(Message of Caution)


By Darryl Eberhart, Editor of “Examining the Tough Issues (ETI)

And  “Tackling the Tough Topics (TTT) Newsletters


March 17, 2007 (Updated through: April 19, 2007)


            The three “Read Me” articles should be read prior to reading any of my other newsletters and writings, since they (1) let the reader know my background and my reasons for writing about “tough issues & tough topics”, (2) provide some definitions of key terms, and (3) give an important message of caution.  They are:

bulletRead Me FIRST” – “My Background” – A brief summary of both my “intelligence community” background (which includes 20 years of military service) and my “religious” background.
bulletRead Me SECOND” – “Message of Caution” – A message of CAUTION concerning books and other “informational tools” that I have recommended in my past writings – or may be recommending in my future writings.
bulletRead Me THIRD” – “Why am I writing more and more about Roman Catholicism?” – Explains why I have been writing more and more about Roman Catholicism (Roman Catholic doctrine, the Vatican-Papacy, the Jesuit Order, and the Knights of Malta, etc.) in my more recent writings.


[First a few] DEFINITIONS (hopefully in alphabetical order):


“Churchianity” (per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of TTT): “A term I use to describe the ‘lukewarm’ Christian denominations – and even some of the independent fundamental churches – in America today that refuse (1) to truly stand against false doctrine, evil, and tyranny, and (2) to truly stand for truth, justice, and righteousness as spelled out in God’s Holy Word, the Bible.”


“Jesuit Order” (per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of TTT): “The Jesuit Order is a religious order of the Roman Catholic Church, officially approved by Pope Paul III in 1540. The primary goals of this order are (1) to roll back the Protestant Reformation and the freedoms that it brought to many of the inhabitants of this planet; (2) to enhance the power and prestige of the Papacy; and (3) to rule despotically over the governments of the world through the Papacy.  The head of the Jesuit Order is the Jesuit Superior General – the ‘Black Pope’ – the real power behind the Papal throne. The Jesuit Order is infamous for fomenting revolutions and wars, assassinating heads of State, and subverting nations.”


“Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor” (per Eric Jon Phelps, author of Vatican Assassins):  “Someone who performs service or duties for the Jesuit Order, but who is not a Jesuit priest.  This person may be of any race, religion, or sex.”


“Knights of Malta” (per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of TTT): “A Roman Catholic religious-military order headquartered in Rome with, and under the command of, the Jesuit Superior General.  Much of the wealth of the Knights Templar, when it was disbanded in 1312, was given to the Knights of Malta.  Many Knights of Malta have held top-level positions in various governments, in the world’s foremost intelligence agencies, in international banking, and in the publishing world.  A number of Knights of Malta continue to hold such positions.”


“Papacy” (per Webster’s New World Dictionary, Second College Edition; 1974): “1. The position, authority, or rank of the pope.  2. The period of time during which a pope rules.  3. The succession of popes; popes collectively.  4. The government of the Roman Catholic Church, headed by the Pope.”


“P2 (or P-2) Masonry” (per John Daniel, author of The Grand Design Exposed): “There is a Masonic Propaganda group, number twoknown as the ‘P-2 Club’, with its headquarters being in Rome. The P-2 Club is a propaganda society of the world’s elite which includes high-ranking Roman Catholic prelates and, of course, Jesuits.” (The Grand Design Exposed; 1999; Page 169)


“Roman Catholic” (per Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language): “Roman Catholic, as an adjective, denoting the religion professed by the people of Rome and of Italy, at the head of which is the pope or Bishop of Rome; as a noun, one who adheres to the papal religion.”


“Vatican” (per Webster’s New World Dictionary, Second College Edition; 1974): “1. The papal palace, consisting of a group of buildings in Vatican City.  2. The papal government or authority.”


“Vatican-Papacy-Jesuit-Knights of Malta cabal” (per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of TTT): “This is a term I use to describe the most powerful geopolitical-financial-religious institution in the world, which is governed by the Jesuit-controlled hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church. This institution includes (1) the Vatican-Papacy, (2) the Jesuit Order, (3) the Jesuit-controlled Knights of Malta religious-military order, (4) other religious and religious-military orders (such as the Knights of Columbus), (5) Jesuit ‘temporal coadjutors’, (6) the ‘Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’ (i.e., the Inquisition), (7) the highest levels of Freemasonry (which are controlled by the Superior General of the Jesuit Order), (8) the Vatican Bank, (9) the numerous financial, corporate, real estate, and stock holdings of Papal Rome, and (10) a large priesthood with a tremendous intelligence gathering-mechanism called the ‘confessional’.  This cabal is by far the biggest and most powerful ‘player’ on the New World Order (N.W.O.) ‘chessboard’, and is the biggest promoter of one-world government and one-world religion – both of which are to be under the authority of the Jesuit-controlled Papacy!  This cabal has a long ‘track record’ of torture and genocide; and it is infamous for (1) fomenting bloody revolutions and wars (to include two world wars), (2) assassinating heads of State, and (3) subverting nations. It hates religious liberty, freedom of speech and press, and popular, representative government; and it loves Fascism and ecclesiastical tyranny.  This cabal hates the American Constitutional Republic, and made plans for its destruction in three meetings in the 19th century (at Vienna, Austria in 1814-15; at Verona, Italy in 1822; and at Chieri, Italy in 1825).”




