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Tony Martin has done it again!

The Jewish Onslaught


Despatches from the Wellesley Battlefront


The Jewish attack on Black progress reached Wellesley College in 1993, when more Jewish organizations than you could shake a stick at issued a call for the dismissal of Dr. Tony Martin from his tenured professorship at the elite women's college. His crime? - including readings on Jewish involvement in the African slave trade in an African American history course. With rare insight and biting wit, Martin replies to his detractors and offers a historian's analysis of the escalating Jewish onslaught against Black people. (1993. vii+137pp. ISBN 0-912469-30-7. $9.95 paper)



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#1 BESTSELLER Your Black Books Guide
BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR Black Literary Awards,1994


See Latest Review by The Truth Establishment Institue

"...a polemic of the highest order... the best example of an African answering critics since David Walker's Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World."


"Professor Martin at long last deals with the Henry Gates/Cornel West attacks on Afrocentricity.... Martin provides a solid analysis of the historical use of Blacks by whites to discredit original Black thought deemed unacceptable by non-Blacks....

"I compare The Jewish Onslaught to the classic third chapter of DuBois' The Souls of Black Folk entitled 'Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others....' Martin has written a book that years from now will be considered a classic.... It is simply a must reading on a controversial subject that needs greater airing than some of the more timid political attempts of recent years."


" Tony Martin has been forced to delve into the relationship between the Jews and Blacks and in the process, he has distilled a work that is informative, fascinating and one which will heighten the consciousness of Black people everywhere."


Table of Contents to The Jewish Onslaught

A. The Jewish Onslaught
1 . Introduction
2. Major Media
3. Massa, We Sick?
4. Jewish Racism
5. Some Jews?
6. Black Solidarity
7. Afrocentrism
8. Conclusion
B. Documents of the Onslaught
9. "Book Burning" at Wellesley College
10. Letters
Support Letters - Black
Support Letters - White
Jewish Hate Mail
American Jewish Committee Letter on Lani Guinier
A Friendly Jewish Voice
My Letter to the Boston Globe
11. Student Voices
·Protest Contract Review
·News Lacked Impartiality
·On Andrews' Op-ed
·Original Jews Were Africans
12. An Answer to My Jewish Critics
13. Blacks and Jews At Wellesley News

