Black History Links

This page was written as a time saver for history teachers who need information for your students on slavery in pre-civil war America as well as Reconstruction, Jim Crow Laws, the Civil Rights Movement and issues of the present period. If you find a site you think should be included, please let me know.

Pre-Civil War Slavery          Post Civil War Links

Pre-Civil War Slavery

Africans in America from WGBH - PBS Online

Spartacus Encyclopedia Slavery Links includes slave accounts, life, events, issues and more.

World Book Encyclopedia Presents: The African American Journey  (Click on the African American Journey located under African American History)

The African American Odyssey: A Quest for Full Citizenship  is from the Library of Congress. Look at the information in Sections I, II and III.

African American Perspectives consists of pamphlets from the American Memories collection from the Library of Congress.

Slavery is from the Black History Hotlist from Tom March ( and PAC Bell.

Exploring Amistad  Amistad Revolt by slaves on a ship off the coast of Cuba that "set off an intense legal, political, and popular debate over the slave trade, slavery, race, Africa, and ultimately America itself." This site is from the Mystic Seaport Museum.

The Slave Ship   This web site describes a packed slave ship. It is created and maintained by the New Mexico State University College of Agriculture and Home Economics.

Slavery as Capitalism  describes why slavery existed by Norman Coombs, Rochester Institute of Technology.

Excerpts from Slave Narratives - Edited by Steven Mintz of the University of Houston

The Suffering of Slavery - Illustrations depicting the suffering of slaves on southern plantations found in the American Anti-Slavery Almanac, 1840

A description of a slave auction  is a description of a slave auction by James Martin, a former slave. The source is the Library of Congress.

Slave Housing  by Jacob Stroyer, My Life in the South (enlarged edition; Salem, Mass., 1898)

Living Conditions Under Slavery  by  Benjamin Drew, A North- Side View of Slavery (Boston, 1856).

Working Conditions of Slaves   Twelve Years a Slave: Narrative of Solomon Northrup (Auburn, N.Y., 1853).

Information about slaves in Abbeville County, South Carolina - When at this page go to the "1860 Abbeville Co, SC Slave Schedule Online Surname" sections almost at the bottom of the page to find out how much slaves costs and what happened to individual families

Slavery- Lest we forget is a list of links compiled by Bennie J. McRae, Jr.

Black History Tour  is a ThinkQuest competition winner.

Slavery--The Peculiar Institution Part 1 from the Library of Congress

Slavery--The Peculiar Institution Part 1b from the Library of Congress

Little Known Facts About Slavery

Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1938 contains more than 2,300 first-person accounts of slavery 

American Slave Narratives: An Online Anthology  compiled by Bruce Fort of the University of Virginia

North American Slave Narratives, Collection of Electronic Texts from the University of North Carolina.

African American Perspectives: Pamphlets from the Daniel A.P.Murray Collection in the Library of Congress.

Slave Insurrections  by Norman Coombs, Rochester Institute of Technology.

Major Slave Revolts and Escapes  from the Black History Museum.

The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 - A Summary   from The Underground Railroad in Rochester, New York by Ilana May, Mark Beigel, and Lenny Hochschild.

The Dred Scott Decision  from The History Place.

The Impact of Dred Scott  by Lisa Cozzens for The American Revolution - An  .HTML Project.

Escaped slave advertisements contained in the Savannah Georgia Gazette, various issues, 1769 - scroll down to the bottom of the page to find these notices of escaped slaves.

The Underground Railroad from the 42eXplore section of by Annette Lamb and Larry Johnson has materials and links for K-12.

The Underground Railroad  is an interactive site from The National Geographic Society.

Aboard the Underground Railroad  from the National Park Service (this link is not working presently - we hope it will be up shortly)

Harriet Tubman & The Underground Railroad  by  Mrs. Taverna's second grade class at Pocantico Hills School in Sleepy Hollow, New York.

Our Virtual Underground Railroad Quilt by David Leahy, Greenway Elementary School.

Abolition from the Library of Congress.

Influence of Prominent Abolitionists  from the Library of Congress.

Conflict of Abolition and Slavery  from the Library of Congress.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act  from The History Place.

Kansas Territory (this is about the killing in Kansas over the issue of slavery) from Dan Backer, American Studies,  University of Virginia

Colonization of Liberia by former Slaves from the Library of Congress.

United States Historical Census Data Browser  To use it click on a date on the left side of the site. The data presented at this site describes the people and the economy of the US for each state and county from 1790 to 1970.
This site has a wealth of information for those who wish to analyze trends in US history. For example, "Compare the North and South in 1850 by looking at the number of free colored males in various states. Why did free colored males settle in certain states and not others? Why is that important?"
Also, this is a site where math and history teachers to do some real collaboration, especially with respect to questions such as "Why is that information important?" and "Is the analysis reasonable?"

Crossroads: Middle School Curriculum from Syracuse University has many excellent resources about the events leading up to the Civil War.

Post Civil War Links

Black History Hotlist is source  of many links for black history, leaders, Civil Rights Movement, literature and much more from Tom March ( and PAC Bell.

Black History Tour  is a ThinkQuest competition winner.

Sampling African America has links to much information and resources from Tom March ( and PAC Bell.

The African American Odyssey: A Quest for Full Citizenship  from the Library of Congress.  Look at the information in sections VII, VIII and IX.

African American Perspectives consists of pamphlets from the American Memories collection from the Library of Congress.

African American Perspectives: Pamphlets from the Daniel A.P.Murray Collection, 1818-1907

The African-American Mosaic  from the Library of Congress.

African-American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 (from Brown University)  from the Library of Congress.

American Life Histories: Manuscripts from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1940  Example of using this site: In the "Search Full Text" box, type in the word "negro", or "sharecropper", or type in more than one word such as "negro vote" and then use match all of these words.

Prosperity and Thrift: The Coolidge Era and the Consumer Economy, 1921-1929  Example of using this site: In the "Search Full Text" box, type in the word "negro".

CNN's Black History Month links

Powerful days In Black and White from the Kodak Corp.

Black Farming and History from Public Broadcasting System.

Civil Rights Resources from the Scholastic Network.

Black Baseball's Negro Baseball Leagues and Negro League Baseball has information about black baseball players in the first half in the twentieth century.

Overview of the Civil Rights Movement from the late 1950 through today from Encyclopedia Britannica. Use this site only to get information about who or what to do further research on. Also, there are audio and video clips that you might want to quote as primary sources.

The Modern Civil Rights Movement from the World Book Encyclopedia. Use this site only to get information about who or what to do further research on. Also, there are audio and video clips that you might want to quote as primary sources.

Little Rock Central High has information about the integration of the public schools in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Martin Luther King Jr. is a tribute from the Seattle Times newspaper including a link on the Civil Rights Movement and a link to the Electric Library with other links.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People has a timeline about the group and  the Civil Rights Movement.

Black History Tour is a page designed by students that has much information on the topics of the research paper.

A Shared Past has information about the KKK, voting rights, agricultural changes, etc. in Texas.

African-American Literature Links has some information on Negro writers in the early 20th century. For information on writers in particular, please go to the Writing Black USA link at the bottom of the page.

Harlem Renaissance  from  42eXplore section of by Annette Lamb and Larry Johnson has materials and links for K-12.  This is a quality site!

Harlem Renaissance also has information on African-American culture in New York in the early 20th century.

Copyright © 1998-2002 Richard Levine
This site is for non-profit, educational use only. If you have any comments, questions or resources you would like to see added to this page, contact Richard Levine on the Cool Teaching Lessons and Units page.

Last updated 12/01/01