1. In a number of my past writings I made personal dedications to various individuals whom I thought had produced some great “informational tools” (books, DVDs, etc.) exposing evil – especially “informational tools” that exposed the sinister Jesuit Order.  I have decided to not make any “personal” dedications (to human beings) in any of my future writings – and if I do any updates of earlier writings, I will try to remember to remove such personal dedications to human beings.  WHY?  It is because I have received “flak” (i.e., harsh criticism) for some of the personal dedications that I have made in the past, because such-and-such a person belonged to such-and-such a denomination, etc.  Obviously, and sadly, I doubt that I could make a personal dedication to any human being that someone would not find fault with such human being and/or the denomination to which he or she belonged.


2. In many of my past writings I have recommended various books, DVDs, audiocassette tape sets, and other “informational tools” that I thought would help the reader to do further research – more in-depth research – into particular topics.  Sadly, I have received “flak” (i.e., harsh criticism) for recommending such “informational tools” because such-and-such a person belonged to such-and-such a denomination, etc. I may pull a few of my recommendations for books, audiocassettes, and DVDs from my earlier writings (if I do an update of a particular writing), especially where some individual has gotten into the “blame it all on the Jews” mentality in his writings or broadcasts. However, I will NOT pull some “informational tools” simply because a certain individual belongs to a particular denomination if he (or she) has produced an excellent “informational tool” (book, DVD, etc.) that exposes evil – and especially one that exposes the evil deeds and/or plans of the “Vatican-Papacy-Jesuit-Knights of Malta cabal”.  I may – or I may not – place any “disclaimers” on “informational tools” that I recommend. My recommendation of an excellent “informational tool” is not necessarily a recommendation of the ministry, denomination, and/or organization that produced that particular “informational tool” – and usually it is NOT.  Generally speaking, I am recommending only the purchase of that one particular informational tool”.  The person purchasing such “informational tool” must understand this, and when ordering the particular “informational tool” should ask (or write) that he (or she) not be placed on any mailing lists – and that he (or she) not be sent any other [i.e., additional] materials unless he (or she) requests or orders them.  In other words, “let the buyer beware”.


3. In almost all of my writings I use numerous QUOTATIONS to illustrate many key points within a particular writing. Sadly, I have received “flak” (i.e., harsh criticism) about my use of certain quotations because such-and-such a person (who was being quoted) belonged (or, belongs) to such-and-such a denomination, etc. I will NOT remove quotations from any of my earlier writings just because someone does not like the person (who was quoted) – or does not like the denomination (to which the person quoted) belongs.  I will continue to use any and all quotations that I think are appropriate to the topic about which I am writing.  My use of a quotation by some individual or by some organization is IN NO WAY an “endorsement” of that individual and/or of that particular organization!  I have used quotations by Adolf Hitler – that certainly does NOT mean that I “endorse” Hitler or Nazis.  I have used quotations by various popes of Rome – that certainly does NOT mean that I “endorse” the Papacy or the Roman Catholic Church, or her doctrines and practices!


4. And a few words about “Christian” denominations:


((NOTE: I am enclosing the word “Christian” immediately above in “quotation marks” because some denominations calling themselves “Christian” have gotten SO FAR AWAY FROM Bible truths and righteousness that it would be dishonest to label them as being truly Christian.  One particular very large denomination has merely a veneer of “Christianity”, and is actually more “pagan” than “Christian”, with many of its traditions being totally contrary to what is written in the Holy Bible.))


A. To the best of my knowledge, all the major (i.e., larger) “Christian” denominations in the USA are both INCORPORATED (in various states) and “GOVERNMENT-SPONSORED” through a federally sanctioned IRS tax “exemption” called “501 (c.) 3”.  This “marriage” between “Church” and “State” always has “strings” attached, and sooner or later the “State” will call in its “chips”.


B. Also to the best of my knowledge, the major (i.e., larger) “Christian” denominations have either doctrinal error and/or refuse to truly stand against evil in our society.  Even many so-called “independent fundamental” churches have doctrinal error – and also frequently fail to truly stand against evil in our society.  This refusal to stand against evil especially manifests itself when the evil occurs within “Churchianity” or within the government (i.e., the State)!


C. Most major “Christian” denominations (to include their seminaries) have been heavily infiltrated by members and lackeys of secret societies (Freemasons, Jesuits, Jesuit “temporal coadjutors”, etc.) – and have been “victims” of the ecumenical movement (i.e., the incremental push for a one-world religion controlled by Papal Rome).  In other words, powerful forces “behind the scenes” control those people who are “steering” (i.e., directing) these major “Christian” denominations – and in the process, pushing them ever closer to Papal Rome!