To Order The Jewish Onslaught

Index to The Jewish Onslaught


ABC, 14, 16, 74, 133
academic council, x, 9, 16, 38, 40, 119, 125, 127, 131
Adelman, Ken, 74
Adelson, "Prof." Howard L., 28-29, 30, 32, 37, 54-56, 63, 64, 71
Adkins, LaTrese, x, 118
ADL. See Anti-Defamation League
Affirmative Discrimination (Glazer), 134
African American-African summit, 24
African Black Students Organization of San Francisco State University, 46
African Construction Movement, 41
African Fundamentalism (Garvey), 51
African National Congress, 46, 74
African National Reparations Organization, 46
Africans in Antiquity, 59, 135
Afro-Canadian, The, 87, 91
Afrocentrism, 51-66; defined, 51
AIPAC. See American Israel Public Affairs Committee
Akbar, Dr. Na'im, Visions for Black Men, 103
Alcmene, 63
Ali, Noble Drew, 103
All-African Peoples Revolutionary Party, 46
Amasis, 62
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 21
American Book Award, 21
American Federation of Labour, 72
American Israel Public Affairs Committee, 4, 39, 100, 106
American Jewish Committee, 8, 9, 15, 20, 30, 31, 38, 52, 53, 54, 71, 72, 76, 110, 114, 117; libelous press release, 8-12
American Jewish Congress, 8, 74, 109, 117; libelous press release, 8-12
American Library Association, 107
American Muslim Mission, 46
American Publishers Association, 21
Ammon, 61, 63
Amphitryon, 63
Amsterdam News, 33, 47, 110, 128
Andrews, Marcellus, 9, 28, 32, 121, 122; anti-Black statement of, 19-20; attacked by students, 121; attacks Black women, 19-20; compared with Uncle Tom, 20
Andromeda, 61
Annual Conference of Ethnic Communities, 71
Anti-Defamation League, 3, 6, 8, 10, 11, 19, 21, 29, 33, 38, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 52, 68, 74, 75, 100, 109, 112, 114, 115, 117; as a "Defamation League", 11; libelous diatribes of, 10; libelous press release, 8-12; organizations targeted by, 46; spy operation of, 46
Antony and Cleopatra (Shakespeare), 59
Aptheker, Herbert, 132
Arafat, Yasir, 74, 134
Argos, 61
Aryan model, 64
Asante, Dr. Molefi, ix, 59
Asantewa, Yaa, 94
Ashkenazi Jews, 111
Associated Press, 13
B'nai B'rith, 3, 106, 134
Babylon, 61
Bakke case, 23, 43, 55, 133, 134
Barbados, 90, 112, 127, 130
Begin, Menachem, 54
ben-Jochannon, Dr.Yosef, 6, 7, 58, 59, 102, 135
Benin, 65
Bernal, Martin, 58, 59, 64, 65, 66; Black Athena, 57, 66; denounces Afrocentrism, 64
Bertley, Dr. Leo W., ix, 87
Bible, 98, 128
Birch, John, 31
Black American Leadership Meeting, 22-25
Black Athena (Bernal), 57, 58, 66
Black Books Revolution, 42
Black Consciousness Movement of Azania, 46
Black Life, 70
Black Power, 77, 132
Black Scholar, The, 46
Black Sea, 63
Black Studies, 27, 42, 45, 132
Black Studies Department of San Francisco State University, 46
Black United Fund, 46
Bloom, Herbert I., "A Study of Brazilian Jewish History, 1623-1654...,", 113; The Economic Activities of the Jews of Amsterdam in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, 113
Bloom, Steve, ix
Boas, Dr. Frantz, 56
Bogosian, Rabbi Ilene, 119
Bond, Julian, 23
Boston Globe, 9, 13, 15, 16, 20, 21, 41, 52, 54, 100, 118; refuses to publish Martin's letter, 16
Boston Herald, 57, 104
Boston Jewish Times, 31, 76
Boyd, Deborah Powell, x
Brackman, Harold D., 34, 52; "The Ebb and Flow of Conflict...", 114; Jew on the Brain, 33, 34
Bradley, Michael (The Chosen People of the Caucasus), 102
Brandeis University, 43
Brandon, S.G.F., The Trial of Jesus of Nazareth, 32
Brath, Elombe, ix, x
Brazil, 10, 90, 111, 112, 113, 115, 127, 130
Brenner, Lenni, ix, 33, 113
Brinkley, David, 14, 15, 41
Bristow, Edward J., Prostitution and Prejudice, 130
Broadside No. 1, x, 8, 41, 93, 95, 96, 104, 129
Broken Alliance (Kaufman), 130
Brown University, 41
