2005 Global Marijuana March

Report from San Marcos

Our Protest went well and was alot of fun, considering we only had about 20 people who showed up thru out the day.  We did have those dedicated to be with us, on one of the busiest corners in downtown San Marcos.  So we got to expose alot of information via posters and signs to passerbyers. There was alot of "support" from the traffic, as we had honkin horns and shout outs from random vechicles, about 4 out 5, all day. The cops drove by and waved, read the signs, smiled, nodded, and gave us no problems. We had some live drummers and some rappers dancing around with the signs, giving and getting lots of smiles and attention.  A corner cafe employee ( with an outside patio at the cafe) came over and brought us a bunch of nachos and french fies and told us thanks.

We seemed to expierence a "bad" weekend for the march, as there was alot of students who were in the midst of finals and wanted to go (later said, too busy).
Also several of the local strip centers of the business repeatedly took down our signs. Over and over places where we had advertised we had to replace signs, and replace them again, and it seemed there was some sort of "weirdness" with that.
All of our local papers did NOT run the event in the "Calender of Events" section, despite pleanty of notice and asking.
Alot of locals told me later that they wanted to come out, but where "afraid".

But despite all this, myself and Erik Brillhart ( Texas State NORML) held our ground from about 10 am to 6pm, knowing that WorldWide We Were Not Alone in this cause.

As far as I have been able to find there was no media, and my own camecorder the battery faulted and died before anyshots were taken. Several people did take pictures and I asked them to be emailed to me, but have received none as of yet.
Thank You for following up with me. I am not adding San Marcos to the list for next year, as I will probably go and support it in Austin if they choose to do one. 

San Marcos seems to have a lot of talkers and not to many doers. As  I was told and contacted by ALOT more people who said they were going to be there, then there was. True "stoner" mentality I guess!