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Opening titles for Click.

Airdates: Syn September 1997 - August 1999
Host: Ryan Seacrest
Announcer: Amber Bonasso
Producer: Merv Griffin Productions



Front Game Rules

First Season

Three teams of two teenagers competed in a computer-themed quiz. In Level One, each team faced the Motherboard for 60 seconds, clicking the mouse to randomly select a question. A regular knowledge question would be asked at the Motherboard. Some questions would send the team to the Website, where the questions included E-mail, where the players had to identify the supposed author, Home Page (added in season two), where they had to identify the subject of a home page, as well as questions pertaining to audio or visual information. Some questions sent the players to the Word Wizard (called the "Chat Room" in season two), where the questions pertained to spelling, definitions, word puzzles or instant messages. All questions were worth $25-$100, and answering a "Double Click" question would double a team's score, or spot them $100 if they had no money.

In Level Two, starting with the lowest-scoring team (or a coin toss winner if there's a tie), each team retains control of the mouse as long as they answer questions correctly, otherwise the teams at the podiums can jump in and steal control. Landing on a "virus" (a "crash" in the second season) means that a toss-up question with no value would be posed to the two teams at the podium. This round lasts about three minutes.

In Level Three, one member of each team chose a different station or the motherboard and the host did the clicking. In season two, to make things fair, he had his back to the motherboard. All the questions were now worth $100. The player at the selected station had the first chance to answer a question, but a wrong answer meant that anybody at the podium could jump in to answer. At two or three intervals during the round, teammates had to switch places with each other. The team with the highest score at the end kept their money and advanced to the endgame.

Second Season

The rules were changed slightly for the second season. All the questions that were once played at the motherboard were now played at a third station, the "Hard Drive." In round one, one player was the "designated runner" while the other player did the clicking (these roles were changed in round two). Also, in round one, if the runner did not answer correctly, the clicker had a chance to answer.

End Game Rules

Both players had 45 seconds to answer three questions by clicking the mouse and answering the question where it was offered. Success earned each player a laptop computer. In the second season, each correct answer was worth $100 no matter what and the time limit was increased to 60 seconds, but now the goal was to answer three questions consecutively.

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