Welcome to NewMajority.com

Monday, January 19, 2009 8:15 PM

Welcome to NewMajority.com, a new Web site devoted to Republican reform and renewal.

We launch on a triumphant day for the United States, but a difficult moment for our party.

All Americans of all parties feel pride in the swearing in of the first African American president of the United States, an event all the more moving because it occurs five days after what would have been Martin Luther King’s 80th birthday. Dr. King spoke with uncanny prophetic truth when he said the day before his assassination that he had been to the mountaintop. He glimpsed the future country that he himself had formed.

Although Barack Obama was not the nominee of our party, Republicans in one respect at least can claim some unique insight into this moment. It is our conservative party that has insisted on the goodness and decency of Americans. Ironically, it was those of us who opposed the election of Barack Obama who were most confident that his election was possible. In the late spring of 2008, I attended a dinner party at which a prominent Hollywood figure – a major liberal voice and donor – shouted at the table: “You don’t understand this country! They will never elect a black president! Ever!” He was wrong of course. But his mistake was not a mistake about Obama. It was a mistake about America.

Our party has now taken two bad beatings in two consecutive cycles. It looks very likely we are heading for a third. It’s not a sign of lack of commitment to our party or our movement to acknowledge these hard facts.

Our goal here at NewMajority.com is to renew and reform our Republican party and the conservative philosophy – so that we can again earn the confidence of the American people and govern responsibly and effectively. We don’t claim to have all the answers. We are sure that we are asking the right questions. And we have assembled and are continuing to assemble some of the most thoughtful people in the land to answer them. Most are Republicans. Some are ex-Republicans. A few (we expect) are on their way to becoming Republicans at some point in the future.

We begin with Michael Powell and Douglas Holtz-Eakin – two names that suggest one of those “not since Thomas Jefferson dined alone” punchlines … and we continue through a series of contributors some famous, some not yet so, but all of whom have something distinctive and interesting to say.

Our opinion journalism is supported by investigative reporting by NewMajority’s own Moira Bagley, a Kentucky native and veteran of the Republican National Committee. Andrew Biggs, former deputy administrator of the Social Security Administration, will be a regular contributor, as will Amanda Foreman (biographer of Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire), John Gardner, a senior staff veteran of two Bush White Houses, Fox News contributor Margaret Hoover, and John Avlon, my friend and comrade from the Giuliani campaign who knows more and has thought harder about the voting of independents and centrists than just about any politico I know. Avlon is the interviewer in our fascinating multi-part conversation with the mayor about the challenges and opportunities facing our Republican party.

Credit has to be paid here to our brilliant launch team: managing editor Meghashyam Mali, designer Adam Fairholm, site builder Brendan Turner, lead programer Mark Alicz, video editor Jessie Rogowski, business partners William Fisher and Jonathan Towers, and all-purpose utility infielder Danielle Crittenden. Not one of them has had a decent night’s sleep these past five days. We’re on a shakedown cruise here. Please join us. And please make your voice heard in the comments sections, where all civil and pertinent opinions are eagerly welcomed.


No HTML, please.


1:03 AM

To Chief544 - If by RINO you mean a Rockefeller Republican, you would be getting rid of the best of the legacy of the Republican Party and you will continue the downhill slide. Take a long hard honest look at the election results and polling data. Continuing the culture war is the fastest way to oblivion for the Republicans.


12:49 AM

To Graf - The Republicans will never be a majority again unless they represent the views of a majority of Americans or they convince a majority of Americans that they represent their views. The labels don't matter. To Bastiat - Americans have steadily become more pro choice with every passing year since the 1950s. The scientific sociological data is voluminous, very carefully collected and available to anyone who wants it. Also, while you may not like it, conservatism in the long run never wins. You can get a Karl Rove to manipulate the process and have short term gains followed by an Obama for example. I think this country needs a strong Republican party, for the health of the political process and the country. I would therefore urge you to look at the facts as they are and rebuild the party based on reality. I believe it's in the best interest of this country to have a strong two party system but honestly, as a 1960s style liberal, card carrying member of the ACLU who believes in the Constitution, I'd be perfectly happy for Republicans to lose every election for the next 200 years. It's really your choice; base your future on reality and rebuild, or wishful thinking and lose.


9:08 PM

To Bastiat (1/22/2009, 10:18 AM) Amen.


