2005 Global Marijuana March

Report from Nimbin

Before we delve into the brief history of Nimbin MMMMarches starting with 2005, I think it best that I Emphasize the fact that unlike in all previous years, the 2005 Marijuana March DID NOT coincide with the nimbin MardiGrass on May 1st 2005.

Thus for the first time, in a long time, the good citizens of Nimbin and the rainbow region showed their 'grass root' support for Just Cannabis Law Reform in a no glitz, no glamour demonstration with out the thousands of MardiGrass revellers,  it was exactly "the same" as every other town on Earth.

So march is what we did, after assembling in the H.E.M.P Bar at 4.20 PM.... ETA Nimbin Police Station at 42 minutes or so past 420.... and then we tried something new, we DID NOT smoke cannabis during our march (medical users were, of course, exempt) along Cullen Street to the Police Station, as we walked down the main street we felt exactly as we would in most every town in Australia because our numbers were less than 4 and 20 as we walked down 'commerce street' to an empty looking police station, just the really committed people, the people who REALLY want to change the laws, indeed, there were more people waiting at the bus stop to board the bus to leave Nimbin than there were in the march. They all looked on as we all sat down and 'pointedly' didn't smoke cannabis and very quietly did we chant...