heavy QSB. Nothing at all for rest of pass with max el of 68 deg but moving too fast to track accuratel 
VY5/KM5WV 791:15:49:181   All noise with partial interrupted quieting. 7 element tracking 2M 
VK3FI 791:16:28:531   Short burst of SSTV audio 
ct1din 791:16:59:203   Noises and human voices too...and QRM  
OH5IY 791:18:35:481   Weak, 0.5 S units over noise, male and female voices, no copy 
TA1D 791:20:06:291   I heard CW ID and SSTV puls with Doppler shift in SSB mode,but not readable in FM mode. 
CS1RAD 791:20:47:082   Since the o launching of SuitSat-1 that the weak signals are listened from CS1RAD on educational programs near the schools. The reception of the signals rare is more than relation of signal noise of 5 dB. The rotation produces fading during 3 to 5 seconds 
JN1GKZ 792:03:45:341   30deg EL pass. heard carrier. could not understand voice 
k6qxb 792:04:17:250   spin fade about 2sec. heard bits of male & female voices-direct overhead pass  
KE7EQW 792:04:50:111   Heard ID only 
KD4UYP 792:04:51:111   Interesting audio signature this morning. got carrier most of the pass but could not make anything out (while live). did get 2 characters CW above the static.. 
kg4tos 792:04:55:185   Strong male voice on 437.800 hrd words Outer Space then telemetry 
KD4HTW 792:04:58:061   Very Weak Male Voice for about 4 secs, no SSTV rec_vd 
N4TRI 792:05:00:321   Heard voices a few times at the first half of pass,sounded like diff voices 
KE5DFA 792:05:02:001   I heard a weak Doppler shift carrier with traces of modulation 145.990 USB mode. 
KC0UVB 792:05:04:042   Lots of FM quieting, only short voice at max elevation 
VE6BLD 792:05:10:511   Good morning again! At 06.17.31 and 19 degrees very very weak audio clips, more same at 06.18.09 and 28 degrees, then at 06.18.59 and 43 degrees cw id and fairly good full SSTV sequence!!. I will clean up and sent to AJ3U, then the last I heard was at 06. 
VK6HAM 792:05:35:011   Weak sstv heard for about 5 seconds 
W2DPT 792:06:34:081   Again childs voice(english) then Russian male voice then my sstv activated during the male voice-no picture just static 44 deg el 30 deg az 
VE6BLD 792:06:44:351   Hello from Bob! At 04:43:10 am very,very weak few words elevation 36 degrees, at 04:47:03 another very weak few words, at 04:47:52 s8 max elevation of 78 degrees peaks pretty good audio, at 04:47:58 very weak audio. I think SuitSat is slowly running out  
WB6KDH 792:09:56:511   _...teur radio station RS0RS_ (call sign clearest), weak, 083056utc, 56º elevation, 4-element Yagi, VX-5R  
NI0D 792:11:26:163   Alternating male and female voice above 40 deg. elevation. Good signal to deep nulls very quickly. Two 8 elements on 145.99 with AZ/El 
kc8vwm 792:12:34:58   Heard the words _-Suitsat-1-_ Buried Extremely Deep In Background Signal. Played Tape 6 Times - But It_s There 
OE6RKE 792:12:45:291   SuitSat still alive, 145.990 Signal q2 to q4 at direct headover passing, signal constantly increasing 
N2ECR 792:12:53:112   Heard what sounded like Asian female (Japan?) then later heard SSTV data. 29.8 EL/183.1 AZ. Using an 8ft Vertical Omni. 
KA3JAW/4 792:12:58:371  0 AO-54 (Suitsat) Detected, 145.990 FM, Signal 1.25, SSTV about 5 seconds in duration, 0525 UTC (0025 ET local). 
DJ3AK 792:14:19:053   voice-ID, then male voice and pause... on 145.990 
SQ9SY 792:14:23:361   Traces of modulation (USB / 145.993-145.898) - fast doppler shift, max elevation was 83 degrees, antena - dipole + 20dB preamp. Nothing on FM.  
DJ3AK 792:15:53:183   voice-ID, then male voice and pause.. then THIS IS SUITSAT-1 AMATEUR RADIO STATION on 145.990 
VK4IT 792:16:53:361   Female voice _This is suitsat ....._ plus some quieting. Arrow Yagi, VX7, Elevation was 60 degrees 
LPP 792:16:57:472   Heard parts in russian language ( - Wave2.wav - Wave3.wav - Wave4.wav) 
I3EEL 792:17:58:321   Weakest signal: lots of QSB - Rx: 2 crossed YAGIs + Pre 
JH0TOG 792:20:16:173   Heard 20sec Voice msg 145.990MHz FM  
TG9SO 793:02:15:21   Like weak Doppler shift carrier  
VIKING-DX 793:02:15:521   Very weak. Elevation could have been better. 
JN1GKZ 793:02:33:032   heard ID and part of msg but heavy local QRM 
XE3ISS 793:03:42:251   Childs voice 
XE3ISS 793:03:43:461   week sig voice ANT 13B2 
w4aim 793:03:44:465   Juvenile voice - English - First part sounded like letters R folled by letter A  