10:18 AM

"Conservatism that can Win Again" Very amusing. Conservatism always wins, when spoken clearly by an *actual* Conservative. Conservatism has not cost the Republican party the last several elections...how could it? It wasn't present. Having utterly missed the actual cause of the Republican party's failure, how can Mr. Frum expect any serious person to take seriously his fitness to "rebuild" the party? Already I see the Siren's Song of "moderates" in the commentary below. Looks like this will be an amusing haven for those who think McCain, Bush Sr., or Bush W. somehow represent "Conservatism". As for me, I certainly will not join forces under the leadership of a person such as Frum, who approves of abortion in the first trimester, and so handily finds shallow reasons to dismiss any and all actual Conservatives that run for national office. His trivial, offhanded dismissal of Sarah Palin's fitness being the most recent example. Very nice production values, very pretty website. Very little to appeal to a thinking, movement Conservative. Have fun guys.


7:13 PM

I will be interested in following this site, David, and wish you all the best. But at some point you will have to confront openly the M-word, i.e. moderates, without whom the GOP will never be a majority party again.


7:07 PM

Nice site. Very sleak and modern. Looking forward to reading some inspiring and thought-provoking stuff. Good luck. Will do my best to spread the word. -EricTheRed @ VocalMinority http://VocalMinority.typepad.com The Jewish Republican's Web Sanctuary


4:29 PM

As a South Park Conservative from California who adores Buckley and the NRO, Rand, Friedman, De Soto, Reagan, Thatcher, Hayek and Mises, I'm so happy to you're here. I was listening to Hugh Hewitt on the way home last night and one of the callers gave a shout-out to your new site. Hugh said "Oh that's FRUM's site. I'm happy he has a site, but I won't endorse it because he doesn't share the values of Evangelicals." Considering the fact that our Evangelical President (whom I like in many ways as a regular citizen) was a big government financial and foreign policy interventionist and I'm a free and fair market kinda gal who believes that risk carries consequences, culture wars are so last century, and life isn't perfect but it's better to live it in a free democracy, I took Hugh's statement as a rousing endorsement that I should visit your site immediately. :-) I hope you'll have a presence (and feeds) on Twitter and Facebook. I'm at http://twitter.com/lagomorph13.


1:56 PM

I think your timing is perfect. I have never been involved in politics but I have tried to remain informed. After this last election cycle I have become so concerned about my 3 year olds future standard of living I have decided to get involved. Hopefully this web-site will help me keep my New Year's Resolution! 96Maroon!


1:33 PM

Hi David Your Mom would be proud of you , again. --I echo Luke ( from Canada's ) thoughts and praise you for your efforts --and they will have an effect on us up here , too ! . .Thanks for staying positive in these times . .JB

R.E. Munn

10:43 AM

Having observed that David Frum does not suffer fools gladly, it is reasonable to assume that he, for one, will not read the "Comments" section often.


9:14 AM

This is a great website. Let's be careful when we stigmatize moderate Republicans as RINOs. As a Latino (ok, born in New York from Puerto Rican parents), I am one who believes that minorities fared better under the days of Scranton and Rockefeller. And yes, Yankee Republicans from the northern seaboard. The GOP has a lot of work to do with minorities. We went from a Republican Party that won over 40 percent of the Hispanic/Latino vote in 2004 to one that struggled to get 33 percent in the last election. It is time to abandon the discredited Southern strategy and try to add some diversity to our ranks. Are we going to leave the Puerto Rico statehood issue to the Democrats, just when Puerto Ricans elected a Republican governor? Luis Fortuño won the island governorship by a margin of over 200,000 votes. If we keep these "cultural wars", we will still be seen as an old and small Southern klan outside of the national mainstream. Time to wake up and live reality!


9:00 AM

That should have been: "When people like Mel Martinez and Orin Hatch are *NOT* shunned for supporting a tax-cheat for Sec Treasury, I'm done"


8:59 AM

I posted this over at RebuildTheParty.com: Make (voluntary) term limits part of the Repub federal government platform. Just flat out write it down: Our Congressional candidates will be SELF-LIMITED to two terms (or whatever). The power of government is just too corrupting. Recognize it (the people do) and build a Party based upon it. (the jury is still out for me whether or not ANY of these "rebuild the Party" movements are more than fluff. When people like Mel Martinez and Orin Hatch are shunned for supporting a tax-cheat for Sec Treasury, I'm done).


8:46 AM

I want to rebuild the Republican party but how are we going to divest ourselves of the RINOs. We will get no where until they are gone, first among them, John McCain.


8:07 AM

Just a note to wish you good luck with this new site. I enjoy your articles in the National Review and National Post, so I know this website will provide a lot of interesting analysis and perspective. Buena suerte


6:39 AM

Great launch! David you have put a new wrapping on your sound incites. I would like to submit content. I have a piece ready, it answers the question, what is really responsible for the past one and current recessions?


