Disaster Relief

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Signs of Need

  • In developing countries, 96% of all deaths are caused by natural disasters.

  • In 1998 alone, over 50,000 Americans needed care and shelter because of a disaster.

  • On September 11th, over 6,000 people were killed in the U.S. when terrorists hijacked four planes and crashed into the Twin Towers in NYC, the Pentagon in D.C. A fourth plane crashed in Pennsylvania, diverted by heroic passengers.

Signs of Hope

You can use the Internet to help instantly those whose worlds have been destroyed-often in just a few seconds of a trembling earth, a devastating wind, or an exploding bomb.

  • E-RELIEF: Increasingly people around the world are using the power of the Internet to help disaster victims. The American Red Cross raised $1.26 million during the Kosovo crisis on-line.

  • GOVERNMENT: Domestically, FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) is working to decrease the loss of life and property and to increase the speed at which people can recover from disasters.

  • NOBEL: Doctors Without Borders won the 1999 Nobel Peace Prize.

While we cannot stop disasters, we can help those who experience them and work to lessen their damage in the future. Each donation can help a family rebuild its life and prevent other families from experiencing the trauma that disaster brings.

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