Couch Potatoes

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The opening title for Couch Potatoes.

Airdates: Syndicated January 1989 - September 1989
Host: Marc Summers
Announcers' Joe Alaskey, Jim McKrell
Producer: Saban Productions



Front Game

Guest Rebeca Arthur asks the contestants some "spin-offs"
Guest Rebeca Arthur asks the contestants some "spin-offs"
Two teams of three contestants compete in a television trivia contest. Each series of questions began with a toss-up question worth 25 "ratings points", open to all players. The team that answered correctly then earned control of three related "spin-off" questions, also worth 25 points. Answering the toss-up question incorrectly gave the other team control, but not the points. If the team missed a spin-off question, the other team could steal control with a correct answer; however, players who answered correctly had to sit out the remainder of the category. This process was done twice in each round, with point values doubling in the second round.

The third round, known as the "Couch-Up" round, pit one member of each team against each other. A question was asked to both players; buzzing in would stop a randomizer between 50 to 200 points, indicating the value of the question. At various times, the randomizer would display "Couch Up", which instantly allowed the trailing team to catch up to the leaders if answered correctly (but was worth nothing to the leaders). The team with the most points after two rotations won the game and $1,000, and advanced to the bonus round. The losing team, however, was "cancelled".

End Game (Channel Roulette)

A contestant tries to identify a cast photo
A contestant tries to identify a cast photo
In Channel Roulette, the players in turn choose from channels 2-13. Each channel concealed a cast photo from a TV series with a point value ranging from 100 to 1000 for identifying the show. One channel, was called "Pay TV", however, and zeroed out the team's score if chosen. If the team could accumulate 1000 points in 30 seconds, they won $5000; otherwise they earned a dollar per point scored. Winning teams remained on the show for a maximum of five days.


  • Teams were named after various television shows and were referred to as such during the show.
  • In each episode, one category features a special celebrity guest star who asks the Spin-off questions for that round.

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