Archive for the ‘Not Important’ Category

List Of Stupid Questions I’ve Heard About Indonesia

I’ve been traveling for quite some time now, and by doing so I met a lot of people. I’m amazed that some people are ignorant or really have no idea at all about Indonesia. I heard some funny questions about Indonesia that made me laugh when I heard them asking those questions. So, I come up with 10 stupid questions that were asked to me about Indonesia:

10. Is it near Bali?

9. Can I buy clothes there?

8. Why aren’t you surprised to see tall buildings here? Have you seen any back home?

7. You speak English quite well, do you speak English there?

6. You do have toilets right?

5. Is it one of Bali’s provinces?

4. Is it true that you use peanut butter as salad dressing?

3. Is it in Middle East?

2. Are you Hindu, it’s the largest Hindu country right?

1. Do you eat normal food like bread?

10 List Of Stupid Things Americans Say To Brits

Ricky Gervais on David LettermanI think that this worth mentioning, that a  British comedian Ricky Gervais, unveiled his own Top 10 list of stupid things Americans say to Brits on the Late Show with David Letterman on November 3rd.

Here they are:

10. Is it Halloween or are those your real teeth?

9. Do you know the Queen?

8. What language are you speaking? I don’t understand you!

7. Do you eat anything that doesn’t come in pie form?

6. Seriously, are those your real teeth?

5. When are you coming to collect Posh and Becks?

4. Are you speaking English, cause I’ve got no idea what you’re saying!

3. What do you mean, “Let’s go and smoke a fag?”

2. Okay, say that one more time, but this time in American.

1. Do you know what, England should do its own version of The Office!

Check out the news here

Types Of Facebook Status Update

Lately I have seen a lot of my friends on Facebook are constantly updating their status. Some are even doing it on hourly basis. These updates have different targets and purposes. BBC News share a story where a man was convicted of murdering his wife, and one of the reasons was because she had changed her status to “single” only days after he moved out. He felt humiliated by her action and stabbed her with a kitchen knive.

Okay, that was pretty extreme. I would like to analyse some of the updates that are obvious. Let’s classify them based on the purpose of their status update, just for the fun of it! All examples here are real status updates taken from various people on my 600 friends list!

1. Campaigning their social activities! Building public awareness.
xxx (a friend’s name) Ben Bernanke extreme look-a-like at S’Bux on Conn Ave and R this morning. People asking for pics. One dude flipped him off.
xxx is anxious to vote already!!!!! GO OBIDEN !!!!
xxx is Berpikir dan terus berpikir : bagaimana caranya mengusir untuk selamanya perusahaan perusak lingkungan (PT Toba Pulp Lestari) dari seputar Danau Toba ?

2. Concern about current global/local condition.

xxx is in distress. She wonders how Aburizal Bakrie feels right now.

xxx is waiting for new release Ubuntu 8.10 next week!!

xxx Crazy INDONESIAN Support for Indonesian Players for Danish Open!!

3. Stating the obvious.

xxx is living the life.

xxx is all mixed up.

xxx is asik hujan,,ga panas lagi..hehehe!

4. Telling everyone about what they are doing.

xxx is stuck at suvarnablahblahblah airport!

xxx is unwinding with a few episodes of The Simpsons. Yeah!!

xxx is at McD Malioboro.

5. Trying to create new gossip!

xxx is mo jalan2 sama pacar yg luamaaaa skali datengnyaaaa… ^o^.

xxx is wishing to be able to tell the truth.

xxx ich vermisse dich!!!!! Read the rest of this entry »

Artinya “maho!”

Ada sebuah posting menarik di yang memposting salah satu post blog ini tentang Kisah Cinta Laura dan Maho. Mereka tidak membahas tentang kisah Cinta Laura dan Maho yang rumit itu, melainkan mencoba meraba-raba arti kata “Maho”. This is fascinating karena aku adalah orang yang sangat sering menggunakan kata “Maho!” (pengucapannya harus seperti kalo kita mau bilang “Shut Up!) dalam kosa kataku hahaha.

Forum ini kemudian mencoba membahas arti kata Maho, mulai dari MAnusia HOmo, MAlaysia HOkki, atau MAlingsia HOmo, atau MAnusia begHO. Ga’ jelas siapa yang memulainya, tapi yang pasti semuanya salah tangkap. Kalau begitu apa sebenarnya arti kata MAHO? Aku akan menjelaskan apa sebenarnya arti kata ini dari sejarah kata ini mulai digunakan. Read the rest of this entry »

Snow Is Coming To The Netherlands

Yaps, that’s right folks, you can expect snow in the coming days. The Expatica site mentions, “Netherlands should prepare for flurries, meteorological institute KNMI reported on Monday. Some places can expect several centimetres of snow in the coming days. The KNMI predicts precipitation in the coming days and the cold temperatures could mean this will be snow. Thunderstorms and hail are also possible.”

You know what this means? Picture time hahahaha!!!

