The Wayback Machine -

 Where can I find....?

(Getting to know the Dewey Decimal System)


Part 1 - Call Numbers, Fiction and Non-Fiction


Books in the library are put on the shelf in a special order. Each book has a number. This number is called a call number. It is found on the spine of the book. A call number is a group of numbers and/or letters that tell you where to find a book.

Remember: A call number is not made up of just numbers. Some call numbers are made up of letters or both numbers and letters.

Library books are sorted by fiction and non-fiction books.

  • Fiction books are stories that are made up by the author and are not true.
  • Non-fiction books are true and give you information about all kinds of things.

Fiction Books

Fiction books are given call numbers that use the author's last name. They are put on the shelf in alphabetical order by the author's last name.

In our library, fiction books can be found in two places.

  • Easy books (or picture books) are sorted using the first letter of the author's last name.
  • Chapter books are sorted using the first three letters of the author's last name under the letter F.
Non-Fiction Books

Non-fiction books are also sorted by the first letters of the author's last name. But, they are also organized by their subject or what the book is about.

Each subject has its own number. This number is based on the Dewey Decimal System.

When you sort non-fiction books, the number comes first. After the numbers have been put in order, you can put the letters in alphabetical order.

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