Selling Gold in Australia

There are a number of avenues available to the amateur Prospector in Australia, for the disposal of GOLD.

My personal preference, if the Gold is not suitable for Jewellery or Specimen value, is to sell direct to
the Perth Mint.

However, if the GOLD you wish to sell has marketable value to a Collector, because of it's special nature,
than a better price would normally be obtained, selling direct to a reputable Collector.

There are of course, a number of Bullion Companies and Jewellers available in each Capital City,
who will normally buy Gold direct, but some do charge high Fees on relatively small amounts,
thus making the transaction expensive, for you the Seller.

To sell direct to the Perth Mint, all that is necessary is a phone call asking for their Daily Buying Price,
which can be accepted by you whilst online.

An alternate means for selling Gold, is to contact me and I will pass on an Email Address of a Gold Buyer,
who lives in Victoria, he on-sells good quality Australian Gold and Nuggets, to buyers in the USA.

N.B. The procedure for Selling Gold to the Perth Mint has not been outlined in detail, as it may vary,
from time to time, please discuss the exact requirements, when contacting the Mint direct.

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