Bruce, John Edward, 50, 69, 70
Buthelezi, Gatsha, 53
Canaan, 32, 34, 109
Carmichael, Stokley, 23
Carter, Jimmy, 134
Cassiopeia, 61
Cato, Angela, viii, 52
Cato, Gavin, viii, 52
Cedar Junction, 104
Central Intelligence Agency, 46
Cepheus, 61
Chandler, Dahna M., x, 123
Chavis, Rev. Ben, 25, 44
Chemmis, 61
Chicago Tribune, 16, 41
Chronicle of Higher Education, 30, 63, 125, 135
CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency
City College of New York, 28, 133
Clarke, Dr. John Henrik, 54, 102
Clegg, LeGrand H., ix
Cleopatra, 101
Clinton, President Bill, 109
Coeur, Jolly, 130
Cohen, Kitty, 75
Cokely, Steve, ix
Colchians, 63
Cole, Johnetta, 109
Columbia University, 56
Columbus, 77
Commentary, 55, 133
Commercial Appeal, 49, 50
Committee to Stop Israel's Arms Traffic with South Africa, 38, 110, 113
Committee to Support Prof. E. Fred Dube, 44
Communist Party, 70, 74
Congress of Racial Equality, 132, 133
Congressional Black Caucus, 25, 75, 134
Cooks, Carlos, 23, 69, 70
Copernicus, 99
Cornell University, 8, 21, 71
Counterpoint (Massachusetts Institute of Technology-Wellesley College), 29, 30
Cox, Oliver Cromwell, 70, 71, 72
Crete, 60
Crown Heights, viii, 43, 52
Cruse, Harold, 70
Cudjoe, Selwyn, 7, 9, 11, 19, 99, 100, 127; elevated to "eminent scholar" by ADL, 19; named "responsible Black leader" by Nancy Kaufman, 19
Cuomo, Mario, 44
Curaçao, 10, 90, 112, 113, 115, 127, 130
Cush, 34
Davis, L., 31
Davis, Lisa, ix
Declaration of Independence, 22, 24, 134
DeFunis case, 23
Demeter, 62
Department of Motor Vehicles, 48
Dershowitz, Alan M., 5, 15, 67, 115
Dinkins, Mayor David, 75
Dionysus, 61, 62
Diop, Cheikh Anta, 59
Dodona, 61, 63
Dube, Dr. E. Fred, 44, 98
DuBois, W.E.B., 50, 72
Duke University, 8, 21
Duke, David, 31
Dutch West India Company, 76, 90, 111, 127, 130
Dyer, Congressman, 50
Ebanks, Caroline, x, 118
Ebb and Flow of Conflict, The (Brackman), 114
Economic Activities of the Jews of Amsterdam in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, The (Bloom), 113
Egypt, 54, 55, 56, 57, 60, 61, 64, 65
Egyptians, 60, 63
Encyclopedia Brittanica, 100
Encyclopedia Judaica, 111, 112
Epps, Susan Samantha, x, xi
Ethiopia, 55, 61, 122
Ethiopians, 60, 65
Farrakhan, Minister Louis, 22-25, 31, 53, 54, 102, 106, 133
Fauntroy, Hon. Walter E., 44
FBI. See Federal Bureau of Investigation
Feder, Don, 57, 104
Federal Bureau of Investigation, 46, 47
Final Call, 110
Findley, Paul, They Dare to Speak Out, 12, 107
Firestone, Sally, 5
Flint, Anthony, 114, 115
Ford Foundation, 71
Forward, 25
Freedom's Journal, 51
Freud, Sigmund, 57
Friends of Wellesley Hillel, 20, 37, 40; See also Hillel
Gabon, 24
Galenstone, The, x, 107
Garvey, Jr., Marcus, x
Garvey, Marcus, 22, 23, 40, 50, 51, 56, 59, 65, 69, 70, 72, 76, 77, 88, 94, 102, 117; "African Fundamentalism", 51; New Marcus Garvey Library, 117; sentenced by Julian Mack, 72
Gates, Jr., Henry Louis, 8, 11, 19, 33, 40, 42, 43, 52, 53, 54, 115; "Black Demagogues and Pseudo-Scholars", 3; head African American scholar in charge, 4; honours heaped upon, 20-21; wife, 21
Gates, Sharon, 21
Gates, Skip, See Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
Genesis, 32, 33, 108
George Washington University, 21
Germany, 136
Gettysburg College, 135
Gibbs, Cynthia, x, 122
Glazer, Nathan, 136; Affirmative Discrimination, 134
Gobineau, Count Joseph Arthur de, 66
Goldman, Martin, 9, 47, 109, 110
Gompers, Samuel, 72
Gray's Inn, 88
Gray, Rhonda, x
Greece, 60, 61, 64, 135
Greenberg, Jack, 133
Greenpeace, 46, 48
Greer, Laura, 119
Gribbenes, 31
Guinier, Lani, 109
Ham, 33, 34, 35, 66
Hamer, Fannie Lou, 94
Hamites, 64
Hamitic Myth, 32-35, 55, 56, 66, 77
Hammerstein, Oscar, 72
Hansberry, William Leo, 59, 60
Harlem rally, 41
Harper, Juanita, ix
