

By Joan L. Hamer

Wristers are similar to mittens, but without the fingers and thumb. They are perfect for knitting and keyboarding when you have cold hands because they leave the fingers free. These wristers are sized for an average lady. To make a larger size, use size 6 needles (or size required for gauge) for a gauge of 5.5 sts per inch. These wristers have a 3" cuff and also ribbing at the top of the hand so they grip the hands snugly without gapping. They are also knit snugly at a tighter gauge than for most worsted weight items as is done for sock knitting.

Materials: Approx 150 yds knitting worsted weight wool; size 5 double pointed needles or size required for gauge.

Gauge: 6 sts per inch over stockinette stitch

Beginning at wrist, cast on 39 sts and divide on three needles as follows:
1st needle - 13 sts
2nd needle - 12 sts
3rd needle - 14 sts

Join, being careful not to twist. Work in K2, P1 rib for 3". On last round,work to last stitch. Slip last purl stitch onto 1st needle.

Thumb Gore: P1, inc in next stitch by knitting into the front and back of stitch, K1, inc in next stitch, P1, knit around. Maintaining the 2 purl sts
as markers throughout, knit 2 rounds even.

Increase 1 stitch each side of purled stitches every 3rd round until there are 13 stitches between purled stitches. End with knitting all stitches for
2 rounds after the last increase.

Thumb Opening: Knit 1 stitch, cast off 13 thumb gore sts, knit to end. There should be one stitch at beginning of needle before the cast off stitches.
That is: knit 1 stitch; knit 2 sts, *pull first st over the second, knit one stitch, rep from * until 13 sts are cast off.
Next Row: K1, cast on 4 stitches snugly over gap, knit to end.
Knit 1 more round in stockinette stitch.

Top Ribbing: K2, P2 around for 10 rounds. You may want to transfer sts on the needles so the end of each needle ends with P2 to prevent ladders and
for ease in working. Bind off. Weave in ends.


Copyright 2001.Joan L. Hamer
E-mail: jlhknits@earthlink.net
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