5:39 AM

Your launch coincides with what may begin the launch of the the first, worst black president. We shall, in fairness, await to see if that credential rings true. i have, to my own demise, sometimes taken on authorities and responsibilities which were over my head, thinking that it would be inspirational to plumb the depths of unknown and inherent talents. I've even said, "Just because I've never done something, doesn't mean I'm not good at it." This turned out fine and not life threatening when it came to snowboarding and ironing, but having now put Obama in the drivers seat of the American nation, i fear will be like having Joe Biden, a life long passenger on his train, put in the cab and expecting him to drive it. To exhaust the analogy, Obama's instincts will be greatly challenged, whether to go faster or slower, and in particular whether to run the red signal from time to time. I personally project economic derailment by the end of the first year, and predict a tidal wave of south border, one-way tourists making there appearance when declaration of sanctioned residency is broadcast wide and clear by the msm. If you can get one foot on the shore.... across the RioGrande. Thank you for creating this site, and making it usable (credits to your techies!) skirkboulter -30-


9:28 PM

can we please submit content? i have articles just as good


9:15 PM

I've been waiting for this website since Nov. 9th. Something has got to be done for a conservative revolution--I was all set to be optimistic--and then today happened. The race-baiting "pastor," the line about "leading again." Oh yeah, we're in for a ride!

Clarence Darrow

8:11 PM

ERWjr - Great post! I will think about everything you said I guess we all need to be more civil and understanding. This is what this site is all about. You have me pegged, northern educated, etc. As a scientist, I have a bee up my bonnet about the "creationist crowd..but I do need to find a way to be more understanding and reach out to the religious southern bible belt. I live in the middle of it by the way...which is why it bothers me even more. Diversity may be a construct of the Democrats, but it sure is an economic catalyst.


4:47 PM

Hi David. Great start to the website. I'm a Canadian, as I'm sure a readers of this site are, and I just wanted to wish this website all the best. I hope for a successful renewal and reform of the Republican Party in time for 2012, or maybe even 2010 . What are the chances of some commentary on Canadian politics? I understand its devoted to US conservative movement, and Republican Party, but I always find your insights on Canadian politics to be thought-provoking. Thank you. Good luck!!


4:43 PM

PS - sorry about posting twice. I got an error message the first time, no confirm, and logged in again and reposted. Might check why this happened. Cheers.


4:40 PM

Thank you and best of luck with this, David. The first job we face is dealing with our proverbial elephant - the seriously compromised GOP brand. We have to face the fact that GOP is perceived as party of prejudice by many of the very people we need to win over to have a hope in the coming two cycles. "Barak the Magic Negro" has done us grave damage, but it is a just the latest self-destructive idiocy in a line of actions and attitudes that have undercut our efforts to reestablish a solid beachhead in this country's philosophical debate. We have economics on our side. We respect individuality and we understand individual freedom (and responsibility) to be the primary driving force of human development. Let's be tolerant, and work toward the elimination of anti-gay rhetoric wherever we find it, let's also weed out the promotion of unrealistic immigration policy and bring the debate back to our core strengths - macroeconomics and monetary policy, individualism, law and order, and peace through a consistent, conservative foreign policy and deterrence though continued military supremacy. Tie this to tolerance and we have a future. Play to the worst of our natures, favor one brand of religion over others and we'll be out in the cold for a generation.


4:36 PM

Thank you and best of luck with this, David. The first job we face is dealing with our proverbial elephant - the seriously compromised GOP brand. We have to face the fact that GOP is perceived as party of prejudice by many of the very people we need to win over to have a hope in the coming two cycles. "Barak the Magic Negro" has done us grave damage, but it is a just the latest self-destructive idiocy in a line of actions and attitudes that have undercut our efforts to reestablish a solid beachhead in this country's philosophical debate. We have economics on our side. We respect individuality and we understand individual freedom (and responsibility) to be the primary driving force of human development. Let's be tolerant, and work toward the elimination of anti-gay rhetoric wherever we find it, let's also weed out the promotion of unrealistic immigration policy and bring the debate back to our core strengths - macroeconomics and monetary policy, individualism, law and order, and peace through a consistent, conservative foreign policy and deterrence though continued military supremacy. Tie this to tolerance and we have a future. Play to the worst of our natures, favor one brand of religion over others and we'll be out in the cold for a generation.


3:58 PM

We needz full article RSS, kthx.


3:23 PM

My previous comment was written under the influence of my first beer. This one is under the influence of my second (I usually only drink on Sundays during the NFL season, but hey, today seemed like a good day to make an exception. This Note is advice on how to improve the site. I suggest a section for readers to make comments on high priority issues: For starters, I suggest a) Energy; b) the Federal Budget and c) The Washington Redskins and why they need to fire Zorn. Have a Nice Day. (We gotta have a sense of humor folks :)!)


