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ColdFusion MX Coding Guidelines - Globalization

Release 3.2 (4/14/2005)

« Database Conventions | Contents | Appendix: Performance Techniques »

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Make sure your code takes account of the Globalization Standards listed on the Web Team Internationalization page.

If your source file is UTF-8 (which it should be - DWMX lets you create UTF-8 source files!), then you should include a page processing directive near the top of each and every source file:

<cfprocessingdirective pageEncoding="utf-8" />

All generated HTML must specify a Content-Type, a Content-Language and a character set encoding (which should be UTF-8). See also Accessibility / Section 508 Guidelines.

This will be in the Application.cfm file along with setEncoding() calls for form and URL scope:

<!--- Set encoding to UTF-8. --->
<cfset setEncoding("URL", "UTF-8") />
<cfset setEncoding("Form", "UTF-8") />

<!--- Set the output encoding to UTF-8 --->
<cfcontent type="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <!--- Set basic URL values into request scope ---> <cf_getrequestsettings /> <cfheader name="Content-Language" value="#request.language#" />

Any references to URL encoded data needs to use:

#URLEncodedFormat(myvar, "UTF-8")#

Note: the locale will be determined dynamically by code in Application.cfm from a combination of the URL (which will usually include a Macromedia 'region' code) and the query string (which may specify a loc parameter). The general outline of that logic, in pseudo-code would be:

if loc is present in query string then
    request.locale = loc value
else if region is present in the URL then
    request.locale = default locale for that region
    request.locale = "en_US"

The language can be derived from the locale mechanically:

<cfset request.language = replace(request.locale,"_","-") />

A 'short locale' would also be needed for content queries - the first two letters of the specified or deduced locale:

<cfset request.loc2 = left(request.locale, 2) />

Here are some examples of the deduction we would do:

URL loc Region request
locale loc2 language
/products/index.cfm n/a n/a en_US en en-US
/products/index.cfm?loc=es es n/a es_ES es es-ES
/products/index.cfm?loc=es_US es_US n/a es_US es es-US
/la/products/index.cfm n/a la es_ES es es-ES
/la/products/index.cfm?loc=pt_BR pt_BR la pt_BR pt pt-BR

« Database Conventions | Contents | Appendix: Performance Techniques »


JackLondon said on Jan 23, 2005 at 1:37 PM :
I think there is NO need any of these extra tags, when you create all your files as UTF-8 via Dreamweaver etc.

<cfprocessingdirective pageEncoding="utf-8" /> is required only when you do not have any UTF-8 page.

Bu sure that you have selected "Include Unicode Signature (BOM)". When you have this feature on your pages, ColdFusion server will detect automatically your Unicode settings and behave direct with Unicode standards.

PaulH said on Apr 15, 2005 at 7:41 AM :
you ought to include writing system dir and language on the html tag. it's also a good idea (i think) to include meta-header data for language/encoding for the more brain-dead s/w out in the wild.


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