Call for Tool Demonstrations



11th International Conference of Z Users

Organized by the Z User Group
In cooperation with Daimler-Benz Research Berlin, GMD and TU Berlin
Sponsored by Daimler-Benz and Praxis Critical Systems
Supported by BCS-FACS

Berlin, Germany
24-26th September 1998

The 11th International Conference of Z Users (ZUM'98) will be held at Berlin, Germany, 24-26 September 1998. For more information about the conference, see:

Companies, institutes, and researchers are invited to exhibit tools related to Z and formal methods. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

The tool exhibition will be held in parallel with the main conference, 24-26 September 1998, in a room close to the main conference room. Internet connectivity and a limited numer of Sun workstations can be provided if necessary. The room will be accessible starting at 12 noon, Wednesday 23rd September 1998 (the day before the main conference starts). If there is demand, we can organize a schedule for short informal talks about tools. In particular, 12.00-12.30, Friday 25th September 1998 is allocated to tool demonstration presentations.

Please send a short description of your intended tool demonstration, or any further questions you have, to:

Wolfgang Grieskamp
TU Berlin, Germany

Please include the following information: The deadline for registering tool demonstrations is 1 SEPTEMBER 1998. Note, however, that the deadline for early conference registration is 10 AUGUST 1998.

Wolfgang Grieskamp