What is Purpose Driven?
by PD Staff

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Purpose Driven is a church health model. This model provides your pastoral team with a unique, biblically-based approach to establishing, transforming, and maintaining a balanced, growing congregation that seeks to fulfill the five God-given purposes: worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and missions.

The simple approach of Purpose Driven helps your pastoral team focus your people toward a foundational understanding of the Bible and a clear method for measuring their own spiritual growth and the church's overall growth.

The Purpose Driven model is used by congregations around the world -- large and small, denominational and non-denominational, charismatic and non-charismatic, new plant and well-established, urban and rural. More than 300,000 church leaders in 22 languages have been directly trained; there are now purpose driven congregations in every country of the world.

Purpose Driven helps church leaders:

  • Establish or re-establish the core purposes of their church
  • Design an intentional discipleship process
  • Build an "outward-in" perspective to growth and evangelism

Our mission is to transform the local church through God's purposes. We want to see a worldwide movement of healthy churches producing purpose driven lives.

Our vision is to see healthy, balanced congregations producing purpose driven lives of all ages everywhere. We want to see the Church creating life-changing communities around the world; fulfilling the biblical purposes; encouraging one another's salvation, growth, and development; fully aware and fully mobilized to fulfill God's intentional design and mandate for a purpose driven church; and encouraging other churches in their growth.

The goal is simple: healthy churches produce healthy lives. To this end, our mission is to encourage and equip church leadership with ongoing strategies, tools, training, and coaching communities.

The Purpose Driven Church ministry philosophy is a transferable biblical process, successful in every culture, in every denomination, in churches of every size and shape. For nearly 30 years, Purpose Driven training and resources have resulted in model churches worldwide. This was never more visible than at the Purpose Driven Church conference at Saddleback Church last May, when close to a hundred pastors from 20 nations gathered on the platform to be honored with Church Health Awards.

Saddleback Church is now but one among thousands of purpose driven churches -- the vanguard of a new reformation. Together, we are transforming the 21st century church through God's purposes.


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