2005 Global Marijuana March

Report from Rapid City

At 4:20 pm on Saturday, May 14, 2005, about 250 spirited supporters of the South Dakota Safe Access to Medical Marijuana Act began their segment of the Global Marijuana March in Rapid City (SD).

Led by Jeremy Briggs (at left in photo, pointing) and Bob Newland, the marchers met at Memorial Park and marched through downtown Rapid City. Jeremy led the marchers in call-and-response chants, like, "What do we want? [SAFE ACCESS]" Who do we want it for? [THOSE WHO NEED IT]" When do we want it? [NOW]"

The Rapid City Medical Marijuana Marchers then signed the petition to put the Safe Access Act on South Dakota's 2006 general election ballot. Many took copies of the petition to obtain signatures from other South Dakota voters.