Anime on DVD

Anime on DVD is represented by Gorilla Nation. Please contact Gorilla Nation for ad rates, packages and general advertising information.

Kero-chan Catalog Cheeeeeeeeeck!

One thing anime fans clamor for is to have titles that came out years again be revisited, usually with more episodes than there were on the tapes, and be brought up to the presents digital clarity with the DVD format.

What unfortunately happens is that most people don't remember all the titles the various companies put out or whether they already are in the works. Some of the titles aren't even owned by the company anymore!

That's where Kero-chan Catalog Check! comes into play. We've managed to find out about almost all of the existing titles that have come out over the years that are considered catalog titles for these companies, and have broken them down by the studios so you can see which ones aren't out yet. And as people see which ones they want more than others, the clamoring can begin!

Just remember kids, petitions don't work!

  Afro Samurai (Ed...
  Black Lagoon Vol...
  Maria Watches Ov...

Check out more new releases!

  Flag Vol. #4
  Jinki: Extend Co...
  Freedom Vol. #6 ...
  Witchblade Vol. ...
  Haruka: Beyond t...
  Paniponi Dash! V...
  Super Robot Wars...
  No Money Vol. #2...
  Naruto Unleashed...


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