Allegro A game programming library

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Language bindings

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AdaAllegro - Leonid Dulman has worked on providing an ADA-95(2005) interface for the Allegro game library.


alBitmap - alBitmap is a C++ Wrapper for the Allegro BITMAP datatype. Features built-in memory allocation/deallocation, inlined functions for bitmap creation, loading, saving, blitting, comparing, plus some convenience functions for printing text with STL's string type.

Allegro Simplificator - Allegro Simplificator is a C++ wrapper. It provides classes for most Allegro functions and adds some new functionality (cross-platform networking). It comes with some examples and extensive documentation.


AllegNet - AllegNet is a .NET library, coded in C# 2.0, based on Allegro 4.2.0. With AllegNet you can build your own video game in full managed code. So you can use this to build C#,, J# and C++ managed games.

Mallegro - Mallegro (or Managed Allegro) is a .NET wrapper for Allegro written by Michael Jensen. It promises making Allegro available to C# and VB.NET developers.


DAllegro - Tydr Schnubbis organised an effort to be able to use Allegro from the D programming language.


Common Lisp FFI for Allegro - cl-alleg provides a foreign function interface for the Allegro games library. This is built on top of CFFI and so should be portable across multiple common lisp implementations. The author also writes a cl-alleg game development blog at


LuAllegro - The goal of the LuAllegro project is to provide a free multi-platform graphics library for Lua. Of course, Allegro is used for this purpose.


Mercury - Mercury-Allegro provides a fairly complete set of bindings to Allegro and AllegroGL for the Mercury programming language. It's available as part of the mercury-extras ROTD (release-of-the-day) distributions on the Mercury web site.


Allegro.pas - Allegro.pas is a wrapper to use Allegro with Pascal compilers like Delphi or Free Pascal.


Perl - A Perl interface to Allegro written by Colin O'Leary.


PyAllegro - This page hosts all available Python bindings. There are currently two projects: Alpy (a pure C interface) and PyAlleg (a Pyrex interface).


Bigloo-Allegro - This is an abandoned Bigloo (a Scheme compiler) binding.

MzScheme - Allegro scheme is a set of MzScheme bindings to Allegro written by Jon Rafkind. Using MzScheme's nice FFI library it is very easy to bind scheme to any C library. There is a set of bindings directly to Allegro in and a scheme wrapper which should make it easier to use in

Scheme->C compiler bindings - Bindings of Allegro 5 to three Scheme->C compilers (CHICKEN, Gambit-C and Bigloo) written by Peter Wang, as a proof-of-concept. Note that Allegro 5 is still under development.


Wiki page about bindings - The Wiki also has a page about language bindings. Because everyone can edit it, it may have additional links not listed here. But they may not work or point to abandoned or very work in progress work.