Harriet Tubman School, 101
Harris, Robert, x
Harvard University, 5, 8, 21, 65
Hasidic Jews, viii, 43, 52; killing of Gavin Cato, viii
Hegel, George William Frederick, 55
Heracles (Hercules), 61, 63
Heritage Southwest Jewish Press, 49
Herodotus, 59, 60-64, 65, 135
Herskovits, Melville, 132
Heru, Nzinga Ratibisha, ix
Higginbotham, Nia, x, 118
Hillel, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14, 16, 17, 31, 34, 37, 38, 40, 67, 76, 135; at Harvard, 5; campus shock troops, 5; See also Friends of Wellesley Hillel
Hillel Foundation, 114
Hirsch, Rabbi, 21
Historical Research Department, ix, 88, 114, 129
Histories (Herodotus), 62, 63
Holder, Faye, x
Hollywood, 72
Holmes, Diane, x, 118, 120, 122
Holy Covenant of the Asiatic Nation, 103
Homer, 60, 61
Hong Kong, 14
Hooks, Benjamin, 134
Horne, Lena, 65
Howard University, vii
Idris, Sarra, x
Iliad (Homer), 60, 62
India, 55
Indians, 29
Institute for Contemporary Studies, 74
Io, 61
Ionia, 61
Iran, 61
Isis, 61
Israel, 53, 69, 74, 100, 105, 136; and South Africa, 24; reparations from Germany, 27
Jackson, Professor Kennell, 54
Jackson, Rev. Jesse, 22, 24, 25, 75, 133, 134
Jackson-bey, William, ix
Jacobowitz, Eden, 35
Jamaica, 127
James, G.G.M., 59; Stolen Legacy, 58, 61
Jamison, Donna, x
Japheth, 32, 109
Jarret, Tanya, x, 118
Jefferson, Thomas, 55
Jeffries, Dr. Leonard, vii, ix, 5, 31, 32, 45, 46, 48, 49, 53, 54, 58, 68, 80, 96, 98, 102, 103, 104; at Harvard University, 5; wins $400,000.00 judgement, 45, 46
Jensen, Arthur, 55
Jesus, 32, 33, 108, 109
Jew on the Brain (Brackman), 33
Jew Savannah, 76, 130
Jewish Advocate, 10, 15, 19
Jewish Community Relations Council, 8, 19, 114, 117; libelous press release, 8-12
Jewish Defense League, 47, 106
Jewish Defense Organization, 5
Jewish dirty tricks, 17
Jewish Life, 70
Jewish Onslaught, The, x, 12
Jewish Press, 5, 7, 28, 30, 37, 48, 54, 63
Jewish Studies, 135; See also Judaic Studies, 75
Jews, 50; and Black Studies, 42, 75; and Civil Rights, 68; and Hollywood, 45; as Nazis, Stalinists and McCarthyites, 11; as white supremacists, 54, 56-58; at Wellesley College, 4, 30, 37, 54; beneficiaries of Black Power, 71; control of media, 13; fail to enlist Black historians' support, 11; holocaust, 66; in "media elite", 13; in South Africa, 74; involvement in slave trade, 10, 14, 16, 37, 48, 67, 73, 77, 90, 102, 126; lack of support for, 9, 10; non-white, 55; orchestrate white ethnic consciousness, 71; originally Africans, 122; Portuguese, 14; refugees to Trinidad, vii; richest group in U.S., 55. See also Ashkenazi Jews, Sephardic Jews. See also Jewish dirty tricks
Jones, Bill, ix
Jordan, Kristi, x, 122
Jordan, Shayna, x
Jordan, Vernon, 22
Judaic Studies, 42; See also Jewish Studies
Kalb, Marvin, 13
Kaplan, Kivie, 131
Katz, Adena, 76
Kaufman, Jonathan, Broken Alliance, 130
Keohane, Nannerl O., 7, 8, 95, 98, 100, 118, 126
Kersnor, George A., 65
Key, Tracie, x
Kilson, Martin, 54
King Manuel I, 111
King, Coretta Scott, 22, 134
King, Jr., Martin Luther, 22, 74, 135
Koestler, Arthur, Thirteenth Tribe, The, 102
Kolodny, Nancy, 96, 99, 102, 117, 119
Koppel, Ted, 13, 74, 133
Kossoff, Laura, 76
Kozol, Jonathan, Savage Inequalities, 45
KPFK, 47
Ku Klux Klan, 31, 46, 47, 48, 55
Lacet, Nalida, x
Landry, Tanisha R., x, 118
Lawrence, Windy, x, 120
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, 24
Lefkowitz, Mary, 6, 30, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61-66, 67, 71, 119, 125, 135; and Martin Bernal, 57-58, 64; attacks Tony Martin, 58; lack of knowledge of Horodotus, 63; on advisory board of Counterpoint, 30
Lehrer, David A., 48
Levin, Michael, 28, 32, 54, 65, 133
Levison, Stanley, 74, 132
Liberators, The, 43
Liberia, 50
Libya, 61
Liebman, Seymour B., New World Jewry, 1493-1825, 113
