Double Talk

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The Double Talk opening title.

Airdates: ABC August 1986 - December 1986
Host: Henry Polic II
Announcers: Bob Hilton, Johnny Gilbert
Producer: Bob Stewart/BASADA Productions



Front Game

Betty White and her partner work on a puzzle
Betty White and her partner work on a puzzle
Two teams of one celebrity and one contestant competed. In each round, one team was given control of four "Double Talk" puzzles, which consisted of esoterically-phrased puzzles. For example, "The Bust/of Freedom" is Double Talk for "The Statue/of Liberty". For each puzzle played, one member of each team was responsible for solving half of the puzzle, although either player could start it. Each correctly solved puzzle earned the team 10 points. If a team failed to solve one of the puzzles, the opposing team could then steal it to earn 5 points and end the first team's turn at the board. Later, when each board had three puzzles, a steal no longer ended the round. Correctly solving all four puzzles (later three) on the board entitled the team the chance to solve a Jackpot puzzle, worth $1000 plus an additional $1000 for each day it had gone unsolved.

Each team played two boards, with the final two boards being worth 20 points for each puzzle but still 5 for a steal. The team with the most points after all four boards were completed advanced to the bonus round. If there was a tie, the game went into a jump-in format where scores were reset to zero and each puzzle was worth 10 points, with 10 points going to the other team for an incorrect answer. The first team to 20 points won the game.

End Game

"If you don't get to the airport on time, you might..."
"If you don't get to the airport on time, you might..."
The team now had 60 seconds to complete a total of nine acronyms, thus spelling "DOUBLE TALK". (The "D" was awarded to the team for free.) The celebrity was given a phrase, such as "Pay The Bills", while the contestant was shown only the initials of the words. The celebrity would then provide an incomplete statement to which the phrase would serve as the ending, such as "You need to get your check so you can-". If the celebrity used one of the words in the phrase, it was disqualified. If the contestant gave the wrong phrase, the acronym was passed but could be replayed at the end. Each acronym the team solved won $100; solving all nine won $10,000.

Both contestants played two games in each episode, switching celebrity partners for the second game. The player that won the most money in the bonus round continued to play the next day, up to a maximum of five days; if the players tied for bonus round winnings, both players got to come back.


  • The gameplay for Double Talk is almost exactly the same as that for an earlier Bob Stewart show, "Shoot for the Stars".
  • Towards the tail end of the run, the show was retitled "Celebrity Double Talk", although the show still only used two celebrities in the game.