

Simply place the Easyreader on the left or right page, then move the cursor to the exact spot you want to start reading next time you open the book.

The EasyReader TM uniqueness comes from the fact of it’s credibility, as it is primarily an educational tool, so much so, that after examination by academics it was classified, by them as a “ Multi-Sensory Educational Tool".

The Easyreaders ability to communicate powerfully on a large scale is due to it’s above mentioned multi-sensory capacity, which facilitates an intensive “ multi-layered communication approach “ to Marketing or Cross Marketing Campaigns, anywhere - about anything. Targeting huge numbers such as, Convention guests, Shareholders, Club Members, Travellers,  Workers and Commuters, to name just a few,  is made easier when using the Easyreader. Even Governments using this simple, informative communication tool would benefit enormously, due to it's  powerful retention capability. Mass communication anytime, anywhere. Communicate your message to the Public and Consumers with a refreshingly new and exciting concept. Campaign slogans and Brand Names are repeatedly viewed and re-enforced, as they are used  time and time again, every time a book is opened.

In todays fast moving pace it is more and more refreshing to just sit back and have a good old read, not only is it relaxing it can be suprisingly transforming, rivitting, empowering, bringing knowledge and enlighenement to people of all ages and backgrounds.

Got the message!