Lopez, Aaron, 76, 112
Los Angeles Times, 46, 49
Love, Loren Cress, 93, 103
Lowenthal, Lawrence D., 15, 31; embraces Arabs and Catholics, 31
Lowery, Rev. Joseph, 22
Mack, Judge Julian, 68, 69
Madison Center for Educational Affairs, 30
Maghreb, 64
Majority Press, The, xi
Mandela Reception Committee, 46
Mandela, Nelson, 74, 75, 133
March on Washington (1963), 24, 25
March on Washington, (30th Anniversary, 1993), 22-25
Marranos, 111
Martin, Tony, 10, 34, 57, 76, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 115, 117, 118, 119, 120; celebration marking 20 years at Wellesley College, 40, 88; Jews demand his dismissal, 8-12
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 29
McArthur Foundation, 20
McCarthy, Senator Joseph, 48
McCarthyites, 11
Meier, August, 132
Merchant of Venice, The, 99
Michigan State University, 88
Military Intelligence Department, 49
Miller, Sara E., x, 118
Mills College, 46
Minoan civilization, 60
Minor, Robert, 69
Momigliano, Arnaldo, 66
Moorish Science Temple of America, 103
Moses, 57
Muhammad, Elijah, 23
Muhammad, Richard, 110
Muslims, 112, 129
Mycenae, 61
NAACP Legal Defense Fund, 40, 133
NAACP. See National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Narrative of Five Years' Expedition Against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam (Stedman), 130
Nation of Islam, 15, 22, 33, 34, 46, 49, 77, 88, 100, 101, 110, 112, 119, 129
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 22, 25, 40, 44, 46, 47, 49, 50, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 102, 131, 133, 134
National Conference of Black Lawyers, 44, 46
National Project on Ethnic America, 72
National Public Radio, 13
National Urban League, 22
Native Americans, 77
Naucratis, 62
Nazis, 11, 43, 47, 57, 90
Nelson, Kellye, x
New Alliance Party, 46
New Republic, 58, 62, 63, 64, 66, 125, 135
New World Jewry, 1493-1825 (Liebman), 113
New York Times, 11, 13, 16, 21, 33, 41, 42, 52, 96, 133
New York Times News Service, 101
Newport, Rhode Island, 10, 76, 112, 127
Newsweek, 57
Nicholls, Winston, 87
Nidal, Abu, 90
Nigeria, 65
Nightline, 16, 74, 133
Nkrumah, Kwame, 94
No Justice, No Peace, 46
Noah, 33, 34, 35
Noronha, Fernando de, 111
North York Board of Education, 73
Nostra Aetate, 35
Oakcrum, Joy, x
Ocean Hill-Brownsville, 43, 133
Odyssey, The (Homer), 60
Ol' Man River (Hammerstein), 72
Old Walpole Prison, 104
On the Edge of Greatness (Rosenwaike), 114
Ovington, Mary White, 50
Pacifica Foundation, 47
Palestine, 6, 64
Palestine Liberation Organization, 90, 134
Palestinians, 74, 105
Pan African Congress of Azania, 46
Paris Peace Conference, 72
Patrice Lumumba Coalition, 41, 46
Paull, Jennifer, x
Pennsylvania, University of, 35
People, 21
Peres, Shimon, 69, 70, 71
Perses, 61
Perseus, 61
Persia, 61
Phillips, Nichole R., x, 118, 120
Phoenicians, 64, 65
Pilgrim, Tracy, x
Polk, George, 21
Pope John Paul II, 77
Portugal, 111
Poseidon, 60
Press release (Jewish), 8-12, 13, 19, 20, 48, 118
Princeton University, 52
Prostitution and Prejudice (Bristow), 130
Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The, 105
Ptolemy I, 59
Pythagoras, 62
Rab, 34
Race First (Martin), 88, 101
Rainbow Coalition, 46
Reform Movement, 131
Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, 24
reparations, 35, 46, 78, 136
Republic of New Afrika, 46
Review (Dartmouth College), 29
Roberts, Cokie, 14, 15
Robeson, Paul, 72
Rock, Gail, x
Rockefeller Foundation, 21
Rogers, J.A., 33
Roman Catholic Church, 35, 77
Rosenbaum, Yankel, viii, 52
Rosenwaike, Ira, On the Edge of Greatness, 114
Rosenwald, Julius, 21, 50
Rothschild family, 100
Rubecindo, Marisol, x, 120
Rum distilling, 127
Sachs, Mr., 21
Said, Professor Edward, 5, 6, 7
