Lanning Cook's Fiction

Smallville (the Identical series)
Series Cover
Divergence (241K, Slash)
Lord of the Flies (15K, Slash)
Common Ground (280K, Slash)
Identical (8K, Slash)

Sports Night
True Colors (10K, Slash )
Being an Anchor (252K, Slash)
Location, Location, Location (35K, Slash)
Cutting Ice (5K, Slash)

Sacred Trust (735K, Slash)
In a Name (26K, Slash)
Do Not Disturb (5K, Slash)

The Sentinel
True Minds (277K, Slash)
Little Company (238K, Slash)
Many Waters (205K, Slash)
By the Book (28K, Slash)
Real (43K, Slash)
More (36K, Slash)
Kindred Spirits (107K, Gen)
Ministers of Grace (112 K, Gen)
Lark (46K, Slash)
Epiphaneia (210K, Slash)
Call Him a Dog (58K, Slash)
Something New (15K, Slash)
Fear of Flying (17K, Slash)

Starsky & Hutch
Served Cold (5K, Slash)