“Richard Bennett’s 2007 Catalog”

Comments by Darryl Eberhart, Editor of “Examining the Tough Issues (ETI)And “Tackling the Tough Topics (TTT)(www.toughissues.org)

DATE: September 11, 2007 (Updated: November 26, 2007)


WHAT FOLLOWS is the text of a “cover letter” that I attached to copies of Richard Bennett’s 2007 Catalog that I mailed out the various individuals. I believe that this “cover letter” was also “E-mailed” out to a number of addressees:


September 11, 2007

Comments by Editor of ETI & TTT to accompany copies of

Richard Bennett’s Catalog [for] 2007


            Now is the time to expose Papal Rome, and in particular:


(1) Her false, unscriptural doctrines (based on man-made traditions) that have enslaved many hundreds of millions, teaching a false gospel that hinders many Roman Catholics from ever coming to personal salvation in Jesus Christ by faith alone, by grace alone – and causing some of them to live in fear of having the sacraments withheld from them, or of being excommunicated, should they ever seriously challenge Papal Rome’s belief system! Her false “religious” system “fleeces” many poor Roman Catholics, who spend a lot of money trying to “buy” their loved ones out of purgatory with Mass cards for the dead. Some Roman Catholic penitents, along with their “father-confessor” priests, have become morally polluted by the process of auricular confession. Some Roman Catholics fear that they will die in mortal sin if an authorized priest fails to reach them in time to hear their full confession, and absolve their sins, prior to their death. Many of Papal Rome’s doctrines, such as auricular confession and priestly celibacy, come straight out of the pagan Babylonian Mystery religion!


(2) Her bloody history of Inquisition, crusades against Bible-believing Christians, assassinations of heads of State, fomenting of revolutions and wars (e.g., the First World War), etc. As recently as the 1940s a Papal Holocaust claimed the lives of up to one million innocent Serb Orthodox Christian men, women, elderly, and children – with many of the innocent victims being first brutally tortured! This “religicide” was led by Franciscan priests, monks, and friars – and orchestrated by two Jesuit archbishops (Ivan Saric and Aloysius Stepinac)!


            Please carefully consider the words of this prayer that I typed up today to accompany some “Get Well” cards that I hope to mail out in the next couple days:


“Please continue to pray that I would write all that Almighty GOD would have me to write, when He would have me to do so! And please do pray for God’s protection for me as I continue to write about ‘Hell’s Harlot’ as described in Revelation 17:1-9 and 18:2-24. (Please recall that ‘purple and scarlet’ are the official colors of the higher-level prelates of Papal Rome; that Papal Rome is famous as the city that sits on seven hills/mountains; and, that Papal Rome, ‘drunken with the blood of the saints’, slaughtered up to 50 million Bible-believing Christians just during the official timeframe of the ‘Holy’ Inquisition [1203-1808]! And may we never forget Papal Rome’s bloody crusades against the Bible-believing Albigensian and Waldensian Christians!) Oh that more people would expose this geopolitical-financial-religious system that hates religious liberty and freedom of speech, planned the destruction of our Constitutional Republic in three secret meetings in the 19th century, fomented our bloody Civil War [1861-65], and assassinated President Abraham Lincoln! The Reformers, risking their lives, exposed this Antichrist system! Can we do less than they did?”


            Please carefully look over the enclosed catalog, and then please purchase as many of these “informational tools” as you can possibly afford to buy at this time. As of this writing, I have the following “informational tools” that are currently offered in Richard Bennett’s 2007 catalog: Book “Catholicism East of Eden”; book “History of the Waldenses”; DVD “The Catholic Inquisition”; booklet “Papal Rome and the European Union”; book “History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century”; book “The TRUTH Set Us Free”; book “Quite Contrary: A Biblical Reconsideration of the Apparitions of Mary”; book “Geese in Their Heads: Selected Writings on Roman Catholicism by Charles Haddon Spurgeon”; book “Graven Bread: The Papacy, the Apparitions of Mary, and the Worship of the Bread at the Altar”; book “The History of Protestantism; book Far from Rome, Near to God”, and the book “The Foundations Under Attack: The Roots of Apostasy”. I highly recommend all of the above. If you can afford to purchase only one of the above items, then may I recommend that you purchase as many copies as you can possibly afford of the DVD “The Catholic Inquisition”? You can request a bulk price on this outstanding 58-minute color DVD by E-mailing Richard Bennett at bereanbeaconmail@yahoo.com. Or, you can purchase one [it is only $6 postage paid], and then make copies of it yourself (he grants permission to do so).


            I just recently ordered thirteen “new” (for me) items from this catalog, plus one that I already had so that I can use it for a loan copy (i.e., “The History of the Waldenses”). The time is not far off in the future when we will no longer be “permitted” to expose Papal Rome. NOW is the time for us all to do so! And so I again ask that you purchase as many of these “informational tools” as you can possibly afford, and then read them (or view/listen to them) – and then share them with others (friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, etc.) The reason: if we do not break the power and influence of Papal Rome over our government, our media, the established churches, the seminaries, etc., here in America, then our children and grandchildren will grow up and finish their days in a Fascist Police State much like Croatia in the 1940s – or like Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s.


            I would like to close this “accompanying letter” with the following quote by Steve Wohlberg, author of the book “End Time DELUSIONS”:


            “John Wycliffe in England, Martin Luther in Germany, John Calvin in France, John Knox in Scotland, Ulrich Zwingli in Switzerland, and countless others, all preached that the humble Nazarene was the Christ and that the proud Roman papacy was the antichrist of [Holy] Scripture. As a result of this high-impact, double-edged message – for Christ and against antichrist – the river of history literally changed its course. Hundreds of thousands of people in Europe and England forsook the Roman [Catholic] Church.” (End Time DELUSIONS”; 2004; Page 112)


            As I stated previously in the prayer on page one: “The Reformers, risking their lives, exposed this Antichrist system [which is clearly identified on the pages of the Holy Bible]! Can we do less than they did?” Indeed, will we do less than they did? May Almighty God guide us – and encourage us – in exposing Papal Rome!


NOTE ADDED on November 25, 2007: You can obtain a copy of Richard Bennett’s 2007 catalog by writing to him at the following address: Richard Bennett // P.O. Box 192 // Del Valle, TX 78617-0192. This editor of ETI and TTT asks that you please enclose one dollar to help him with the cost of postage, envelope, and catalog.