Saintil, Debbie, x
Samuel, 34
Samuels, Tanya, x
San Francisco Examiner, 46
San Francisco State University, 46
Saperstein, Rabbi David, 24
Savage Inequalities (Kozol), 45
Schults, 130
Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, The, vii, ix, 3, 10, 15, 16, 20, 33, 34, 37, 38, 42, 43, 45, 49, 52, 54, 58, 68, 76, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 96, 101, 102, 104, 107, 110, 114, 119, 122, 126, 127, 129, 130, 131, 134, 135
Seligman, Herbert J., 69
Sephardic Jews, 14, 76, 77, 111
Serret, Leslie, x
Sesostris, 61
Shakespeare, William, 23, 59, 99
Shamas, 90
Shamir, Yitzhak, 54
Shapiro, Bruce, 109
Shapiro, Debbie, 6
Shapiro, Dr., 97
Sharpton, Rev. Al, 6, 7, 30
Shem, 32, 109
Shirley, Thalia V., x, 118, 120, 122
Shockley, William, 31
Show Boat, 73
Shylock, 99
Siegman, Henry, 74
Silberman, Charles E., 13
Simmons College, 94
Simon Wiesenthal Center, 47
slave trade, See Jews
Socrates, 59
Solon, 62
Soudan, 65
South Africa, 53, 74, 105
South Africa Now, 105
South West Africa Peoples Organization (SWAPO), 46
Southern Africa Media Center, 46
Southern Christian Leadership Conference, 22, 132
Southgate, Minoo, 48
Spelman College, 109
Spingarn brothers, 102
Spingarn Medal, 131
Spingarn, Joel, vii, 49, 50, 73, 131
St. Lucia, 14
Stalinists, 11
Stanford University, 54
Stanley, Ernie, ix
State University of New York, 44, 97
Stedman, J.G., Narrative of Five Years' Expedition Against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam, 130
Stolen Legacy (James), 58, 61
Storey, Moorfield, 50
Strickland, Dr. William, ix
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, 132, 133
Study of Brazilian Jewish History, 1623-1654, A (Bloom), 113
Styles, Joy, x, 118, 120, 122
Sumerians, 57
Suriname, 10, 76, 127, 130
Syrians, 64
Talmud, 33, 34, 35, 66, 77
Tarutz, Donna, 6
Taylor, Elizabeth, 59
Thebes, 61
They Dare to Speak Out (Findley), 12, 107
Thirteenth Tribe, The (Koestler), 102
Thomas, April, x, 122
Thompson, Dr. Anderson, ix
Tiryns, 61
Today show, 14
Toronto, 73
Towner, April, x, 122
Trial of Jesus of Nazareth, The (Brandon), 32
Trinidad, vii
Tubman, Harriet, 94
Ture, Kwame, 23
Turner, Nat, 94
Tutankhamen, 56, 65
Tyler, Terry, x
U.S.-Grenada Friendship Society, 46
Uncle Toms, 20-22, 25, 67
United Nations, 43, 44, 134
Universal Negro Improvement Association, 41, 69, 77, 88, 102
University of Hull, 88
Urban Update, 105
Vibes magazine, ix
Villard, Oswald Garrison, 50
Visions for Black Men (Akbar), 103
Vorspan, Albert, 71
WABC, 65
Waid, Mikki, x
Wall Street Journal, 13, 58
Wallace, George, 31
Wallace, Mike, 13
Walters, Barbara, 13
Washington Post, 13
Washington, Booker T., 21
Washington, George, vii
water buffalos, 32, 35
Waters, Maxine, 22
WBAI, 47, 64
Weber case, 23
Wellesley Alumnae Magazine, 28
Wellesley College, ix, x, xi, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 28, 30, 31, 37, 38, 40, 44, 46, 49, 54, 57, 58, 59, 87, 88, 91, 93, 94, 95, 114, 117, 118, 119, 125, 127, 131, 134, 135; alumnae, x, 14, 15, 28, 31, 101
Wellesley News, x, 7, 15, 19, 27, 34, 107, 117, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 126, 128, 129, 131, 135; refuses to publish Martin's statement, x, 8, 16, 37, 40, 129
Wells-Barnett, Ida B., 21
West, Cornel, 52, 53, 54
Wharton, Jr., Clifton, 44
Wiesenthal, Simon, 33, 47
Williams, Adriane, x, 118, 122
Williams, Dr. Michael, ix, 94
Wise, Rabbi Stephen S., 68, 69
Wissler, Dr. Clark, 56
WOL, 94
Women of Color Resource Project, 46
World Jewish Congress, 75
World Zionist Organization, 75
WPFW, 93
X, Malcolm, 23, 25, 43, 94
Yasin, Azizah, x
Yasin, Kamilah, x
Yemen, 55
Young, Andrew, 22, 23, 43, 132, 134
Zakim, Leonard, 10, 21
Zionism, 44, 69
Zionist Organization of America, 68
Zionists, 68, 69, 70, 94

