2005 Global Marijuana March

Report from Cape Town

Today was great, more slick than ever before, the plan simple –
HIGHlight the sustainable use of cannabis industriously in
construction and housing. The group gathered after the police did.
Pretty much numbered one for one at one point, but they're open minded
people that put their pants on one leg at a time, and they are doing
their job, very well; this year their presence swelled the size

Cape Town Africa marched in solidarity with the globe to liberate
cannabis, from our perspective we have a housing crisis, a huge
shortage, a large cannabis annual crop (legal or not) and way to
legitimize it, in a non-harmful way.

By turning cannabis hurd into a brick you create a rural agricultural
economy and solution to poverty, abet the rural to urban migration and
deliver fire\water-proof houses in urban areas. A win-win situation!

Today we marched to the provincial department of housing, where we
were to hand over a memorandum. There was no official representative.
Their loss; I continue!

We held a cookery show, where I showed how easy it was to make a brick
from cannabis hurd. Those present were keen to learn the process,
media got the message blow-by-blow, and well the news is out there.
If you have fields of cannabis, look you could probably build your own
home-grown-home… watch the press for how.

Good luck to the rest of the cities still to put their show on.

Cannabis Can!

André – Cape Town South Africannabis