
Materials: 2 strands Wool-Ease, #9 dpn's (wooden ones work great)
Gauge: 4 sts = 1"

Cast on 24 sts.
Rib in k1, p1 for 20 rnds. On the 20th rnd, inc 4 sts (28 sts)
Knit 11 rnds.
Next Rnd: K1, k5 and place these 5 sts on holder. Knit around.
Next Rnd: K1, cast on 5 sts over hole. Knit around.
Knit 22 rnds.

K2, k2 tog around.
Knit 2 rnds.
K1, k2 tog around.
Cut yarn, leaving a  length of yarn and draw through rem sts. Tighten.

Thumb: Place 5 sts from holder onto dpn. Pick up 5 sts on opposite side plus
1 st each at corners (12 sts total).
Knit 14 rnds. 
K2tog around. Finish as for body of mitt.

This will fit a small woman or teenager. For larger mitts, use #10 dpn's at a
gauge of 3-1/2 sts = 1" and increase the number of rnds between rib and thumb
to 13 rnds.

I've also made these with 2 strands of Henry's Attic Toaga (mohair). Nice and
warm and dressy looking.

Joan is JL in icy York Pa

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