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The Jewish Onslaught

Despatches from the Wellesley Battlefront
ISBN : 0-912469-30-7

Tony Martin has done it again!

Tony Martin has done it again! With The Jewish Onslaught: Despatches from the Wellesley Battlefront, Tony Martin, Professor of Africana Studies at Wellesley College, has taken Black history to new and dizzying heights of academic excellence and political fearlessness. After years of Jewish-authored books on Black-Jewish relations, at last a Black historian has come forward with the scholarly ability and independence of spirit to place the subject in an African-centered perspective.

Long known as the world's greatest historian of the Marcus Garvey Movement, Martin happened into Black-Jewish history by accident, when the Anti-Defamation League and several other organizations called for his dismissal from Wellesley College earlier this year. They were displeased by his use of The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews in an African American survey course. Martin responded to their intolerant attacks by issuing a "Broadside No. 1" on "The (No Longer) Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews." Broadside No. 1 was an instant hit in the Black community and has been reprinted in several newspapers and magazines in the United States and the Caribbean.
Martin followed this by what he called a "crash course" in Black-Jewish history. The result is a remarkable book.

The Jewish Onslaught takes, as its point of departure, Martin's personal experience as the target of organized Jewry's campaign of lies. half-truths and defamatory accusations. But this is no boring literary of complaints and recriminations. It is a unique analysis of contemporary Black-Jewish relations, in the context of historical relations between the two groups, and viewed from the vantage point of Martin's own experiences on the firing line.

