klipp av

we're not going to tell you, but here are some clues: Nick uses SuperCollider 3, sometimes with his BBCut library and his various realtime machine listening technologies. Fredrik uses max/msp nato/jitter with his bridge objects to link the two. The two laptops are networked and use Open Sound Control to pass messages in both directions. A klipp av performance is extremely live- all algorithmic composition runs in realtime under a host of user controls, including the difficult but powerful method of live coding, that is, programming new algorithms and mappings on the fly.

There is a a recent article in Computer Music Journal - klipp av: Live Algorithmic Splicing and Audiovisual Event Capture (CMJ) and a paper describing an early version of the technology in the days when we even tried using MIDI- A Protocol For Audiovisual Cutting (Collins/Olofsson ICMC 2003)


            live at state 51 1



here we give you some insight to recent discussions in the science department...

_n: we could also buy a TMS device (only £20,000) and hook it up to my motor cortex- then we could do algorithmic auto-spasms.
_f: na, cheaper with electrical charge. just a relay controlled via osc on the main power and off you go. i'll bring one tomorrow.
_n: Thom Yorke stop your heart out...not sure I trust your MAX patch's filtering, especially if it crashes with full mains on...


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