][[[++++about me (or, myself)]]]

Hi, my real name is •›°Çýùéê and I am from Mars.

My thesis in school was "Impossibility of the high-organized life on Earth".

I get my sepulatory degree from martialistic university of sepulation and now I'm forking in the Uranium-Neptunium Mines company. This company provide cushioning for the most self-absorbed (they called Mines -- like, in "this is mine!") martians on the Uranium-Plutonium flying saucer route (sometimes we work at the Neptunium hub as well -- what a bore!)
picture of me
fig. 1 (picture of me)

In my spare time I like fly my '67 vintage "La rosevelt" saucer and do human hunting. Last summer I and my buddy šŽ—¥‹ó•ćĒ abducted two fine specimen. We dissected them and extracted their brains -- exactly as we did in our lab semester in school (my old teacher, ”ƒ¹ï³£®, would be proud of me) -- but their braincells were too radioactive, so we were forced to throw them away -- what a waste!

I have a photo album with photographs of me and my friends, but I would like to warn that some of the pictures contain explicit hex and partial mudity (hey, this is life and mudity is part of life too) Most of the photographs have been taking by martian research probes, so quality is not very good.

Also, check out pictures of me and my tree-some!