Rayuan Gombal

This is the page dedicated to you, your jokes, your comments, and of course mine as well hehehe

See the contents on the sub-pages below the ‘page’ box on the right –>

I give you this first joke as a start, source: unknown author

PERHATIAN…bagi yang ga kuat, silahkan cari ember….
bisa muntah lohhh :P

(Di kereta…)
Cowok : Mbak jangan pegangan sama besi kereta..
Cewek : Emang kenapa..?
Cowok : Kayaknya besinya kotor tuh.. pegangan sama aku aja… )

Cowok: Maaf mba, jangan terlalu lama duduk dikursiitu, pindah dideket saya aja
Cewek: Loh?? kenapa??
Cowok: Takut dikerubung semut.. soalnya mba manis..

Cowok : Mbak, orang tuanya pengrajin bantal ya..?
Cewek : Hah..!!!? bukan..Emang kenapa..?
Cowok : kok kalo deket sama mbak rasanya nyaman yach..

Cowok : Mbak jangan ngomong ya..
Cewek : Lho.. emang kenapa..?
Cowok : Karena biasanya aku malemnya enggak bisa tidur.. kalo abis denger suara dari bibir yang indah…

Cowok : Mbak bajunya enggak pernah disetrika ya..?
Cewek : Enak aja… emang kenapa..?
Cowok : biasanya kalo cewek udah cantik enggak perlu lagi nyetrika baju.. Read the rest of this entry »

Batman, Robin, And Superman Joke

T: Siapa yang paling bego, superman atau batman?
J: Batman, soalnya udah punya sayap tapi masih beli mobil.

T:Siapa yang paling bego, batman atau robin?
J: Robin. Soalnya udah tau batman bego, tapi masih diikut-ikutin.

T: Siapa yang paling pede, batman, superman, robin, atau spiderman?
J: superman. soalnya udah pake kolor di luar tapi dia nggak pake topeng, pedenya pasti paling gede tuh….

T: kenapa batman sama batgirl nggak jadian?
J: karena nggak jodoh.

T: kalau batman, robin, spiderman, sama superman ke warteg, siapa yang bayar?
J: spiderman, soalnya dia lagi ulang tahun.

T: siapa yang lebih punya pengetahuan musik lebih gede, batman atau superman?
J: batman. soalnya di mobilnya kan ada radio.

T: superman sama gatotkaca, siapa yang lebih banyak memakai uang?
J: gatotkaca. soalnya dia harus merawat kumis, manicure dan pedicure.

T: kenapa gatotkaca nggak pake sepatu?
J: karena duitnya udah habis buat manicure dan pedicure.

T: kalau superman pilih liburan, dia pilih gunung atau pantai?
J: pantai. soalnya tinggal buka baju, kan udah pake kolor.

T: siapa yang lebih sering minum jamu, superman, batman atau robin?
J: superman. soalnya batman dan robin kan naik mobil. superman terbang, jadi banyak minum jamu tolak angin biar nggak masuk angin.

T: siapa yang punya kesempatan besar buat jadi gubernur antara Superman, Batman, Spiderman, dan Robin?
J: Batman, soalnya cuma Bruce Wayne yang punya duit, yang lain kerja serabutan!

T: kenapa bima kuku yang panjangnya di jempol?
J: kalo di telunjuk susah ngupilnya.

More Quizzes

What Kind of Girl Will You Fall For?

You will fall for the cutie. You like girls with a personality. She’s got to have a nice smile and a sense of humor. Although she doesn’t have to be a model, she has to be that girl-next-door.
Find Your Character @

Which Harry Potter Character Are You?

You are Harry. You’re a loyal and courageous friend. You’d do anything to protect the people you love, especially if it’ll get you a break from class for a little while.
Find Your Character @

Which Hogwarts House Would You Be In?

The Sorting Hat would put you in Gryffindor. You are bold, passionate, and brave. You have a highly-defined sense of right and wrong, and you are not afraid to speak your mind or fight for what you want.
Find Your Character @

Which Springfield Resident Are You?

You are Apu. On the outside you are kind and a hard worker, but you lead a deceptively simple life. Though your cleverness might be underappreciated, you never miss an opportunity to sneak ahead in life.
Find Your Character @

What City Should You Live In?

You should live in Los Angeles. You are snarky, headstrong, and will step on toes to get where you want. It takes a certain type of confidence to make it in sunny L.A., and you may have what it takes!
Find Your Character @

Which Famous Artist Are You?

You are part Leonardo da Vinci. You are the “Renaissance man” and you live to be productive. Great at everything you put your mind to, you have great passion and drive. But of all qualities, your curiosity is your best trait.
You are part Ansel Adams. Your artistic tool of choice is the camera, but you’ve got lots of other skills as well. Spoiled when you were young, you grew up to be a loving person and you have a deep affinity for nature and all things black and white.
Find Your Character @

Quiz And Quiz

rating blog… untuk segala umur hahaha
Free Online Dating

lumayan, tes iq hampir bener semua, cuma salah 2 bo hehehe…
Mingle2 Free Online Dating - Science Quiz

and this is how much my body is worth… (padahal gw overweight hahahahhaa)
$5375.00The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your body is worth. From Mingle2 - Free Online Dating

not very good in spelling… :(

I Scored a 87%!

and in case of a zombie apocalypse, I only have 49% of survival :D

Mingle2 - Free Online Dating