Shalom haver

The late Prime Minister Izhaq Rabin


  • It was during one of the most tragic events in modern Jewish history that this new Hebrew idiom () entered the daily Hebrew language.
  • At the end of his eulogy during the funeral of the assasinated Prime Minister of Israel, Itzhaq Rabin, the President of the United States of America, Bill Clinton spoke these two words, "Shalom haver" feeling the need to say some words from his heart in the deceased's own language, and translated into Hebrew the normal idiom of his language, "Goodbye friend".
  • Till that moment in Hebrew it was used as an idiom only in the plural, thus:
    "shalom haverim" () a familiar form of address in a speech to members of a club, or movement.
  • To express the American English idiom "goodbye friend" the Hebrew term is:
    (shalom yedidi shalom my friend) which has almost the same meaning.

  • The new idiom appeared on stickers on many cars in Israel, so strongly expressing the feeling of the people after that terrible crime, and bags and purses were sold with these words printed on them.

  • In this way the new term became common in modern Hebrew.

Let's now learn the linguistic particularities of this word.
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Press on each character, for its sound and way of pronunciation.

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