KE5DFA 793:03:51:331   Weak Doppler shift carrier with traces of modulation on 145.990 USB mode. 
AIRWAVES COMM 793:03:53:255   Heard Womans Voice ID SatSuit1 and data transmissions 453.100 
WA4NFK 793:03:54:025   Heard SatSuit1 Vioce ID Female and Data 
KC5TRB 793:03:56:132   Copied female voice that said _SuitSat_. 
VE6BLD 793:04:00:271   This pass was very very weak.At 7:29 very weak audio at 23 degrees, 7:31 at 25 degrees, 7:31:50 very weak sstv at 18 degrees..Still pretty good to hear anything at only max elevation of 25 degrees..Bob 73 to all  
W8PAT 793:05:26:003   144.990 FM Strong enough today to be heard over S7 interference. 
VE6BLD 793:05:26:14 9417 024.0I slept thruu 4:14 pass,nuts!! On 5:51 pass great audio 41 sec of sstv, 34 sec foreign language, 23 sec of excellent telemetry, battery still at 26.7 volts!!! I copied a total of 98 seconds of pretty good audio.YAHOO GO SUITSAT!! See AJ3U for audio files  
M0JFE 793:09:55:43   Very weak sstv tones folowed by in audioble speech Equip FT1500M & SQBM1000 co-linear. 
F6BYJ 793:11:23:441   El max 79 - Force of the signals identical to the previous days. perceptible in SSB almost all length. 
W2DPT 793:11:46:351   Childs voice Suitsat call then Adult Male Voice 
ON6HN 793:13:02:282   QSB, voice 
OE1HFC 793:13:03:241   week sig voice, cw with doppler characteristic rcvd ant 10 el. collinear, TS 700 
KB9KX 793:13:28:121   Weak Cw heard on 145.990 for about 15 -40 sec. 
KA3JAW/4 793:13:30:211  0 AO-54 (Suitsat) Detected, 145.990 FM, RF Signal 0.75, slightly above noise floor with two .25 second carriers at 0454 UTC (2354 ET local). 
DJ3AK 793:14:41:122   _suitsat-1 amateur radio rs0i...all the students over the world... universities_ (30s of audio on 145.990) 
KB9KX 793:15:04:571   Vry weak CW heard on 145.990. Could cpy R ,S , and zero. 
mw3bau 793:16:10:281   very weak data sigs + snippet of voice 
M0NDJ 793:17:57:493   Heard _this is suitsat_ on 437.8 on iss orbit 41312 
kg4rru 793:18:16:261   hear some beeps and some voices[this morning mostly on 437.00 mhz 
KH6UX 793:21:57:421   Weak signal in the noise, 145.990. heard voices(perhaps Japanese) and the number _5_ in morse code. 
OM3WBC 794:02:19:591   very weak signal received with ant:2x4wl DJ9BV + IC-910H 
EA4OA 794:02:23:403   Listennig 437.800 FM. fone and SSTV 0807/0812 GMT 
VE6BLD 794:02:47:481   The pass at 8:37AM was only max elevation of 13 degrees..only copied very very weak of audio...gotta go to work. 
JN1GKZ 794:02:57:221   heard weak ID 
kb3haf 794:03:39:362  14 heard male voice, telem fading in and out temp14 
Paxton 794:04:13:144   Heard several data bursts, also some odd pulsing sound that must be SSTV. 
W8PAT 794:04:13:322   145.990 USB mode. Max EL 30 degrees AZ 260 to 160 degrees desending. Best I have heard. range 500 to 800 miles some voice and SSTV 
KC7GZC 794:04:19:081   Packet bursts, variable faint voice, on 145.99  
KC7GZC 794:04:21:441   Packet bursts, faint voice, s3 
Paul 794:04:23:211   Heard -Suitsat....RS0RS....Japanese - Recording here 
W4IRQ 794:04:27:271   Faint beep heard with voice on 145.990 while passing overhead 
N2SPI 794:05:26:462 7967 36 Hear audio of telemetry captured by N2SPI at _www.aj3u.com_ 
VE6BLD 794:05:41:27   yahoo!!!I have a good 22 sec clip including the special word for CANADA!!! Received at 5:31:38 at an elevation of 76 degrees with S9 +15 signals. I think this is my third special word! 73 to all from VE6BLD DO32. 
VE6BLD 794:05:47:251   another very early morning from Lacombe, weak audio at 22 degrees at 5:30:30, go to AJ3U for files.waiting for next 78 degree pass!!! 
WA3ETD 794:05:49:031   Steady tones - 7el, preamp at mast 
VE6BLD 794:05:53:481   received more weak audio at 5:33:30AM. hard to copy voice.Check AJ3U for all my reception files. 
VE7TIL 794:05:57:481   Weak but similar to the last couple of nights. Three signal bursts noted all with a more distinctive 'non-linear' freq shift when they begin then yesterday... 

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For further info:

A few articles about SuitSat: NASA, AMSAT, CNN, MSNBC, and pictures from ISS of SuitSat preparation.
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About the site author, K4HG
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station
See live downlinked amateur radio transmissions from the ISS

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