Thursday, October 30, 2008

New Audio Files

April 13th, 2008

Hey you guys! I just added 5 new audio clips:

· From "Man Made Paradise": An E3, a C5 and a falsetto G5
· From "Love Is The Hero": A full-voiced C#5 and a falsetto F#5

Best regards :)

Andrés E. Guazzelli

The Voice: Third Update

March 6th, 2008

Hey hey hey everyone!

We made a new update (design-wise) . Personally, I like it this way the most. Also, I'd like to add that we're helping with a little promotion. It's a new website, and it needs the most visitors as possible, so don't be a selfish SOB and visite them! :)

I'm still wrapping up the websites about Michael Jackson and Jeff Buckley. They'll be ready really REALLY SOON!

My best regards!

Andrés E. Guazzelli

The Voice: Updated once again

October 10th, 2007
Hello Mercury fans!
After a long long period of inactivity, here we are again. This time, the update is simply design-wise, but we're making a public poll: We want to improve the website. We want to add some new sections and features, while we're finishing the unwrapped ones (like Brian's and Roger's).
Comments? Suggestions? Anything works. Don't hesitate emailing me to
We're about to finish an italian version, and in a short while, I'll be launching two new THE VOICE websites, Michael Jackson's and Jeff Buckley's. The URLs will be and (how original!)
We'll keep you posted, don't worry.
My best regards!
Andrés E. Guazzelli

The Voice: Updated

October 16th, 2005

Hello everyone.

After a long waiting, a lot of work, and a lot of inactivity time (due to... let's say... electronic reasons), I can finally launch this new update for "The Voice".

This new version's new featues include: Two extra sections (Vocal Registers and Voice Classification), and others sections updated (including 60 new audio files for Highest and Lowest Notes. A couple of the new sections (Brian May and Roger Taylor), aren't available yet, but they will be very soon.

Very soon, also, we'll add an extensive vocal analysis for each album in Vocal History, and we'll add comments on Freddie's solo work. And for Vocal Harmonies, we'll add sheet music and choral arrangements.

As you can see, there's "The Voice" for a while, so don't stop visiting us to check out the new stuff!!

My best regards to you all, and I'll wait for your comments via email.

Andrés E. Guazzelli