After briefly telling his Wellesley tale, Martin examines the role of the media in his own and other cases of Jewish attacks on Black people. He finds the major media, with its heavy concentration of Jewish producers, anchor persons, executive editors and the like, to have been willing accomplices in the efforts to defame his character. ABC Television's Nightline and "The Week with David Brinkley" programs, the Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, and various wire services were among those that carried organized Jewry's unprincipled attacks. The Boston Globe ran four hostile articles in six days, including an editorial, then refused to publish Martin's letter to the editor.

Even more fascinating and new was Martin's analysis of the Jewish press. He found Jewish newspapers to be often poorly edited, but more openly hateful than the major media. The Jewish reporters and columnists, he found, routinely vilify Black leaders (there are few that have not yet been labeled "anti-Semitic"). They attack affirmative action, discredit the intellectual ability of Black academics and engage in the mind of hysterical exaggerations that transformed a mild disturbance in Crown Heights, Brooklyn into a "pogrom."

The racism of the Jewish press, Martin found, was even more pronounced in the Jewish hate mail he received. He has printed some of this as an appendix and it will come as a revelation to most decent people.

As fascinating as any part of this excellent book is Professor Martin's analysis of Jewish strategy against Black progress. A key element in that strategy has been the use of Harvard's Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and other Black professors, as quasi-Jewish battering rams against independent Black thought. Martin brilliantly analyses the writings of Gates and Cornel West to show that while they may attack African American targets, West's mild efforts to criticize Israel have met with swift Jewish disapproval. The Jewish message to Gates, West and others seems to be - "We want you to criticize other Blacks, but that does not mean that you can comment on us. We are out of bounds for you."

The most positive aspect of Martin's experience on the Jewish firing line has been the amazing outpouring of Black solidarity. Black newspapers, radio talk shows, bookstores, academics, students and community groups have rushed to his defense in myriad ways. Martin sees the African American community at a new high of consciousness, which has reached even into the mainstream of Civil Rights leadership and the Congressional Black Caucus.

The new consciousness has been helped along by revelations of the Anti-Defamation League's espionage against Black groups and by the recent revelation that Joel Spingarn (Jewish head of the NAACP for decades), spied for military intelligence against his Black "colleagues" in the NAACP.

Martin's skills as a historian are vividly demonstrated throughout this well-documented book. His insights are often new and startling. Why, he asks, did Zionists (the most nationalistic group within the Jewish community), turn around and help found, run and control the NAACP as an assimilationist group for Black people? Why was nationalism good for the Jews but bad for Black people? And why are Jews, such as Professor Michael Levin of City College, New York, now in the forefront of the resurgence of pseudo-scientific white supremacy? And why have Jews, throughout the 20th century, insisted on controlling, monitoring, analyzing, polling and directing African Americans?

It is difficult to pinpoint the most impactful segment of this insightful book, but it may well be the chapter on Afrocentrism. The Jewish onslaught against Professor Martin has merged with the general Jewish and allied attack on African centered scholarship. Martin's Afrocentric perspective has been attacked often in the Jewish press. Martin clarifies the points of contention with an ease and effectiveness not seen before. He demonstrates the African influence n Greek civilization and reveals, possibly for the first time, the Jewish attempts to posit Jews as the founders of Western civilization. He shows that Martin Bernal, regarded by some as a European Jewish friend of Afrocentrism, is in fact an integral part of the struggle against Afrocentrism.

The Jewish Onslaught is an amazing book. In it the scholar-activist is seen at his most brilliant. It is well-documented, beautifully written, humorous at times and replete with new insights. Almost two decades ago, Professor Martin took African American historical writing to new heights with Race First, as he freed Marcus Garvey from the negative and trite treatments of white and Negro historians. Now he has unshackled Black-Jewish history from the often negative and trite commentaries of Jewish and Negro writers.
Tony Martin has done it again.