3:14 PM

I am a southerner (Scot-Irish, ancestors fought in Revolutionary War ). I am also "socially moderate" (Consenting adults and all that). You would be surprised how many of us there are. However, as I review the major contributors to this site, all I see are elite educated Yankees. While I agree with what this site wants to accomplish, you MUST acknowledge that it is the Ivy League educated ELITES that have gotten us into this mess. From Wall Street to Washington, our supposedly ELITE institutions continually pump out graduates that automatically have access and privileges that normal Americans do not have or afford, (Remember: Bush went to Yale, not the University of Texas) from the State Department to the CIA. But when it comes to putting your ass on the line in the military, well, thank God (or deity of your choice) for the South. And these highly educated elites are at best mediocre, at worst incompetent. I strongly suggest you look at yourselves and try to learn how to relate to us southerners. I dare say its arrogance, not abortion that separates us. We need you but you also need us. I suggest you add me to your contributors list. Resume available upon request. PS: You need to accept Email vice only giving us access to comments. NRO does and so should you.


3:12 PM

Is there an RSS feed?


12:28 PM

Nice start. Best of luck. I am an ex-Republican, (small o/l) objectivist/libertarian who would love to see the party return to Liberty and our founding principles, stop trying to emulate the Marxist Left to buy votes, and quit making candidates tie themselves in knots with Piously Correct litmus tests, which have nothing to do with good government. ◄Dave►


11:55 AM

What a morale booster to receive your new site announcement today.

Clarence Darrow

10:42 AM

Kudos to the Ayn Rand Conservatives Kendallj! I am the "green" Howard Roark!

Clarence Darrow

10:38 AM

Kudos to the Ayn Rand Conservatives Kendallj! I am the "green" Howard Roark!


10:08 AM

Another Ayn Rand conservative here. I have two words for you. Or maybe 1 acronym and one word: RSS Feed!


10:08 AM

A splendid and necessary project. David you are following in the great tradition of Bill Buckley and we wish you and the site the best. An observation on America - The oath of office was administered to Biden by John Paul Stevens; The oath of office to Obama will be administered by John Roberts. Two Republican appointees swearing in two Democrats duly elected. It speaks well for the country. We are resilient.


10:04 AM

Thank you for this. After taking my political beliefs for granted and thinking that everybody thought about economics and ethics the same as I did, it is time for me to become more active in the future of the Republican Party.

Clarence Darrow

10:03 AM

How do I e-mail - contact you?

Clarence Darrow

9:56 AM

Thank so much David for your work and this approach! I have been watching it very closely and want to see how I can help you with your work. I am a moderate Ayn Rand Republican, but also a highly educated Environmental Scientist who believes very much in Anthropotenic Climate Change. I am a clean tech entreprenuer, but ALSO believe in the power of the private sector. I am a huge supporter of the Republicans for Environmental Progress and I know Rob Sisson quite well - You two guys give me hope! I am a former Reagan Young Republican from an early age of 17.but the party since Bush took office has lost me. I want my party back and Thank you so much for giving me hope David!


9:40 AM

I am unable to post comments to your website, despite having a valid login ID. I get a bunch of weird error messages about "application error." Is there ANYBODY I can report the error messages to and get this fixed?


9:15 AM

In your Dec. 12, 2008 NPR Morning Edition interview you said that "subtle changes in tone and style" could bring the Republican Party back into prominence. It strikes me that changes in substance are far more important. I believe that a strong center right party is vital to the national conversation, but I am one of those you need to win over. The site promises a crucial discussion of vital importance to the party. I will be interested to see whether substance prevails over style and tone. Best of good luck with your new site.


9:00 AM

I've been awaiting the launch of this site since I first heard Mr. Frum talking about "his new project" on the radio last year. But now that it's here, my first blush reaction is disappointment. 'New Majority'? To my ear, that sounds like power over principles. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss? That said, best of luck to all concerned. In my view it is not conservatism nor liberalism, but passionate advocacy for ones ideals and interests that lie at the heart of what makes our democracy work. Cheers! TC

Civil Sense

8:48 AM

Congratulations, Mr. Frum. I intend to visit this site as often as I've read your old Diary postings. It would be great if you could include an RSS feed for the essay/blog section. I usually read the feeds all day long at work, and it would be a great way to help distribute your content. Best of luck!

David B.

8:26 AM

Congratulations and best of luck. The view here from north of the 49th is encouraging!

mike davidson

8:01 AM

Congratulations! May we be successful as quickly as possible.


7:51 AM

One quick question. Is there an RSS feed?


6:51 AM

Fantastic start! Let the conversation begin ...

Collin White

1:24 AM

Great start!


12:34 AM

nice work!